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LAND GRAB Units that are forced to flee must move toward their
“Oi, lookit da view! Load up boyz, we kin ‘old ‘em off fer friendly, long deployment edge.

dayz from dis spot!”
- Burgok, Loota Mekboy

Massacr e
If a player has control of more objectives and has
Control as many objective counters as possible while more Kill Points than their opponent, then they have
keeping your opponent out of your deployment zone. scored a Massacre.
Destroy as many enemy units as possible.

Major V ictor y
If a player controls more objectives and has an equal
This scenario is a modification of the Sieze Ground (page number or fewer Kill Points than their opponent, they
91) and Annihilation (page 91) Missions. Please note that have scored a Major Victory.
there are automatically 5 objectives, DO NOT ROLL.
Minor V ictor y
Determine who will go first and in which deployment zone If both players control the same number of objectives,
that player will deploy. then the player with the most kill points has scored a
Minor Victory.
First, place an objective in the center of the table, then
each player will place two objective counters anywhere in Tie
their deployment zone. These objectives may not be If both players control an equal number of objectives
placed within 6” of a table edge or within 12” of and both players have the same number of Kill Points,
another objective counter, nor may they be placed in then the game is a tie.


impassible terrain.

Each player then deploys their forces as per the +1 if you control all of the objectives at game’s end.
deployment rules. +1 if your opponent has no units in your deployment
zone at game’s end.
The Seize The Initiative rule found on page 92 is in effect. +1 Point if all of your HQ choices are alive.
+1 if you destroyed all of your opponent’s Troop choices.

Pitched Battle - Long Table Edges (page 92)

Chaos Daemon armies use the deployment rules for

Daemonic Assault.

The game lasts 6 turns.

Infiltrate (page 92)
Deep Strike (page 95)
Outflank (page 94)
Reserves (page 94)
Night Fight (Turn 1 Only)
Outflank (Page 94)
HEAD HUNTER Reserves (Page 94)

“Dat stinkin’ ‘umie tinks hes got what it takes. C’mon ladz,
lets show him dat he don’t!”
- Big Thunda, Ork Warboss Units that are forced to flee must move toward their

nearest deployment edge.

Destroy enemy units, especially enemy HQ units, CALCULATE RESULTS

while protecting your own. Massacr e

If a player has 8 or more kill points than their opponent
then they score a Massacre.
This scenario is a variation of Annihilation Mission (page
91) with the following amendments: Major V ictor y
If a player has 6 or more kill points than their opponent
Kill Points in this scenario are determined in the then they score a Major Victory.
following way:
• Troops - 1 Kill Point Minor V ictor y
• Dedicated Transports - 1 Kill Point If a player has 4 or more kill points than their opponent
• Fast Attack/Elites/Heavy Support - 2 Kill Points then they score a Minor Victory.
• HQ - 5 Kill Points!

A tie will occur if neither player has 4 or more kill
points than their opponent.


Dawn of War (Table Halves)

The Seize The Initiative rule found on page 92 is in effect. +1 point if all your HQ choices are alive and not in
reserves at game’s end.
Chaos Daemon armies use the deployment rules for
Daemonic Assault. +1 point if you destroy all of your opponent’s HQ choices

LENGTH OF GAME +1 point if you destroyed all of your opponent’s

The game lasts 6 turns. Troop choices

SPECIAL RULES: +1 point if you have more scoring units in your

Infiltrate (Page 92) opponent’s deployment zone than they have in yours.
Deep Strike (Page 95)
Outflank (Page 94)
DRAWN AND QUARTERED Reserves (Page 94)

“Halfa youze lads ‘ead off ova dere, the rest uv
youze follow me, we’ll take both bunkas, cuz jus’ one iz
neva enuf! Units that are forced to flee must move toward their
- Murdokk, Stormboy Nob nearest deployment edge.


Advance and control up to two objectives while Massacr e
preventing your opponent from doing the same. Destroy If a player has control of more objectives and has
your enemy’s units whenever possible. more Kill Points than their opponent, then they have

scored a Massacre.

This scenario is a modification of the Annihilation (page Major V ictor y

91) and Capture and Control Missions (page 91) with the If a player controls more objectives and has an equal
following amendments: number or fewer Kill Points than their opponent, they
have scored a Major Victory.
The objective counters are not placed in the player’s
deployment zones and are instead placed in the center of Minor V ictor y
the two table quarters that are not deployment zones. If both players control the same number of objectives,
then the player with the most kill points has scored a
Determine who is going first and what deployment zone Minor Victory.
they want to deploy in and then place the Capture and
Control counters. Tie
If both players control an equal number of objectives
DEPLOYMENT and both players have the same number of Kill Points,
then the game is a tie.
Spearhead (Table Quarters)

Chaos Daemon armies use the deployment rules for BATTLE POINT MODIFIERS
Daemonic Assault. +1 point if you conrol both objectives at game’s end.

+1 point if you have a different scoring unit in at least

The Seize The Initiative rule found on page 92 is in effect.
three table quarters at game’s end.
LENGTH OF GAME +1 point if you destroy all of your opponent’s
The game lasts 6 turns. Troops Choices

SPECIAL RULES: +1 point if you have at least one HQ unit alive and your
Infiltrate (Page 92) opponent has no HQ units alive at game’s end.
Deep Strike (Page 95)

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