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From the Editor Dear friends, membersot the Vidyalaya, and students Curwairn grestingsto youall \We hope that this year, begining Januery, has so far been generally ‘avourablato youthrough the race of God. The activites ofthe Vidyalayatoo have progressed more than satisfactory Despite some badly formulated educational policies of the government the number of fresh admissions incurinsttuons beter than artcipated. Thetable on page20.g\ves a clea picture. Naw activites begun this year ae crentad mainly towards vocatonal kil: development, poverty alleviation, empowering economically poor women with income-generation traning, mein- streaming challenged parsons through raining, therapies, sports, ets. The traning of masons, barbenders, and shuttring-cerpenters, andthe instalation of an advanced CNC machina with ‘magnanimous suppor from Mis, Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd. neer our campus are some ofthe ‘noteworthy developments, The summer youth-camos, students-staff spiitual retreat, free mikcdistibution at 3 or 4 ‘mainourishedcoloies ec. are continuing smoothly. in al these continuing and developmental eforts the learning, enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication of the Vidyalaya's sia, Incuding the newiy recruited members deserve spacial recognition. Unknown toand unseenby the people outsice, hase teachers and other members are making a wonderful conrouton tothe Vidyalaya. That has been possible because ofthe spiritual oundatonandethos ofthe Vidyalaya. infact ourinsistence that as mary naw staff as possible should attend the spiritual retreats meant for them is to orient them to the pravaling traction that spirtual values must be Integral 1 all activities, especially the educational services. ‘As Swami Vivekananda had sai: Religion (a deeply spiritual aude) must be the core of education. With our goodwishes to youll ‘Yours in the service ofthe Lord in you, (Swami Atmaramananda) Sooriay Cn une 2010 so rors) 1. Gonorl Everts... 2, NSS.NC.C/Scous Advis. .an3 3. Awards. A 4,_Camps 5. Publetion.. — 6. Academic Excellence/Resuts 7,_Sports Actes 8. Literary Cultural, and Skil Competitions 6 8. Alumni Activites, 6 10_Exorsion / Outreach Activites... a 11. New Appointments 12, Visiors. ae 18, Deartment/ Association Meatrgs, ‘Training, Seminars, Workshops, ists anc Student Activites nnn 14, Thesis Undericken by Students / Projects Uncertalen by Stafl 14 16, Remakishra Mission Vivekananda University, Vidyalaya Camous, News ..18 16. Govt, Schoarstins 17. Management Scholarships. 20 18. All Vidyalaya Insituiors- Deals of New Admissions and Toa Stenghh....20 Celebrations and Functions The holy Kalpataru Day wes observed in an auspicious manner on 1 January 2010. All monastic members, staff, students and devotees of the Vidyalaya attended the Arati and bhalans, followed by a tak by Swami Sarvasahananda. The jayanti celebrations of the Holy Trio were held with the usual devotion this year also. Bhajans by students and monastic members, followed by Homa was held nthe traditional way. Gurupuja was held, as usual, on te first Sunday of the year, 3 January 2010, Swami Kapalstananda of Ramekrishna Mission, Rajamundy, presided cver the lag hoisting function inthe morning and delivered he Presidential Address on the topic, “Sri Ramakrishna and. Swami Vivekananda’, at the public meeting held in te evening Dr. M Anandakrisinan, former Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai inaugurated the Educational Exhibition. Prof. Tmt. V. Insuvai, renowned, orator, spoke on the topic, Lessons from the lives of the Holy Tio for today’s society’. Tmt. Lavanya Shankar staged a Bharalanalyam performance and Tmt. Gayathri Venkalaraghavan and party. Chennai Tendered a classical musicconcert.A drama ented, 'Bharathiya’. and some traditional danczs were performed by the students ofthe various, institutions ofthe Vidyalaya. Ast of te tlles of theexibits putupin the exhibition hall by our various institutions is a follows: This year, around 48,000 people were fed with cooked food during the Annadanam To commamorata_ the National Youth Day, the 148th birthday of [Swami Vivekananda, a. rally was organized by Maruthi College of Physical Education on 10 January }2010. Around 1600 students from 12 institutions participated. Swami Aimaramananda presided over the function. Swami Tatprabhananda delivered the Youth Day Address, and S11 N. Srinivasan, Inspector of Police, Periyanaickenpalayam, tagged off the rally. Various iterary and sports competitions were held in commemoration ofthe day In the Vivekananda Quiz-2009, a total of 1,633 students had registered (522in English and 1,111 in Tamil from 25 colleges. In the individual category, S. Ranjana of Sri Sarada College for Women, Fairlands, Salem, bagged the first prize; G. Nivetha, Govt. College of Education for Women, Coimbatore, won the second Tsao Sau &y Cologe of Ars and Sines a Computer Applications prize; and T. Narmadha Devi, College of Ars and Science wna) | Ci ar Hanks W COS Avinashilingam University for Women, College of Education Garch Teacter Training insite Salient Features of Educational Palio in Ind Chiron’ Art Show ‘Swarr Vivekananda = ‘The Wandering Monk Coimbatore, won the third prize. In Janotier catagory based on the total number ot students participating, Vivekananda College for Women, Elayampalayam, Thiruchengode, Sri G. Tndustial Taining Institute Road Safaty 'V. G. Visalaksni College for Women, Institute of Agriculture and ural Development ‘Medicinal Plants and te Relevance Today Udumalpet, and P.S. G.R.Krishnamm: College tor Women, Coimbatore, Maruti College of Phy. Edveation ‘Specific Exeriss Programmes for Special Population bagged the first, second, and third prizes respectively. The prizes were awarded during the Vidyalaya Dept. of Ci (wn Housing For All Foundation Day celebrations, Dept. of Machani Palytechnic Callege Dept, of Electical and Electronics Recent Trend in Energy Conversion through Machanical Innovation Growth of Electrical and Elecronics The Vidyalaya Foundation Day was celebrated on 3 February 2010 at the KD auditorium, As in the last year, the function integrated three events — Information Teehnoiogy Dept Ramakishna Mission Vivekananda University Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education Ramaleishra Mission Vivekananda University-Faculty of General an ‘Adapted Physica Education and Yoga Tnnovatve Triggers in Computer Games Uplitinent of Physically Challenged Frtness forthe Dilerentiy Abled licitation of chosan alumni, Dr T. S. Avinashilingam Memorial Endowment Lecture, and distribution of prizas to winning students of the Vivekananda Quiz Competition. The three outstanding alumni who were present on the occasion — Judge Sri A Ratnavelu, MA.8.L., Chengalpattu, Sri S, Sankaravadivelu, Headmaster, Govt ‘Swami Shivananda Higher Secondary School (English Medium) ‘Swami Shivananda Higher Secondary School (Tail Mecium) Kiow More About Science Wellae Biology Higher Secondary School, Poach, and Sri Kavidasan, Director and Head, HRD, Roots. Industries, Coimbatore, were felicitated for their outstanding TAT Kaanlayam Midcle School Vidyalaya High Schoo Holy Mother Sri Sarada Davi ‘The Ramayana contributions, In their acceptance speech, all of them recalled their reminiscences, and gave. valuable advice to the students. Tha AVAA Nowsletter was released by Swami Bj Atmaramananda and the first copy was presented to Sri V. K. kshmanan, M.Sc., Ex-M.LA. Coimbatore. Thesecond event wasthe Or. T. S. Avinashilingam Memorial Endowment Lecture delivered by