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(The format to be used for Planning the academic activities other than
Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests,
industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc. to be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment
for the Course)
Home Work 1

School Department of Management

Name of the faculty member –Sonu Dua
Course No.- mgt 745 Course Title – Workshop On Advertising
Class - Semester - 2 Section- S1001 Batch- 10-12
Max. Marks-20 Date of Allotment 8/2/11 Date of Submission:15/2/11
Important: To be read before filling up the Plan format.
1. Planning for academic activities other than Lecturers/Tutorial/Practical like Assignments, Case
study, Presentation, Quiz, Projects, Class tests, industrial visits, teaching practice, court visits etc to
be undertaken as a part of the continuous assessment for the Course should be prepared separately as
per the format at the start of the session.
2. Industry oriented academic activity should be encouraged. If the academic activity is organization
based, please specify the organization with respect to the assignment. Absolute theoretical academic
assignments, which involve only copying from the books, should be discouraged. Model
*(Method/Pedagogy) used in allotment and evaluation of the assignments should also be specified in
the assignment plans itself.
3. All the students should be given a different topic of assignment, in all cases either the topic of
assignment should be different or the organization on which the assignment is based should be
S.N Roll No To Objectives of Topic Company Model*
o pic Academic name
No Activity
1 1. To make Every student has to Select any theme
students aware design a print ad of from the specified
about the print Reliance University on in topic and start
ad’s various themes such as working on print ad
components -Scholarship with the help of
-ODL courses corel draw
-Regular courses
-Rankings/Awards Evaluation
-Placements parameters
-Honour courses Innovativeness-10
-Crash courses Use of various
-International tie-ups components of ads-
-Faculty strengths 10

Date: Sig. of Faculty member

Remarks of COS-F

Sig of COS-F

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