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18 532 (Part 1) 1984 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR SWING CHECK TYPE REFLUX (NON-RETURN ) VALVES FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES PART 1 SINGLE-DOOR PATTERN ( First Revision ) wpe erisi6255 ce 2 xpanns INSTITUTION ae aut AHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG AMENDMENT NO. 1 NOVEMBER *788 10 18: 5212( Part 1)-1984 SPECIFICATION FOR SWING CHECK TYPE REFLUX (NON-RETURN ) VALVES FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES PART 1 SINGLE-DOOR PATTERN (First Revision } [Page 5, Tate 81M *) G6 — Aad Stn 1) on — Ata soa 6) Gua Ada 180415 1) Forges ~ Add he lowing foots inte ed [Page Tale SUM, is) and () 08 4 2) Site 18 1804 1) Fsceae mete with" unk — Subceute the flowing forthe 5, Tab 19 Yo, (94) 8) Jo= Satine” ASG NiD0 G2 fe BERR TE | LM ST [ Poe, abe, 5.30.) 2) Cat ~ Sabsatue® 1) Go'6 — Subsite Late nose" 1 S118, [lee 6, Fable 1, 1%, (vil) es 4) Sabato — 708" fr * for tee a roe [Page 6, Tolle}, No, (0346 8) —Sebatte the lowing foe we eng nae o o,f, © 2 @ (Pons 10, cae $50, te fine) — Sabstinae “accndance wid ‘route tbat hss period * jo aszordane wih Table 3 (3003) 1S: 5312 (Pace 1) 1904 Indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR SWING CHECK TYPE REFLUX (NON-RETURN ) VALVES FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES PART 1 SINGLE-DOOR PATTERN ( First Revision ) Sunlary Appliance and Water Fising Sectional Commitee, BDC S| ‘ate = a ne pone Sete eee SER fe mn cian Ep eG § rane Roh te Scene mE ay 5 aoe SPR rn oreo a im sat spss chee ES ey ta, ume oe te ap Gurewion Grate Yeats Dasowr Hvonavae Broome Atos)” Cnt) INDLAN STANDARDS cd db si 1 15) and ss 9ana (Pave) -1mt erm SelM pane Ron sng icginamntaeit taran Shi EERE) erento vpn spiel imate, oo Seon aa on) sol Mtarae se intr bce, 11 (ei Sabo) ‘ee ge ‘Water Works Hinge Sotcomminee, BBC 9:5 YE wn arin Ps. Soya eae Bidet eet, Das 2 1845012 (Page 1) 1808 indian Standard SPECIFICATION FOR SWING CHECK TYPE REFLUX (NON-RETURN ) VALVES FOR WATER WORKS PURPOSES PART 1 SINGLE-DOOR PATTERN ( First Revision ) 0. FOREWORD 94 ‘This Indian Standard (Fit Revbion) wat adopted by the Indian Scandards omuton om 34 July 198 aan he dat anand Dy the Sinlary Applences od Wate Tutigs Seedonal Goramite had been spproved by he Gos Engineering Divan Courel, 2 This standard was fit published in 1960, ‘The revision of thie ‘odie en co Interchange etry fo fe ‘Roditcaions rng to materss or vavous components casting, ange fguvemerse ag toning “preceaure or sede alder have bees Incorporates. “Thepreture eating Ben nko ben modified with vow &© Eve's untied presre ceeibetiocs for effere tyes of baler fr filer work popes. 0.3 For im puget of Anciing winter w puiicola eaquvant ofthis Sendara "orgie wily She final wala, cbenved or ealeeted, ‘Spraiing the rnin Yt, shall be sound af aeeordance we TUEI0S." The mumter ofcglena place sslained in he romed ple woul Behe ae at he pac ae th 1. SCOPE, 1.1 This standard (Part 1) covers equiaments for Fanged ref vals Gitte door sing chock (pe td fur wer Wook purpoeso 1525912 (Pave 1) 1904 2. NOMINAL PRESSURE 24 Refi valves salle designated by aomital presse (PN) dened ceasimuin perso geage working pmure[SfPa), "Toe nomial remore forthe various Sal bo af lo Sica of Ue Naina Prive so 125 16 tsa 300 v0 530 609 os 5. NOMINAL SIZES 5s Hola value shall be ofthe flowing notin si 5, 6, £0, 10, 125, 180, $00,250, 30, 350, 400, $50, 500 aad SSAA The nominal sie shall refer a she nontnal bore ofthe water sesririsci et Sy eon a st ht the toma 4. MATERIALS 4 The mi ed nthe mance oman ae TROT SRE ERE PLP old AM 2. MANUFACTURE 54 Type hatin eer ve ren nig and 3. 5.2 The dimensions ofthe valves sll be ot in Table 2 sead with Tig. 1s? and 3 83 Allthe par of the toes soll be devgaed to at to wiaod the toh pressure geen Table. 5s Th dines and sages ofthe tady dow, oer, hal be the valve not fess ham the ates ef the nominal bare ef hevalves 5.5 The daign of he hinges, hinge po, dao, dor snpenin, ety shall Ie autsioneenmre fee teingng the dot, Tote led poste ef the vlesthe dor Tac tal Hav cow Tac contact wit the ody ing 151 5912 (Pat 1) «1984 (emt) oo 7 8 © 8 #8 oO mH 9 Me tty Mey, STE Ey cee en Ge a Senge tionem ne ‘Spinone ig (amie eee ae EE gant wctag pre (Splat cn nt (aad en) ca a ma pein toe 15, S012 Pare 1) - 1904 18 9812( Part 1) 1908 1825302 (Pare 1) 98 3555312 (Pare) 1908 1525512 ( Part 1) 1986 (Cae ont Fi Pant) 5.6 The design of valves weed in vera poe ines sll be we has in ‘he working foiton te res poively