Sri. K. Lakshmanan, MSc, EX-M.LA, Coimbatore. In his talk, Sti V. K Lakshmanan highlighted the invaluable service of Or. 7. S. AAvinashilingam in the field of education. in the third event of the function, prizes were distributed towinning students ofthe Vivekananda ‘Quiz Competition and tothe heads ofthe collages that participate. The Presidential and Benadictory Address was delivered by the Secretary Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya. A cultural programme presented by the students of the Vidyalaya High School followed, and the function concluded with somebhajans by Swami Amulyananda, ‘Tho Graduation Day ceremony in honour of the graduating students, numbering 607, of the nstituto, Industrial Training Institute Insttuts of Agrcutture and Rural Development, and_Poiytechnic, vwas eld on 30 March 2010. Swami Atmaramananda fj presidec over and Sti J. Balamurugan, Chairman, § Confederation of Indian Industries, Coimbatore delivered the Graduation Day Address. Bp similar ceremony in honour of Q) tre graduating students, ‘numbering 691, of the Colleges of Arts and Science, College of Education, and Maruthi College of Physical Education was held on 22 April 2010. Swami ‘Atmaramananda presided over. Dr §. Subramaniam, former. Vice Charcalor, Bharathiar University, dolvered tho Graduation Day Address. ‘The 14th Spiritual Retreat for the benefit ofthe staff ofthe Vidyalaya, ‘their family members, hostel students (higher secondary and above), and monastics was held on 7 Marci 2010 at the GKD aucitorium. The half-day programme included prayer, bhajans, meditation, and discourses. Around 744 persons attended the retreat. The 11th Spiritual Retreat for devotees was held from 23 to 25 April 2010. The retreat, held at the GXD Auditorium, was altended by 254 devotees from different parts of Tamil Nadu. The retreat included meditation, bhaians, group ciscussions, and special lectures by monastic members from other centers of Ramakrishna Math and Mission including Swami Karralatmananda, Swami Raghaveshananda, ‘and Swami Yatatmananda, besides lectures. by some monastic ‘members ofthe Vidyalaya. The students of Vidyalaya’s High School and TAT Klanilayar entertained tha devotees in the evenings with their dramas Thirugnenasambandar and "Moora In commemoration othe 150° bith ‘anniversary of Snami Vivekananda, ‘an Annadanam schome for about 80 workers of the Vidyalaya was commenced on 11 May 2010, Under this scheme, the workersare fed with nutritious’ rioe porridge and butik everyday or ther lunch, c ji ‘Swami Shivananda Higher Secondary Schoo! Thirty-two seouts participated in the Thinking Day Rally’ held on 22 February 2010 at Kikan Matriculation Higher Secondary School. Coimbatore. They took part in the North Zonal competitions and won prizes in various events such as march-past, cultural progy pageantry, and pioneering College of Arts and Science (SF Wing) On 26 March 2010, Sri R. Sridhar, Head, Dept, of MICA, atlented the ‘CISCO Academic Meet of South East Asia 2010’ at Bangalore. On betalf oftheinstitution, he received the ‘Best Outstanding Contribution Award for CCNA Enrollment and Completion of Course A three-cay Youth Camp on Achieving Human Excellence vas conducted from 21 to 23 May 2010 for students, both boys and girls, The camp is conducted every year with the objective of building selt- confidence and inculcating 2 value-based holistic Ifestyle in the students. In all, 301 boys and 40 girs, from diferent institutions attended tne camp. Thecamp was inaugurated by Or.V. V. Subramanian, former Principal, Vivekananda College, Chennai, and the valecictory session was presided over by Swami Atmaramananda. Basides lectures by eminent personalities on perscnaity development, value system, and related tops, the camp included discussions, prayers, communi ‘work, yoga, guided meditation, sports, quiz, and cultural programmes, ‘Thedetalls relisted below: Volume 14, Issue 1 Session | Students’ RoleIn Developing Mocern India DL ¥.V Subrartanin, former Principal Vivekaran Cole, henna 1 May [tear 2oio. |_Sesson2 | SwamiVivetananda ‘SiN Krshnaroort Training Cee, necaranda Kendra, Kanyakurian Session | TekeChargeOfYouselt | Dt. K PresannaSai Chit nance Ofer Ma Foi onsutans, Chennot Session4_| Personality DevelopmentPrograrmesForYouth | SiN. Krishramoort Training Centre, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyekurmar Session |__| The Seore'sofTime/anagement Swami Sanvaprivanena 2aMy [Session | Why wearethe way woare? ‘mi. ShaiiBadrinarayan 2010 | Session’ | Question-Answer Session ‘mi SheiiBadrinarayanand GAN Krahrarroort Session | Channeling Youth Power SwamiAtmashraddhananda Session |__| Stress Management forthe Youth Swami Sarvapryannda Session | Whatmates peoplevorkbater? Di W.Muthaioh 2M | cessiong | ecupDiscussiononthetopic ‘Whatweleartfrom | Student groups headedby Swamis Abvashradchananda, Sarvaprivanand, 2010 thecarp andhow! wilimplementtinmy if Harvetenanda, Devarchenanenda,and Dr. Muthaich Session | Goaseting SwamiSanapriyanenda ialecctory) [Vatesictory aaaress Swamiatmaramaranda PUBLICATIONS Colloge of Arts and Science: Alistof articles that wore publshedin nationalandinterrational journals is given below: Or. V.Chinnusamy Biocidal andcatalyticEtficiency ot Ruthenium (il) | pptied Organo | Intemational | Oniine Principal and Complexes wit Trdentate SchifBase Ligands | Metalic Chemistry publication of Research Scholars John Wiley and Sons Ltd 2 [Dc K Nagaraja ‘AConiparatve Study of Agricultural Contemporary | National P.811088 Assocate Professor Progressiveness in ifterentDistrits of Tamiltladu| Social Work 2010 Dept. of Socal Work Research r 3 [StiS.Velenanni, Lecturer | Revitalization of Agricultural Co-operative Society | Naviona/lourral | National 2010 Dept. of Co-operation In Tamit Nadu: Analysis ofMelacies and Remedies 4° [Dr Jayaprakash and | IncreasingEnerayEfficiency of InorganicSalt | Journal of vid | Intemational | Vol.19, Research Scholars Gracient Sola Pond in Tar Desertby Inclusion of | Land tudes .19-6,2009 Complementary Support System & [DER Jayaprakash and | Dasign and Performance Analysis ofLow Cost | Journal of Intemational | VolA,n0.2, Research Scholars SoarStillusing Transparent LDPE Cover Environmental .465-75, Researchand 2009 Development 6 [DER Jayaprakash and | Experimental Analysis Acrylic PyramidSolar_ | Journal of Intemational | Vol3,n0.4, Research Scholars Still Coupled With Flat plate Collector Environmental 7.122397, Researchand 2009 Development 7 [DEA Chandremonan “tert-Butyl Pyridinium Pirate Acta Intemational | E68, 0999, ‘Associate Professor and Crystallographica 2010 Research Scholars (ectionE) 8 [DCA Chandramonan 4-Aminopyricinium Pierate ‘Acta Intemational | E68, 1000, Associate Professor and Crystallographica 2010 Research Scholars (Gectioné) 9 [Dr v-Ponnuswamy Optieal and Structural Characterization ot ‘Chalcogeniae Intemational | Vol.7.n0.3, AssooateProtessorand | GaTe ThintlmstyChemical path Deposition | Letters 159-63, Research Scholars Technique 2010 40 [Dr V.Ponnuswamy Electrochemical Synthesis and Characterization of | Aasayandourra/ of | Intemational | Vol.3.n0.1 AssocateProfessorand | H.$0,Doped Aniine Chemistry p.194~200, Research Scholars 2010 College of Arisand Scionce (SF Wing) An article by Or. R. Mayi'samy, Head, Dept. of Co-operation, entitled, ‘Impact of Basel Accord on the Financial Sector Reforms in India’ was Published by National Co-operative Union of India, New Delhi, in The Cooperator,no.7, voL47,9:335-8, Jan.2010 issue. