GreenAnswers Presentation Feb 2011

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com and Trees, Water & People

are planting seeds in Central America
January-February is the time for collecting, preparing
and planting seeds, one by one
Bags and root trainers are used to produce 35,000 seedlings
in TWP nurseries in Guatemala and El Salvador
TWP Nicaragua partner produces 100,000 seedlings using root
trainers, for a total of 400,000 seedlings between 4 nurseries
March-May is spent caring for seedlings. They’re watered
regularly and protected from the sun with shade cloth
to assure strong, healthy trees develop
June brings the rain and thus the planting season begins…
Students and community members
are key actors in all tree planting initiatives
TWP clean cookstove beneficiaries plant 10 trees each.
These trees will provide fruits like mangos, cashews, and citrus to
increase family nutrition. Trees provide firewood for stoves too.
Anona Fruit

“No trees,
no air,
no water”
Earth Day
Cashew Fruit parade

Soil Conservation, Watershed

Cacao tree Protected Area Management

The nutritional, educational, and environmental benefits

of our tree planting programs are invaluable…
With much gratitude a personal thanks
from our team in El Salvador

Thank you to GreenAnswers for Thank you to GreenAnswers for

your first donation of 7,489 trees your cumulative donation of
for our communities. 14,651 trees for our communities.

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