Mini Project 7

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Researching Multimedia in Education

Tutor: Andrew Youde

Mini Projects Assignment

Mini Project 7 – Computer Based Assessment

Student: u0870621

Nick Jackson

Context of the Learning

This Hot Potatoes crossword has been set up largely for revision purposes. It is
aimed at Key Stage 5 ICT students and is primarily a tool to help them remember
key subject terminology and the meaning of that terminology. The exercise is largely
reliant on prior classroom teaching and explanation.

By using a Hot Potatoes crossword, students have access to a light-hearted tool for
recalling what can be quite in-depth, specialised language. It is largely an alternative
to such revision tools as flash cards and, if used properly, should highlight to
students a need to return to key areas of misunderstanding. The ‘Hints’ facility can
be used to prompt students but can also be misused to reveal the answers.
However, the idea for use of this assessment is for student’s personal use so, in
essence, such misuse would be quite pointless.

In relation to learning theory and methodology regarding how students learn, I would
say this was a very much an associative way of learning. Students are being given
definitions and having to provide key items of relevant subject language that would
explain such definitions. It is a very basic but a useful revision tool nonetheless.

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