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE / RESULTS Vidyalaya High School Cent percent pass was recorded once again in the S.SLC. public examination held in 2010. K Sethyanarayanan topped scoring 480/500, followed by K. Vignesh (469/500) and MA. Karthikeyan (468/500). This year, 19 students secured morethan 450 outo‘ 500, and 18studonts between 400and 450, ‘SwamiShivananda Higher Secondary School Inthe Tamil Medium School, vara) P secured te frst rank in the higher secondary public examination held in 2010, by scoring 1128/1200. In the X Std. public examination, Sanjaykumer. M_ stood first scoring 472/500. In the English Medium School, Jaeva Ni secured the first rank by scoring 482/500. Mohana. M_ came second with 481/500, and Harish. K came third with 479/500. In all 27 students secured more that 450/500 and another 27 secured more than 400/500. This was the 18th consecutive year that the school recorded ent persentresults SPORTS ACTIVITIES Vidyalaya High Schoo! In January, the sehool's band troupe won the frst prize and the rolling cup in the competition jointly conducted by the Rotary Club of Coimbatore and Sportand Games Walare Association, Coimbatore. Industrial Training institute The District Games and Alhletic Meet for ITG / VTC was held in our campus In February. Around 260 students from 8 institutions Participated. The teams from our ITC won the football and ball- badminton tournaments and the team from our VIC wan the volleyball ‘tournament. In athletics, M. Karthik of our ITC wan the 100m anc'200m events; $. Arulanban won the 800m; R. Aswin won the 1500m; R. Mohan Raj onthe shotput;D. Kalimuthu of VT won the javelin throw, anda teamfrom VTC won the4 x 100m relay. The institute hosted the Coimbatore Region Inter-ITI_ sports competitions in March, The institute's teams were winners in football and volleyball events and runners-up in ball adminton. inte track and field events, students secured the first places in 100m, 200m, 40.0, 800m, long jump, and 4x 100m tla. They secured the second places in 100m and 1500m events, and the third places in javelin throw and long jump. M. Karthik won the regional-level individual championship. A State-level Sports Mest was organized by the Dept. of Employment and Training, Government of Tamil Nadu, at SOAT stadium, Chennai ur students won the football tournament and wore runners-up in volleyball inthe track and field event, I. Karthik won the 200m, C Dhanasekar won the 400m, and 8. Arulbalan wonthe 600m event. Polytec The athletics team won the overall championship in the IPAA Divisional-evel Athletics Tournament held in January. In individual events the students won the frst piaces in 200m, 800m, and 4 x 400m ‘olay; second places in 1500m, triple jump, pole vault, and 4 x 100m relay; and third places in 800m, triple jump, and highjump. In February, the college team took part in a State-level [PAA Athletic ‘Meet field al GSI Polytechnic College, Salem, B. Sandeepkumrar, I DEEE, won the tirstplace in javelin thraw. ‘The team also took pat inthe divisional IPAA athetic meet held at RVS Polytechnic College, Sulur, Coimbatore, anc won the first place in javelin throw; second in 200m, pole vault triple jump, and 4 x 400 my; ‘and third in 5000 mand high jump, Maruthi College of Physical Education | Bhagavan Si Ramakrishna mw Paramahamsa’s Centenary Momorial Play Festival for children was organized by the J collage on 26 February 2010, ‘Around 2500 children and teachers from 35 Panchayat Union Elementary Schools of Periyanaickenpalayam and Karamadal participated in the event. The Secretary, Ramakrishna iam Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore, Bagg presided over the function, Dr. R. leas Subramanian, Chiet Educational Me sig Officer for Coimbatore and Tiruppur Districts, was the Chief Guest, and SriR.Pandkan, Chief Executive Otfico was the Guest of Honour. In association with the Paralympic Association of Coimbatore, and Coimbatore Distiict Physically Challenged Welfare Association, the college organized a district-level sports meet with an objective to facilitate job opportunities for the differently-abled. The event was held on 4 Apri 2010 atthe college a] premises. Swami Sahanananda inaugurated the meet in. which lle ‘around 80 physicaly challengad fe BE persons. participated. Sri 5. Baopatiy, General Secretary, Differently-abled Association (South Zone), and Sm. 6. Jasmin, District RenabitzionOter orth diferenl-able, were he quests College ot rts and Seience 8. Viswanathan, Il 8Com (CA) and Kothandapani, 1! BSc (Computer Science), secured the second and third places respectively in the batore level Best Physique Competition. The event was held in January at YNICA Gyn, Coimbatore 4, Iss T c A SKI TAT Kalanilayam Middle Schoo! in a ‘Braille Reading and Typing ACompetition’ conducted by Ramakrisina Mission Vivekananda Universty to commemorate the 201" Birth Anniversary ot Lou's Braille, ‘Achiban of V Std. won the second prza in the Braille reading event and Sathya of VI Std. ron the first prize in Braille typing and the second prize in Braille reading event ‘Swami Shivananda Higher Secondary Schoo! Around 170 students participated in the ‘Challenge Literary Competitions ~ Namakkal’. Eighteen students were short-listed for the state-level competitions and were also given prizes. Polytechnic College (On 23 January 2010, a state- leve! inter-colegiate cultural competition, ‘Kalal Vizha’ was conducted. Thirteen colleges took part in the event in which dance, drama, elocution, and solo singing events were conducted. Our college team ‘won the first prize in dance. The first prize in drama was bagged by Vidyalaya’s IT, V. Sattyvan of RVS Polyiecinic won the first prize in e.ccution and R. Balai, Ramaktishna Mission Polylechnic allege, Chennai, won thefirst prize insoio-singing College ot Arts and Science TT Muthukumrar won the third prize in ‘Maths Sketching’ event, and 8 ‘Ayappan and V. Sabareesh won the second prize in quiz in the inter collegiata meet ‘EQUATE 10° held in January at Kamedhenu Arts and Science College, Sathyamangalam, A team from the college and the SF wing comprising V. Mohantal, G ‘Alslamohanasundaram, M. Dinesh, T. Manigandan and R. Vinoth Raj ‘won the first prize with a cash award of Rs.4,000/- ina‘PotPourie‘event heldat PSG College of ris and Science, Coimbatore. Theteam also won the third prize witha cash avrard of Rs.500/-ina mime competition held at AIK Collage of Arts and Science, Coimbatore. College of Arts and Science (SF Wing) C. Vigneshkumar, 1 BCA, won the second prize in a Tamil oratorical competition conducted in January by Kovai District Tamil Perevai at Government Educational College for Wornen RBalakrubhakaran and A. Prabhu wonte second prize in the Word Hunt event ot the Intercollegiate Meet on Computer Science conducted at Bishop Ambrose College of Arts and Science. R. Sathyakumar, | BCom (Co-op), and M.Charles,| BCom (CA), secured the third prize and a cash prize of Rs. 1000 n a Group Dance Event conducted in February by Hindustan College of Artsand Science. and M.R. Vignes Il BCom (CA) won te first prize and a gt voucher of Rs. 15,000)- in the Commerce Quiz holdat Rathinam Collage of Artsand Ssioneo. N. Ananth, M. Chandran, G. Vacivel ‘and A. Arunkumar, I MGA, won the second place and a cash prize of Rs. 3000/- in Cybersprint 2010, a technical game event, conducted by PSGR krishnammal College forWomen Polytechnic College P. Vathi, 1 BSc(IT), won the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 2,000/- in a Mono-acting Competition conducted in Merch by PSG Colloge of Arts and Science The 11° Annual Alumni Association Meeting wes conducted at GK Auditorium on 21 Fobruary 2010. In all 214 alumni members (1956 to 2009 batches) attended