Snes nh the ew ite pe omertoa sop. 452 Tn iors chs of tot for odie covert and door sal involam'tae i Sal be Incense’ proprantely fer Baer Hae 58 The siehnes of meal al esting dnl be eaintsined throughout $y ein lon pout Soa ssn apy baen 459 Body — Each relax valve shal nt a arow very prominently to 51 The sean shall be Joested on Uo lech deo the aban, wil be nt ctf Hoy le were tl By 5.40 Flanges —- Unto cthernne pee J the enact of ores the ange ood thc dinesafnt of biting sll be in nceortanee, we BEES Sed Soc par SaF 8 T5008e Yor tunes of an 6 Se Secoraance with Cable Senn SNS OF Menges Wall be 185312 (Pace 1) 1984 o o « unite sane, Dyn wt ms 45 Ita han the novtnal bore ofthe valve, aod not more than by 13 BALL The fee of the body ving shall protmde clear of the sorounding cat ro by ot le tha 15 rm Sut Doors and Hinges —"The design ofthe dors and hinges salt be SMART LNG and scythe puted input Melo 5:13 Door Feces ~The minimum ichuat of der face ball be 5 18 5312 (Past 1) 1988 Svangetente shell bee given in Table 3, NS AE Apes S341 The orp care ened i wh op nt in tn oiogzl ype aenagernn ew fig} oeoa the igh Ba oF the observer when fang in the aivection of How (se igs 2 and nln eters pci i he contrac oor 5.0.2 By-Pa Volos ~ Dy-pae valves up 50 and inlading 40. mm ‘hatha be of gunmetal (e182 110066) and vine bo 40 Bsn ‘al be of eat row (ors TetGeH 6 coaniNe. 64 Smedinety afte cating and elo machining, aca ion past ayES gh doe Satna omnes cab ad ‘Mientaned ata trperstre betwen, 10 and 160% The proportions Fie ingress of the cep tal but guia 8 prods 8 nthe he propos epaied in 63 62 The catag sal be eheaced before diping thor by inuenion In Set wee 1 by heating in an oven, thal be Sad to he Spine Bath esa iog ech a ean expe ih id ‘etingy are parfety ry immesacly before slipping, Cn removal Rom SEUSS hl Beaubien denne. se werk ge (20 03 om a) 1525312 (Part 1) -1904 97h stn hl a al ot pa any tat oe Lage as aot How wien espozed to 2 temperate of T° and Dor 30 Eeiue sts iemporamito of 15°C fo chip of when sratehed hay ‘eth pan 5 pent, Gf Akerman, co con of ck Jape conforming 10 Type B of SE SETGN ae pelt caltrning to 18 obs TU0H eal be api 2. TESTING 7 chav abe mje ee bp a eed Ubauas shea de tae a 2 (Gina $3721, 22073) re Ta Bemarns En Donan o c ° o 22 Modrortaie Mody Text Ai\ vives salle sleet te ‘llthow oo leskage or permteene Sktotion under thie pear whe ‘oth enct are Dantsd nd te pees apie atte inet end 14 ydroctac Sent Test he vale hl ah no lage when ‘bjeead tothe apppiite hydrntae teprewure gee ta able 3, Sihen she prstce &sppled ati ute side the vale wt the ober eyes fotmorhere; in non, vie snl how sania when {iced to 35 presto esa et prewar ive a Table hea {Ws poms peg st che ou sds the eae, with alt end open jeanne Wak opn Type A, Han (ft en 1525582 Pose 1)-1804 £84 The purchaser or his authorized repressive hall have (re acs {Sibe workraftie saanofezrer at al rnsonsbe serine ie ‘alee a any weage of tanfactare sol owes ay inate nek dae ot confor the spcied requieniens. 2 INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLIED WITH ENQUIRY OR ORDER 21 The following information i ta be spied with enquiry a onde 2) Shae of valve, 1) Whether pats sang 6) Mesizum cold nashock working prac 4) Operating poston of ave oriental or vrs 2) Wiheather bea en eqired or 3, Duthe arrangesnent required or zt. 10. MARKING 101 Each vuve shall have ct it he flowing inst: 3) Manuthcrrer's nse oe adesmark, 1 Sin valve, ©) Nominal prestore( MPa) (24), and © Direction of fow (4 5:9) 10.1.1 Each valve say be marked withthe ISI Cesifenlon Mark ibe ac acetate retin Eee Re ere ae Hie peter dey eiara oa oe a SASL os eo 115512 (Pace 1) 1988 Sei teams te) ays ae tm Sl Ca alan INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI UNITS) ere ese omer for sons “Sunn Ue ean fot = o£ OR © women staxoweDsansmemenion ascot oionaeaeoanaae HAR atime MEW DELHI ‘Taupremaenesnetonay Hee (eames atone ina oer Taupe ‘ann antes eM; Mee Aste (Es) NOMBAY ms 635295 ease WL GAT. See IIMLIAP. Rand Mei, sea ‘caLcuTTA ree Sone FTC, MADRAS m8 woe er) Pes et Foe! Pia ane SRSNAGAR ver (Pu stone “rena umobnis Sat ag nap aADABAO HO {2A {Fi iy Burin sae, 2ANOALONESeAM sas Genesrconmenonsbacenos ree tawe enoPnL aos aarte ‘Ssnans nos oavoancoma et ane Sect neonate aenaano mt aoe tensa € Shoe JAR re “cme the Pp el ttn PATRAS sais Monoeapanain hi Son Roe TAVANORUM San nt omen PAD wai oF agate at) Bil, Be SH PUNE anaes 52498 ut nin Sonnet at Hovnyenamaor, Gran Ran 08 racp Bros Casts NOM Tee eR OT

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