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Title of the Project : Challenges of Mergers and acquisitions

Function Area : Finance

Why is the particular topic chosen?

I always wanted to know about the reasons behind the Mergers and acquisitions
and the way they put an impact on the productivity of the company.
At times, it so happens that despite the various protective measures the mergers
fail. This is what I wanted to study, what are the specific challenges while
undergoing a deal of merger and acquisition.

What contribution would the project make?

It would be really very helpful in hedging the risk of the company while undergoing
for mergers and acquisitions.
It would also help me to discover various challenges being faced by the companies
while deciding whether to go for the merger or not.

Objectives and scope of study:

1) To study the challenges faced by the company while going in for mergers and
2) To study why despite many measures the mergers fail to be profitable.
3) To study the reasons for the failures of the mergers and acquisitions.

Methodology: Descriptive using non- survey method.

Data Collection Source: Secondary source of data

How you plan to proceed for your project –

I will look for various kind of secondary data available on websites and magazines in
this topic and after collecting it will like to analyze and come out with some sort of
conclusions. If required I will also take some assistance from our esteemed faculty
Signature :
Name : Ivneet Kaur
Roll No. : FB09082
Mobile No. : 9910173015
E-mail :
Date : Jan 5, 2011

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