the meeting. Dr. K. Perumal, Sevetary, Alumni Association ofthe Polytechnic College, welcomed the gathering. Swami Harivratananca presided over the meeting. Following alumni members spoke on the oosasion: N. Karunakaran, Superntencing Engine, ONGC, Chennai; V. Nageswaran, Project Manager, Sankar and Associates, Coimbatore; and 8. Sathasivan, Head, Materials and Processing Engg., Roots industri inca Ltd, Coimbatore. After lunch, special games were arranged for the alumni. The alumni ot 1983-84 batoh donated 2 sum on tha same day to the Remakrshna Mission Vidyalaya Alumni Association, thoreby oreating an endowment to help oor students continue with their studies in the Vidyalaya. Sri. M. Sankaralingam, Managing Director, Chippi Constructions, TiruneWvel delivered the vote of Maruthi College of Physical Edueation The Alumni Mecting was held on 10 January 2010 at the GKD Auditorium. Dr B.M. Veeraswamy, former Principal and student ofthe first batch (1956), delivered the Special Address. On this occasion, Swami Harivralananda cistributed uniforms and ntetiooks to about 30, children of TAT Kalanilayam Middle School Vidyalaya News EXTENSION / OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Maruthi College of Physical Edueation MPEd students officiated in te fallowing tournaments’ Intercollegiate tournament organized by Tamil Nadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore; 18° Tamil Nadu Forest Sports Meet held at Coimbatore; shutte, voleyball and cricket tournaments conducted by KSB pumps: distrct-evelinter-AT1 ‘tournaments; and various games organized by Govt. IT| for Women, Coimbatore, Besides ths, they officiated ina numberof events conducted by various institutions of a Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science Theextension activities ofthe Dept. cf Social Work., Dept. of Co-operation, and NSS Units are: 1 [Celebrationot Nvivekanandapuram T4Jan. — |PG Dept. of Social Work Toruralpeopleot he |samatthava Pongal 2010 locality 2 |CounselingProgramme for |Govi. Hr.Sec. School 19dan. [PG Dept. ofSocialWorkwiththeliela |110 students of 0th lUnder-achievers Naickenpalayam 2010 |ofManoShanthiFamily Counseling Jand 12thstandard (centre, Coimbatore 3° |Qne-dayEmployees Training [Coimbatore 24.lan. [PG Department of Cooperation [eDempioyees Programme to Coimbatore 2010 District Consumers [Cooperative Wholesale Store 4 |Fumanism Day Celebration | Vivekanandapuram 26Jan. _ |PG Dept. ofSocial Workin association |Rural people ofthe 2010 withthe DistictAdidravidaand Tribal iccalty Welfare Department, Coimbatore 5 |General MedicalCamp —_|JadayampalayamPanchayat |2Feb. |PG Dept. ofSocial WorkandNSS Unit |150 villagers. 2010 |inassociation with GKNM Hospital | Medicines were also suppliedto the needy. 6 |FreeDentalcamp VeerasamiNagar ‘2Feb. [PG Dept. ofSocial WorkandNSSUnit, [80school children and 2010 _|inassociation with Ramakrishna Dental 90 rural people Collage, Coimbatore 7 \Nererinary Camp TThodabavivitage Feb. [PG Dept of Social Workand NSS Unit, | 150 ivestock 2010 _|inassociation mtn Veterinary Hospital, Karemadai 8 [SoilandWaterAnaysisTest_ | Sirumugal 3Feb. [PG Dept of Social Workand NSSUnit. [48sampies were 2010 |inassociation with Tamil Nadu Soil |testec'and results esting Laboratory, Coimbatore __|distibutea 9 [Training Proorammeon GFeb. _ [PG Dent cf Cooperation and [e2SHG members /Accountingand Business 2010 [Coimbatore District Central Bank [Opportunites fr Salt Help [Groups 40. |Veterinary Camp [Mongampalayam 6Feb. [PG Dept. of Social Workand Veterinary 250 livestock 2010 [Hospital Karamadai 11 |SoilandWaterAnaiysisTest_|Siumugai ‘26Feb. [PG Dept. ctSocial Workand NSSUnit, |SDsampies were 2010 |inassociation with Tamil Nadu Soil |tested.end results {esting LaboratoryCoimbatore __| distributed 42. |T.B. Awareness Camp and | Samichetipalayam 27Feb. | PG Dept. of Social Work and 0 personstreated [General Mecical Camp 2010 | Chidohavananda ural Medical Centre | (Of them, Bwere (6. Naidu Hospital) etected with 7.8.) Medicines were istributed tote needy 13, |FreaEye Camp [CMC Colony, Ukkadam 28Feb. | PGDept of Social Norkand Aravind [250 people (Ninewere 2010 | Eye Hospital referredto the hospital {or cataract operation and23 were provided with spectacies) 14 [Environmental Awareness |KannarpalayamGovt.High | 3Mar. | PGDept.of Social WorkandNSS Unit, [S00school children Programme School, Karamadai 2010 |inassocitionwith Tamil Nadu Science Forum, Coimbatore 15 |Dentaicamp \Vivekanandapurarn 13¥Mar |G Dept. of Social Work and NSS Unt, | 105rural people 2010 |inassociationwith Ramakrishna Dental Collage, Coimbatore 16 |SoivandWaterAnaiysisand | Govanar 13¥ar, |PGDept.of Social Workand NSS Unt, |7Ssoiland water Veterinary Camp 2010 |inassociation with Veterinary Hospital, analysis results were Madathur istrutedand BO livestock waretreated 17 [Training Programmetor | Alangombu 15¥ar. [PG Department of Cooperation ‘40 weavers Hand loomWeavers 2010 18. [CooperatveSociety Valperai 20Mar. [PG Departmentof Cooperation sO members Membership Education 2010 Programme 19 |Frea€ye Camp Verivade Chettiar Corporation | 21 War. |PGDept. of Social Workand Moses | 126rural people Primary School, Puiyakulam | 2010 __|GnanambaramEye Hospital 20, | Blood Donation Camp (College Campus 29 Mar. | RCand Govt. Hospital, Mettpalayam | 700 units of blood were 2010 donated NEW APPOINTMENTS DEPARTMENT / Gandhi Teacher Training Institute ASSOCIATION MEETINGS, Sri T. Arul was appointed as Instructor in Physical TRAINING, SEMINARS, Education with effect from 15 Mareh 2010. WORKSHOPS, VISITS AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES VISITORS Industrial Training Institute In February 2010, Col. M. S. Kapoor, Senior Vice President, Sobha Developers, Bangalore, visited the construction training yard to explore ‘the possibilty ot havingatte-up with ourinsttut Vidyalaya High School The students presented a variety of antartainment programmes during the schoo’s Annual Day and Hostel Day celebrations on 6 March 2010. Sami Atmaramananda presided over the function and distributed the prizes. The Chief Guest of the function, Sri J. Kamalanathan, Director, All India Radio, Coimbatore, agave the Special Adcress. Family members ofthe students witnessed thecelebiation TAT Kalanilayam Middle School Sri. Thiagataian, Assistant General Manager (Personnel), Coramandel Enginezting Company Lid., Chennai, vsited the construction training ‘yard with a proposal to have. tie-up for recruitment of trainees Sri Sahil Kumar Singh, Engineer ~ Quality Assurance, Peekay Steel Castings Ltd., Calicut, visited the welding shop with a proposal to train their emplayeesin obtaining American Welding Society Certification, ‘The Annual Day wes celebrated Jon 13 March 2010, Dr. Thilagam Rajesh, Director, K. R. Hospital Periyanaichenpalayam, and. Si JP Krishnamaorthy, Additional JAEEQ, wore the Chiet Guests [The studants staged a cultural programme to markthe event. In March 2010, Ms. Sussane Harden, and Sri Nithyananda, members of Bosch India Foundation Ltd., Bangelore, visited our inctituta. in connection with supporting our skilldevelopment training initiatives, On 16 March 2010, the students presented a cultural programme at ‘ivoli Nagar, highlighting the importance of our ancientfolkarts, Swami Shivananda Higher Secondary School Some staf members and students visited the Aircraft Exhibition neld in January Nehru Collegeof Aeronautics and Applied Sciences. The Annual Day ofthe schoo! (both English and Tamil mediums) was celebrated on 20 February 2010. Swami Devarchanananda presided over the function. Sri K. Senthilkumar, Director, Isha