Timeline: 1 Century AD 1543 AD 17th Century AD 1610 AD

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1st century AD 1543 AD 17th century AD 1610 AD

4th century BC 15th century AD 1571-1630 AD 1609 AD

4 Century B.C.

• The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, proposed that

Earth was fixed at the centre of the universe.
The sun, moon, stars and planets all rotated
around Earth.
1st Century A.D.
• The astronomer Ptolemy improved on Aristotle’s
theory. He traced the paths of the planets, which
didn’t move randomly at all. He could predict
their paths and changing velocities.
15 Century A.D.

• Nicholas Copernicus discovered that the sun,

not the Earth, was in the centre of the universe.
He figured out that the planet Mercury was the
closest to the sun, and that Saturn fell on the
outside edge. He was also the first to put
forward that Earth was rotating around an axis,
and spun completely around every twenty-four
1543 A.D.
• Copernicus finally published his theory when he
was on his deathbed.
1571-1630 A.D.
• Johannes Kepler convinced the world that the
sun had to be in the centre of the universe. He
figured out that the planets do not orbit the sun
in perfect circles, but in elliptical patterns. He
also found that as planets approached the sun,
they travel faster, and as they get further from
the sun, they slow down. However, he could not
figure out why this happened.
17th century A.D.
• Galileo proved that Copernicus and Kepler’s
theories were correct. He proved this using a
1609 AD
• Galileo improved on the design of the telescope by
creating one that could magnify things to 30 times
their size. He saw that Venus went through phases,
just like the moon, and therefore proved that the
Earth and planets revolved around the sun.
1610 A.D.
• Galileo published a book called The Starry
Messenger which recorded his observations.

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