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Team Members
Mansi Gupta
Sweta Chauhan
Sahil Garg
Neha Agarawal
Shivangi Sangwan

I can't stand poorly run meetings. However, there is one thing

worse: a generic PowerPoint presentation.

You should be concerned only with one thing when

presenting to an audience. That is "Has the audience come
away from this with information that was in-line with the
original point of the presentation?" If people leave your
PowerPoint presentation armed with confusion and wonder,
your presentation has failed.
We might not all be Berliners or Georgians, but as
business people we certainly are all presenters.
Whether conducting department meetings, carefully
staged presentations or ongoing training sessions; we
often need to create and tell a story for prospects,
clients, colleagues, community groups or industry
Our Presentation Objectives
 The audiences you're communicating with
 The story line you're creating and following
 The research you undertake to generate your story
 The images, animations, video, text and other items
you create or re-purpose to generate your
 The quality of the delivery of your presentation
whether live, recorded, online or offline
 The distribution of your presentation once it is
complete and the retention and inventory
management of your presentation assets, both
presentations and individual slides alike.
Content Creation
 Once you've established your story and mapped out
your presentation content, you can begin to create
your individual slides. To enhance your slides, you
can use images sourced from a wide array of new
and improved stock photography database providers.
Presentation Delivery
 You've created your presentation, you've rehearsed it
and your ready to get in front of your audience, yet
something is missing - audience interaction. Among
the newer tools that are out there are
Poll Everywhere, a text message-based system that
allows presenters to embed a poll into PowerPoint
and have responses come in automatically from the
audience as they respond via text message. This
technology replaces the expensive audience
response systems that require proprietary software
and expensive devices be distributed to your
Presentation Distribution
 Once you create a presentation, be it a winner or a
dud, there are often other people you need to send
the slideshow to. Unfortunately, PowerPoint
slideshows are huge. This large file size makes it
difficult for presenters to re-distribute their
slideshows due to limitations on files sent via e-mail.
This problem has generated a number of software
solutions that are designed to compress PowerPoint
presentations well beyond the capability built into
PowerPoint itself.
Presentation Asset Management
 We all are familiar with the time that it takes to
locate slides you've used before for updating and
inclusion into a new slide presentation. Well instead
of having to scratch your head and search through
your many slide presentations to find that slide, you
can use newer tools to find your slides easily.
 Regardless of which tools you investigate and
implement, the days of slapping together a
PowerPoint presentation without thinking through
the entire life cycle and value of the presentation
should be coming to an end. Using newer web-based
tools, you can take your presentations from the
ordinary to the extraordinary and be able to say “Ich
bin ein Guten Presenter”.
 An excellent business presentation can be a more
effective tool in getting your business mission, goals
and execution strategy across than the business plan
itself.  Busy Investors with minimal time to study
exhaustive written reports usually enjoy viewing a
well prepared, colorful dynamic presentation.
 To that end we recommend PowerPoint
presentations that communicate your objectives
both visually and audibly.  The use of video and
sophisticated graphics make for the very best
presentation possible. These links will open the doors
to impressive and creative ways to communicate
your objectives. 

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