Foundation, USA, and Sti S. Saravanan, Director, Fairy-land Foundation, Chennai, both alumni of the school, were the special invitees. Sri Kavidasan, Director, HRD, Roots Company, Coimbatore, also an alumnus| himself and the Chief Guest of the occasion, delivered the| Special Address. The students| entertained the audience with a cultural show that included drama, folk dance, instrumental music, anda dancedrama, Industrial Training Institute ‘A function was organized on 28 February 2010 in the GKD Auditorium to inaugurate [GNOU's Vertically Integrated Engineering Programme. Swami B) Atmaramanancla presided over. Sri . llango, President, CODISSIA, Coimbatore, was the Chief Guest, and Sri D, Rajesh Kumar, Joint Managing Director, Salzer Electronics Limited, Coimbatore, was the Guest of Honour. Sri M. Manickam, Goneral Manager, HR, SERVALL (P) Limited, Karamadai, and Sri Sudhakar, Associate Head, HR, Roots Industries, Coimbatore, delivered Special Addresses on the occasion. Sri K. Senthil Murugan and Sri D. Kalimuthu participated in ajo fair at Trichy. A stall was set up to admit candidates for the sklltraining courses. More than 200 cancidates enrolled forthe training programme and 18havejcined the courses soar. On 3 April 2010, Sri G. Murali, Principal, attended a meeting at HAT (International) L1d., Bangalore, and held discussions regarding offering technical services to start Construction Vocational Training Centre in Indonesia, {As part of a trainers’ programme sponsored by Vaazhnthu Kaatuvorn Pioject, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Tamil Nac, 30 trainees from 15 olstricts attended a 3-day training programme on masonary commencing 8 Apri 2010. Similar programmes. were organized in April and May 2010 for trainees sponsored by Temi Nadu ‘Women Development Project, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of Temi Nadu. Sti. Manohar attended a one-day workshop on ‘Acerecftation of Skill Assessment Bodies’ conducted by National Accreditation Board for Education and Training, Qualty Council of india, On 27 April 2010, the Principal attendad @ meeting at the District GCollectorate regarding commencing new programme ented, ‘Kaushal Vikas Yojana’, under the Ministry of Labour, Government of India Sri R. Venukumar, Sri. Gopinath, and Sri Ni. Senthikumar underwent S-day training programme in May 2010 on ‘CNG Machining Gentre Programming and Operation’, held at Lakshmi Machine Works Limited, Arasur, Coimbatore. ‘A Community Development; Programme was commenced on 24 May 2010. In all 78 persons are undergoing training ~ 16 in autocad mechanism; 7 in computer hardware fi maintenance; 19 in cellphone servicing: 20 in four-wheeler mechanism 15 intalloring: and 1 inbakery. In May 2010, 56 trainees of the Dept of Civil Engineering attended a one-week pre-employment traning programme sponscred ty the Builders’ Association of India anc Construction Industry Development Council ‘Around 119 vehicles were tested for emission between { January and 15 ‘June 2010 tour Vehicle Emission Testing Gentre ‘Around 314 trainees underwent CNC taining between 1 January and 15 June 2010, A new CHG machine sponsored by LMW was installed for the benefit ofthe trainees. Around 207 trainees underwent driving training betwoon 1 January and 18 June 2010. kil taining between 1 January and 15 June 2010, Polytechnic College In January, J. Muthukvishran, Ill DEEE, presented 2 paper, ‘Recent ‘Trends in Robotics’, ina state-level technical symposium organized by Thanthai Rover Institute of Polytechnic College, Perambalur He won the second prizewithacash awardot Rs, 750/- IM. Manojkumar and R. Achithya, ll OT, presented a pape, ‘Inflation’ in a state-level technical symposium organized by PAC Ramasamy Raja's Polytechnic College, Rajapalayam. They won the first prize witha cash award of Rs. 1,000/-.Intha camo seminar, B. Mohankumar and W. Lakshminarayanan presented another paper titled ‘Recent Trends in Robotics’ and won the second prize with a cash award of Rs.500/-. In ‘another seminar held for Civil Engineering students on the same day, N. Ajaikumar and X. Arunkumar presented 2 paper titled ‘Advance Formwork Technology’ and wion the second prize with a cash award of Rs. 500. Ti hi S. Suryaprakesh and G. Vinayagamoorti, | DCE, presentd a paper, ‘Applications and Implementation of Pro-strassed Concrote’, in a stata-level technical symposium organized by K. em) S. Rangasamy Institute of Technology, . By) Tiruchengode. Thay won the second prize and a (27 cash avare ofc. 1.600" Inan another avert for IT students that was heldin the same symposium, Karthik and, Prasad, Il DIT, presanted a paper entited E-securty and also won the second prize and a cash avard of Rs. 1,500 In a Nietionablevel Project Model Contest conducted in January 2010 by IEEMA Associaion, Mumbai, M. Gunaseeian, P Navukkarasu, P. Pranesh Kumar, MA Kanibanathan, and B, Vishnuvaratan, final year students of DEEE, presented a project rmocel entitied “Automatic Pawer Factor Improvement for 3-phase Induction Motor for Various Loads’ S1iS, Manikandan, Faculty of Electrical and Electrons Engineering, actad as theirstaft quide. 8 PhiliprajandJ. Muthukrishran, II DEEE, presented a paper, ‘Recent Trends in Electric Drives, in a national-level_ technical Poiytechnic College, Perundural Thay wen tte td prze with 2 QD cash award of Rs. 1,000/-. In another event N. Vivn Richard and M. Asnokkurmar, Il DME, presented a paper tte “industrial Automations’ and wan the second prize with a cash awerd of Rs. 2,000 In February, 8. Karthickand S. Prasad, DI, presented a paper, ‘WI-Max’, in a sate-level technical symposium conducted by the Seshasayee Institute of Technology, Trichy. They won the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 1,000/- S. Prasad and S. Kartik, Il DIT presented 2 paper titled ‘Real Time Network Security’ in a state-level technical symposium organized by Pavai Varam Polytachnic College, Namaktal. They won the first prize with acash awardof Rs. 2,00 M.Mohana Kannan and S, Gowri Shankar, Il DI, presented a paper, ‘Computerized Agriculture’, in a State-level technical symposium organized by Kongu Polytechnic College, Perundural, They won the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 2,000/- Further, they went on to win the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 3,000/- for their paper, ‘Grid Computing’, presented at a technical symposium held atNandha Polytochnic College, Erode. ‘Ata state-level technical symposium organized by Kongu Polytechnic College, Perundurai, N. Arvind Muthu Kumar and ¥. Manoj Kumar, tI DOCE, won the second prize with a cash award of Fs. 1,500/ for their paper presentation enillec “Global Warming’. In the quiz [ competition, M. Mohana Kannan and S. Gow Shankar, lI DIT, won the first prize M. Guruvignesh and G. Sethupathi, | DEEE, participated in a debate competition entitled Information Technology helps the progress of the nation; Does itor does it not? . and won the first prize with a cash award of Rs. 1,000/-, The debate was organized by thealumni association of PSG College of Technology. A state-level technical seminar-cum-quiz competition on Environmental Degradation and Pollution Control’ was conducted by the Civil Engineering Association. Twelve students from & colleges prosonted papers in tha seminar. The dotails ofthe frst three places as mentioned bolow: SNo]_NameoftheColege | Presentedbj Pre 1 [institute ofPrining | R.Dines Technology, Chennai First prizewitha cash awardot Rs. 1000/- Second prizewitha cash awardof Rs.750/- 2 |Christtheking D.A.Jemy Vila Institute of Technology, [Coimbatore 3 [Ramakrishna