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Juaini Amalina Jamaludin (PISMP 2B) Nor Rohaizah Ahmad (PISMP 2C)
Nor Izzati Rohaimi (PISMP 2C) Syaza Yasmin Ismail (PISMP 2C)

Induction Set
Theme: Part of Body
Subtheme: My Face
Objective: The student know the part of their body
Learning outcome: 3.1.1 Name part of the body
Value: Cleanliness, obey the instructions
Integration: Physical skills, language and communication
Experience: ‘Lagu Bangun Pagi’
Learning aids: Radio
Time Learning Contents Learning Activities Note
Induction Set Simon Says Game: Steps:
(3 minutes)
Simon says touch your 1. Teacher claps her
nose, hands three times.
2. Teacher herself
Simon says touch your
does the Simon
Says Game first.
Simon says touch your 3. The children follow
ears, teacher instruction
by touching the
Simon says close your
part of their face.
4. Teacher asks the
Simon says touch your volunteer to
forehead, replace her giving
the instructions for
Simon says show your
the Simon Says.

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