02/07/2011 Meeting Minutes

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Argusville City Council Regular Meeting

February 7, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM with the following in attendance: Darren Wetzel, David Becker, Bekki Hill,
Scott Leverson, Randy Teberg, Cheri Wetzel, Jeremy Denault, Cameron Frueh, Nate VanWechel, Phil
Duginski, R. Watson, Deputy Chris Fix, and Mary Howatt.

Minutes & finance report approved. Annual report given to council members.

Motion Teberg – Second Becker to pay bills as follows: Cass County Electric $525.60, ND Workforce Safety
Ins $250, Mailboxes.com $78.84, Harwood State Bank $55, Forum $33.12, Cass County $202, Scott Leverson
$140 & $240, Park Board $560.68, Bank of ND $4050, Brian Rust $550, Argusville Fire $650, Qwest $56.41,
Cass County Electric $526.43, City of Fargo $14, Cass Rural Water $2168.25, Metro Disposal $1958.20, Bank
of ND $10935, USPS $133.56, Office Max $60. Motion carried.

ND Dept of Emergency Services notified city of a local liability change for 2009 flood projects. The Lagoon
Bridge may qualify for a funding reimbursement. Mayor Wetzel signed the letter to begin the review process.

Discussion held on snow removal and flood preparations. Council postponed 167th construction project closure.
Discussion held regarding Aldrich residence delinquent payments.

VanWechel requested council support for a community celebration this summer. Wetzel will attend next
ACDC meeting.

Deputy Fix reported on recent activity and gave 2010 annual report.

The following motions carried unanimously:

• To approve, per Zoning Board recommendation, a conditional use permit to Northern Improvement for a
temporary site for 2011 construction season for the I29 project.
• To approve liquor license transfer for Happy Trails Tavern for one day, February 19, 2011, to the Argusville
Community Center.
• To approve Airborne Custom Spraying agreement.
• To approve Cass County Vector Control agreement.
• To approve gaming permit to Northern Cass German Club.
• To approve gaming permit to ACDC.
• To transfer $4000 from TIF to general account for administrative expenses.

Next Meeting March 7, 2011

Meeting adjourned 9:25 PM
Mary Howatt - auditor

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