vission | K-JeelaniBasha | Third prize witha Vidyalaya Polytechnic. | and cash awardot College N.Aravindmuthy | Rs. 500/- Kumaran A personality developmant camp ontitled ‘Facing Social Challenges’ was conducted from 49 to 21 January 2010 for the| second-year students. Besides} lectures on topics relating to} Social development, values, and athics, the camp included guided P meditation, yoga, a debate, an interactive session, quiz, and cultural programmes. The important lectures were: ‘Approaches to Entrepreneurship ~ Past, Present, and Future’ by SriC. Anbalagan; ‘Indian Style of Management by Sri T. Mahara, Facuty Member of the School of Management Studies, Anna University Coimbatore; ‘Qualities, Values, and Ethics Fo Entrepreneurs’ by Manosekthi Sri N. Masilamani, Human Resource Trainer, Coimbatore: ‘Integrating Personal Goals witn Social Responsibly’ by Sri Rajesh Govindarajulu, Ecltor, Wisdom Tree, Coimbatore; ‘Facing the Industral Hazards for Healthy Living’ by Smt K -Arul, Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories, 1st Division, Coimbatore; and Cultural Responsibilty ofan ntrepreneur—2 presentationby students, guided by Sri IM. Premockumar, Faculty of Cultural Education, Amrita University, Coimbatore. The Valeictory Address was delivered by Sr Kavidasan, Director, Roots industries india Ltd, Coimbatore The Annual Day was celevreted on 15 March 2010 at the GKD auditorium. Dr. M, Natarajan, Chief Executive Ofcer, Bannari@mman Institute 0 Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode, delivered the Annual Day Address. Sri R. Raju, an alumnus ot the 1972 Batch, and the Managing Partner Samaj Constructions, Coimbatore, was the Special Guest. Swami Devarchanananda presided over the function and delivred the denedictory address. After the prize cistribution, the students presented a variety of cultural programmes that included Dharatanatyam, kathakal, dance drama, mono-acting, oo. Vidyalaya News a. | Betwoon 22 and 28 January 2010, the associations ofthe four departments conducted various seminars. The detailsare presentad below: Association Topic Prosentedby Prize Civil Global Warmingand ts LL Ganash, II DCE, SakthiPolytecnnicCollege, Shakthinagar, | Firstprize wth acashaward of Engineering |impact Erode Rs. 1000!- Modern Surveying Mohamed Gouse and V. Hariprakash, II DCE, Salem Co-operative] Second prize wth cash award of Techniques Suger Mills Polytechnic College, Mohanur, Namekial Rs. 750/- [Advanced Construction .PannarselvamandA Kanthasamy, INDCE,PACRamasamy _| Third prize witha cash award of Materials RajaPo'ytechnic College, Rajapalayem Rs. 500/- Mechanical [industrial Automation 8.GowthamandG. HarishKumar,IIDCE,PSGPohtechnio | Firstpriz witha cashaward of Engineering College. Coimbatore Rs. 1000/- 8. Thirunavukkarasu and R. Veeranagarajan, INDME,SRKV | Secondprize withacashiaward Polytechnic College, Coimbatore IRs. 750 X daiganestiandG Arun and, INDME,Ramkrisina Mission | Third prize wth acashaward of Polytechnic College, Myfapore, Chennai Rs. 500- Electrical and Utiization of Non-conventional| R Karthikeyan, Il DEEE, Srnivasa PolytecnnicColege, Puttur | Fistprize wth a cashaward ot Electronics. |Energy Sources Rs. 1000 | Eocene R. Sandeep and. Mano) Il DEEE,PSGPolytzchnic College, | Secondprize withacash award Coimbatore of Rs. 750/- N.M.Arunand R. Karthikeyan, lll DEEE, ThiagarsjarPolytechnic | Third prize wth a cash award of College, Salem Rs. 500/- Information |Web-basod Applications | RRechakrishnanand¥J. Anand Parthian Il DIT, Firstprize wth a cash award of Technology PSGPolytechnicCollege, Coimbatore Rs. 1000!- K-SolaikumarandK Vishweshwaran,IIIDGE, Ramakrishna | Secondprize witha cash award ore, of Rs. 750% 8. Gowri Shankarand M. Mohanakannan, ll DIT. Third prize with acashaward of SRKVPoyectmnicCallege, Coimbatore Rs.500- Institute of Agriculture and Rural Developmer In February, Dr. P. Murugesan attended a National-tevel Conference on Indian Herbs organized by Chotayll Group of Campanis. Dr. Sankaralingam, Principal Vc. delivered aguestlecturein Marchto about 50 farmers ina one-day raining programme entitled ‘Dairy Cattle Management’ under the Agricultural Technology Manegement ‘Agency's scheme at the office of the Asst. Director of Agriculture, Karamadhai, Farmers from Keramadai, Periyanaiokenpalayam, Annut, and 5. 8. Kulam Panchayat benefited from the prooramme. Another similar lecture was organized in May. ‘The Annual Day and Placement award function was celebrated on 27 April 2010. Tha institute achieved 100% placement for the seventh consecutive year. Swami Atmaramananda presided over the function, ‘and awarded the appointment orders to the candidates. Sri V, Kandasamy, Joint Ditoctor, Dept. of Agriculture, Coimbatore, delivered the ‘Annual Day Address. Dr. V. Jayapal, Dean (Acriculture), Tamil Nadu Agricultural. University, Coimbatore, elivered the Spacial Address. Sri R Kesavan, Ws. Rasi Seeds, Artut, participated inthe unetion Gandhi Teacher Training Institute ‘The first and the second year OTE &f students attended a workshop on "Arts and Crafis' on 26 February im 2010. Sri $. M. Mohammed og Nizemuddeen, Sri R. Kennan, Smt. f Rathai Sri Devi, and Smt. Usha ‘ Nendini acted as the Resource toed Persons. n 1 March 2010, a symposium con “Impact of English on Teacher Training Programme’ Was held for the DTE students Dr ALR. Bhavana, Asst. Protessor, Dept. of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, acted as the Resource Person, On 5 March 2010, Sri T. Dharrarajan, a recipient of National Best ‘Teacher Award, imparted training to the students on the topic ‘Maths in Paper Folding’ JA symposium on ‘Educational Technology for Learning was held for the DTE students on 2 March 2010, Sri IM. Parthaserathi, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Educational Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, was the resource person, Maruthi Cotto ‘The Annual Day of te college| was celebrated on 2. April 2010, together with the| Faculty of General and ‘Adapted Physical Education, ‘and the Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education. RKMVU. at. the| {P| Guest. Si P. Govinderaian, Deputy Selinspector General of Prison [Combatore, delivered tne Annual Day Address. The students and staff performed yogasanas, aerobics, silambam, yak dance, pyramid formation, gymnastics, and tableau 2s partof the colorations. A farewell function was organized for three senior staff members vo are due to retire ~ Dr S. Alagesan, Principal, Dr. 6 Palaniswamy. and Dr. V. Perumal, Associate Professors Swamis Anuragananda ano| ‘Nitmaleshananca participated in their felicitation A National Seminar entitled, ‘Recent Developments in| Sports Sciences and Th Coniribution Towards Physical Education and Sports’ was corganizedat the GKD Aucitorium fon 9 and 10 April 2010. Swami JAtmaramaranda presided over the Hunction. Dr. K. Vaithianathan, Vice [Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Physical Hf Ecucation and Sports. University J chiennai, delivered the Keynote ‘Adoress. The Resource Persons. ‘were: Dr. Santhosh Jacob, Founder and Director, indian Academy of Sports Medicine and Research, Chennai, Or. K. P. Manilal, Senior Scentitic Orficer, Sports Authority of India, Bangalore; Or. R. \Venkatapathy, Professor and Head, Dept. of Management, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore: Dr. (Mrs.)K. Dilara, Associate Profassor, Dept of Physiology, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai; Dr. Shashikant Goswami, Sports Nutrtionist, Sports Authority of India Bangalore; and Dr. (Ms.) Shahin Ahmed, Reader, Dept. of Psychology and