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Institution: Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador.

Name: Willian Alfredo Ramos Lopez.

Career: Lic. En Idioma Ingles.

Topic: Teaching perspective inventory.

Objective: to know my learning style to improve my learning achievements.

Teacher: Ulises Aparicio.

Module#3: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and

Administration of the English.

Activity: Project 3: The Teaching perspective inventory project.

Date: January 20th, 2011.

Pages: 2
Teaching perspective inventory.

This report is about my TPI experience at,

in order to know more about my pedagogical skills. I hope people who have the
chance to read this report at my blog may want to visit the web page to know more
about their weaknesses and strengths in tems of pegagogy, and to keep improving
as professionals of the pedagogical field.

The Teaching Perspectives Inventory measures teachers' orientations to their roles

as managers of the learning process. The Inventory yields five alternative points of
view (perspectives) on teaching by asking structured questions about teachers'
actions in the teaching setting, their intentions how they organize the learning
situation, and their beliefs about fundamental principles of teaching and learning.
Teaching Perspectives Inventory can help you collect your thoughts and summarize
your ideas about teaching.  It can be useful in examining your own teaching as well
as helping clarify the teaching views of other people. The TPI is quick to complete -
it usually takes no more than 10-15 minutes to answer all the questions and to
automatically score your results.  You may also choose to print out your profile
sheet to help you visualize and interpret your scores.

A Short Questionnaire to Help You Summarize Your Views and Perceptions about
Teaching, its main section consists of 45 questions about your views of teaching. In
addition, there are a few questions about you and your background. Some of these
questions ask your name and e-mail address so we can forward your TPI results to
you in hard-copy format. Other questions ask about your employment
circumstances, your career experience, the kinds of learners you most often work
with, and your geographic location. We are particularly interested in how teachers,
educators and trainers in various professional sectors may or may not differ. As
well, we are striving to build norms for the TPI that span the spectrum of
international education. You should be able to complete the entire TPI in less than
20 minutes After you have completed all the questions, click Submit and wait a
moment while the TPI website calculates your results.

The TPI is the result of two decades of teaching and research in Canada, China,
Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. Over the years, more than 250
teachers in vastly different settings have been interviewed, observed, evaluated,
and re-interviewed. Each teacher was asked what it meant "to teach": including
questions about learning, motivation, the goals of education, their role in the
process, the nature of the learners they taught, the influence of context on their
teaching - and a great many more questions.
Respondent: willian ramos
Teaching Perspectives Profile: Individual

Transmission total: (Tr) 35.00

B=13; I=11; A=11

Apprenticeship total: (Ap) 37.00

B=10; I=14; A=13

Developmental total: (Dv) 33.00

B=10; I=14; A=9

Nurturance total: (Nu) 39.00

B=13; I=15; A=11

Social Reform total: (SR) 35.00

B=12; I=14; A=9


Beliefs total: (B) 58.00

Intention total: (I) 68.00

Action total: (A) 53.00


Mean: (M) 35.80

Standard Deviation: (SD) 2.04

HiT: (HiT) 38.00

LoT: (LoT) 34.00


Overall Total: (T) 179.00

Well, I would say that I agree with the results and I feel better now because I know
in what areas should I rise my capacity in terms of teaching, I answered the
questions based on my experiences in the classroom. I do not have lot of experience
in the pedagogical area and this questionnaire really opened my mind in terms of
what I should be capable to do as a professional in terms in getting a better a better
life to myself and the people around me. This experience makes me realize about
what the pedagogical area and the society in special is expecting from me as a
professional of the Salvadorian education system.

My teacher perspective is dominant in the nurturance perspective, and I think that

is because of my very personal way of teaching things and the way I let my students
take their needed time to learn during the process, the way I do motivate and
encourage every student to be part of the acquisition of knowledge is what gave me
an dominant profile in that specific section, my high score is 39 in the nurturance
perspective. I do try to apply my own criteria in terms of the time, activities or
sequence of some contents that students must take or follow during the learning
process, even with the easy topics I like to let every topic and content very clear,
some time we should follow the students learning achievements than finishing the
course plan on the previous established time.

The lower one is 33 in the developmental section, that is because I do take my time
with students. I think I got lower score in developmental because the terms
evaluated are relatives, my developmental area is not so bad according to the
information I read at the TPI website where some of the requirements or actions
expected from teachers are mentioned in the developmental reading section. It
seems that my perspectives are doing on the right way, and I need to raise my level
in some other areas or perspectives. I do recommend teachers to make a try and get
access to to raise their opportunities to be a
better professional of the education.

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