Sociology, Tannl Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai. Swami Nirmaleshananda presided over the aledictory function and distributed thevertcates. College of Education ‘A National Conference on fear ‘Collaborations and Stratecic Hei") Alliance for the Development of Libraries in Various Institutions ot Higher Education’ was held Jon 25 and 27 February 2010. Nearly 140 delegates from 87 institutions participated. [Atoam of experts visited the collage on 24 April 2010 to review and recommend to the UGC for further extension of the tenure of the autonomy. The members of the team were: Dr. R. Krishna Kumar, Professor of Education, Dept of Education, Annamalai University: Dr. R. Veeraman|, Registrar, Tamil Nadu Teachers Euucaton Univers, Chennai Dr.K. ijayalekshi, Principal, Lady Wilingdon Institute of ‘Advanced Stucy in Education; Dr. S. Thangasamy, Principal, Lakshmi College of Education, Gandhigram: and Or. S. Vasanthi, Principal, NKT National Colegeot Education for Women, Chennai The Anal Day vas caooated QI] on 19 May 2010. Swami) Atmaramananda presided over] ‘the function and ‘Kalaimanani’ Marin Maidan Me Muti delivered: the college. Day faa College of Artsand Science Sri M. K. Velingiri, Joint Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Coimbatore, delivered a quest lecture on ‘Recent Developments in Co- operatives’ forthe benefit of the slucenis af the Dept. of Co-operation, Dr. P. Rakkiyappan, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Crop Production, Sugarcane Breeding Institute (ICAR), Coimbatore, delivered a guest lecture on ‘Organic Recycling in Sugarcane Production’ forthe benefit ofthe students ofthe Dept. of Chomistry, In February, the Dept. of Mathematics conducted a National Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Fluid Dynamics’. Forty-eight sia members from 20 colleges participated, The department also conducted ‘Solstice “10', an_ intercollegiate Mathematical Meet on 18 February. Moce than 200 students trom 17 colleges participated, Dr. MM. Jayachandran, Deputy Director, Electro Chemical Research Institution, Ministry of Science and Tachnology, Karaikud, delivered a quest lecture on ‘Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials Students ofthe Dep. of Physiosattended the lecture. Sri. Nandekurrar, Bio-medical Engineer, Prime Bio-medical Systems, Tiruppur, delivered a guest lecture on ‘Fluoride Toxicity’. Students of theDept. of Chemisiry attended the lecture Vidyalaya News zz. -| In January, a damo-docurnentary,‘A Thrilling Potential on Sixth Sense Technology’, conceived by Sri Pranav Mistry, and directed by Technology Entertsinment Design, was screened forthe beneft of MCA and BCA Students. \. Venkatesh. Ill BGom, secured the first place for his paper presentation on the topic ‘Risk Management in Banking Industry, ina rational-tevel seminar organized by Tiruppur Kumaran Collegefor Women. Sri C. R. Sakthivel, Head, Department of Computer Science, and Sri Baskar and Sr. Kamara, Lectura ofthe Dept. of Computer Scienca attended training program on ‘Leveraging Technology for Effective Teaching in Ciassroom and Beyond! at the International Insttute of Information Technology, Bangalore. Sri M. Chandran, Lecturer, Dept. of MCA, and Sri S. Muthukurar, Lecturer, Dept, of Computer Science, altended a workshop on ‘MATLAB Fundamentals and Image Processing Toolbox. The workshop was conducted by ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu at G R Govincarajulu School cf Applied Computer Technology, PSGR Krishnammal College of ‘Women. Sri U. Arun Bharath, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, dalivered a lecture on ‘Pronunciation and Self-esteem’ to the studonts pursuing English Literature at Sree Narayana Guru College. On 2 March 2010, the Dept. of Co-operation conducted a seminar entitled Reforms of Rural Credit Co-operatives: Credit Institutions’ A. Vaidyanathan operati Prot. Dr Chairman of the Task Force Committee, addressed the 2] participants. Besides our students, 7 [2}201 socretarios of Primary a ‘Agricultural Co-operative Societies: participated The PGand Research Dept of Physics conducted seminar on2 and March 2010 on the tonic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics’. Around 90 students from 10institutions took pa Dr. A Manikachezian, NGM College, Pollachi, delivered a guest-ecture onthe topic’ Cloud Computing’ for students of computer science. A farewell func zed in April foul ie Pade Vian citric wit? ‘A documentary fim on water conservation, tiled ‘Thagem’, wes 2010 for the folloning statf members who are due to retire: Sri A. Vijayakumar, HOD, Dept. of Mathematics; Sri. Daivasigamani HOD, Dept of Chemistry; Dr. P. Murugesan, Associate Professor, Depl. of Co-operation and Sri A. Kandaswamy, Selection Grade screened forthe benefitof BCom (Co-op) students. \. Ananthapadmanaban and B. Arun, Il BSc(IT), presented a paper entited ‘Radio Frequency Identitication’ at 2 seminar held at Karpagam Colege of Engineering. Assistant. Sri T. Arun Kumar, Research Schoiar, Dept. of Physics, was selected for the Junior Research Fellowship in National Renewable Energy Fellowship Scheme sponsored by the Ministry of New and Renewable Enorgy, TERI University, New Doh SiiD.NthyaPrakash, Research Scholar, apt. of Physics, underwent an intensive continuing educction training programme on ‘Nano Fabrication Technologies. Tha programme was conducted by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore College of Arisand Science (SF Wing) Sri Karthikumat, Lecturer, Department of I, delivered a talk on ‘Web Technology and Application .8So({T) students attended the lecture. presented a paper entitled ‘Present Taxation System and its impact on the Current Economy’ at a seminar held at K. G. College of Arts and Science. S. Satheesh Kumar, \. Venkatesh, and 8. Naveenkumar, Ill BCom, . Rajesh and B, Naveen, iI BSe(CS), won the third prize ‘na paper presentation event on the topic ‘Convergence Technology’ conducted by CSI Bishop Appasamy Collegeof Arisand Science, Coimbatore, play titled ‘Unbound! basod on Mahatma Gandhi's ‘Hind Swaraj’ was staged by Sri Parnab Mukherjee, Kokata, in the college's seminarhall on 25 March201 0. “HOW CAN YOU BUY OR SELL THE SKY?” “The background: When the Europeans first set foct in North America, thay mathe peopl who wareliving there. These people nad na sense of ownership ofland oF rature. Butte Europeans soon started fighting for land. The native pecple living there sarod resisting them. However sine they id rot have any big weapons, they ‘were defeated. They kept moving back. il they hed nowhere to go. There was only the sea on the oer side. Chief Seathl was the leader fa ibe in the North of ‘America. Helivedahuncrecand fy yearsago.In1854,he wrtean open letter tothe President ofthe USA, explaining why hacould natsall island, K ofthe letter hat Chie! Seathl weote: How can you uy orelthe shor he warmth ofthe land? The ideis strange tous. Itwe donot oun the freshness ‘ftheairand the sparkle he war, hw can you buy them Every part ot the eat 'ssacrec tomy people. Every reeand every insects holy In theexperence of my people. Weare oat ofthe earth anditispartof us. The perfume flowersare our sisters. Thedeer, the Forse the great eagle — these ae our brother. Te lp ofthe mountains ad the gress on te earth are ll part of one famiyof lf. So, when the great Chief in Washington sends word that he wants to buy our land, we do not Understand, The river's murmur isthe voice of my father's father. The rivers quench our thirst. The vers carry our boats andthe fod our children, we el you ur land, yours teach yourchildren to respecte Wateras acloseretva. You must ge therives the kindness tat you giveto each athar We inow that you donot undsiand our ways. One portion cf the ands the sare to youas anther You are ikeastranger. You comet tke from the and wht you ‘an. You do notteatthe earth as your mother, bute your enemy ard once you have conquered, you mv on. You tke the resources othe earth from the future that belongs to your children and you dan'tcare. Teach your cildron what ve have taught our chidren — that whatover happons tothe earth wil happen to all the ‘creatures tht lve onthe cath! man spitonthe ground, they harm themselves. This we know — the earth does not belong to us — we belongto the earth This we ‘ow —allthings zr connectedlike the blooctat unites onelarge family. ‘THESIS UNDERTAKEN BY STUDENTS / PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN BY STAFF Collage of Arts and S ‘The UGC sanctioned an amount of Rs.5,89,800/- fora Major Research Project entitled ‘Synthesis, Structural DFT, and Electrochemical Properties of Novel Ru(l)/ Ru(Ii) Schift Base Complexes: Utiization o! These Complexes in Antioxidant and DNA-binding Studies’, submitted by Dr. C. slayatalakrishnan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry [MPhil//Ph0 degree viva-voce exam was concucted far te following candidates: Sri. Krishnakumar Physics Dr. R. Jayaprakash Synthesis and Charactarization of Sn0, Zn0 and Sp Substituted SnO, Nanoparticles for [Gas Sensor Application Mphil, Dec. 2009 Sri. P. Sathish Physics Preparationand Dielectric Study of MinGoFe.0, Nanoparticle by Auto Combustion Technique Mphil, Jan. 2070 Ms. D. Karthikeyen Physics Dr.\. Ponnuswamy | Synthesisand Characterization of PANI/P205 [Composites by Chemical Oxidation Mathod phil, Dec. 2009 Sri.P.Jayamurugan Sri.V, Gopalakrishnan Physics Physics Dr K. Perumal Synthesis f Pyrole-(0-Toluidine) Co-polymer to Develop a Charge Transport Materia for Solar [Cot Applications Synthesis and Dielectric Study of Conper Substituted Cobalt Ferrite Oxide (CoxCut-«Fe204) Nanopartcleby Sol-GetNethod Sri P. Thirunavukkarasu Physics Preparationand Characterization of Chernically Sprayed Doped anid Undoped $02 and In203 Thin Films for Photovoltaic Applications phil, Dec. 2009 phil Jn. 2010 PhO, January 2070 Sri.6. Gowrisankar Physics SriM, Sethuraman Thermal Performanceand Analysis of Single | Siope Double Basin Soler Stil phil Jan. 2010 Sri. K. Sugaraia Social Work Dr.8.P.Kamaraj |AComparative Study of Anxiety and Depression Level of People Living With HIViAIDS On, Antiretroviral Therapy and Not On Antiretroviral therapy in Coimbatore District phil Jan. 20%0 SriR. Afunan. Social Work Organizational Climate, Job Anxiety, Job Involvement, andJob Satistation: A study on the Employees ofthe Private Insurance [Companies, Coimbatore PhO, Apil2010 SG. Nagarajan |Co-operatin| DP. Murugesan Performance of Urban Co-operative Banks In Chennai District, Tamil lad PhO, February 2010 irs. R. Malarviznt Physics ‘SriS. Ramanathan Prysical Propertiesand Doping Characteristics Jof DBSA Doped Polyaniline-PVC Blends Mphil, January 2010 2 hs. Maheshwari Physics SiG. Mahendran Structuraland Optical Properties of CulnS2Thin Fs by Spray Pyrolysis Method phil, February 2010, 13 Sri. A, Mahudeswaran Physics Dr. Chandrasekar [CSA Doped Aniline-o-folnidine Copolymer blend with nO Nanoparticles Spin-coated Thin Film MPhil, March 2010 4 Sm. P Bharathi Physics Hybrid Undopedand Doped Polyamiline with Zinc (Oxide Nanoparticles ThisFilms using Spin Coating Technique, 15 Ms. S. Subathra Social Work Dr. Paranjoth Ramalingarn Mental Health of Adolescent Gris: A Study in [Coimbatoreity Mphil, March 2010 Pho, april2010 16 SriA. Stephen Antony Raj Natnematics ‘SriA.Viiayakumar Unsteady MHD Free Convective Flow Through a Porous Medium withthe effects of Gnemical Reaction and Radiation Absorption MPhil, April2010 zz -| RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIVEKANANDA UNIVERSITY, VIDYALAYA CAMPUS, NEWS: GENERAL EVENTS Faculty of General and Adapted Physical Education and Yooa This yeer, tha Unified Play Day (UPD) was held at our Venkatakrishnan Indoor stadium on 10 February 2070. Sri Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, Director, LMW, Coimbatore, vas the Chief Guest for the function. The event commenced with a march-past and prayer song sung by the disabled children studying in the Vidyalaya. This was flowed by yoga ‘nd dances presented by he children ot TAT Kalanilayam Midcle Sehool ‘and Aashirwed Special School. Later, intellectually disabled children, along with hair normal partners (both boys and girs) ‘rom 89 schools balonging to 10] looks of Coimbatore distrit, social behaviour rangoli-drawing, and handkerchiet drills. The demonstration was carried out in a unified mode. Later on the following stalls were inaugurated: > Nutrition stall by Dr. G. Krishnabai, Dean, Faculty of Home Seiance, ‘Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore » Psychotherapy by Sel Sanjay Jayavarthanavelu, Director, LMW, Coimbatore Physiotherapy by Is. Jayanti Narayana, Consultant, CBR, ZDRID ‘Music therapy by Sti Ai Kazim, National Diractor, Special Olympics Bharat Sports ski tests by Or G. Suresh, M.D (Hom), Homoeopath, Coimbatore > Artand kolam therapy by Swami Atmaramanana, Secretary and ‘Administrative Head, FOMSE, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Theevent was 2s successful as inthe lastyears. was yetanother social occasion for the parents of the disabled children to meet, leam, and share their experiences. SPORTS. Faculty of General and Adapted Physical Education and Yoga In commemoration ofthe 175th Birth Anniversary ot ii Ramakrishna, and the 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, a state-level tournament for school students was held from 29 Aprilto 2 May 2010, nthe concluding day, Swami Atmaramananca, Secretary, distributed thoprizesto the winners, ‘Around 30 students have enrolled in the Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya Sports Academy. The facully sextension centre at Chennaihas around 120 members. EXTENSION / OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education ‘A training programme on autism \was held for parents and teachers on 20 and 21 February 2010. Dr. Sethupathi, Child Specialist Coimbatore, inaugurated te training programme, and Or. N. Muthaiah Principal, Ramakrishna. Mission Vidyelaya College of Education, celivered tre Valedictory Address. Forty-six participants underwent this training programme ‘Another training programme on autism was conducted from 3to7 May 2010forthe benef of parents and teachers. In connection with the 201st birth anniversary of Louis Brail a Braille Literacy Competition for visually Impaired children was organized on 9 January 2010. Fifteen children participated in the competitions PA lisoetia bolton, primary, middle, high, and higher secondary schooblevels. Sri Srinivasan, Retd. Professor, Dept. of Enolish, Dr. V. Sukumaran, Retd. Professor, Dept. of History, Sri Ashok Kumar, Teacher, Govt. School for the Blind, Uliyampalam, and Sri Jagadish Chauhan, spoke on the occasion ‘An orientation programme on Braille tor generalteachers, parents, and volunteers was organized from 1 to § March 2010. Thirty persons participated in the programme sponsored by NIVH, Dehradun. Sri M. Gopaiakrishnan, Training Officer, NIVH (Regional Offica}, Chennai, and lecturers ofthe faculty actedas the resource persons. Number Bonet =e as er Ma Physiomerany 5 [17 | 9 19] 6 | 16 Play Therapy 44 [15 | 17 | 17 | 7 21 Speech Therapy ofa[ fa] 7[s AdukaduusimentTraningl —3-[ 1 [1 [- | - | - Slowachiever-Coaching | 2 2 2 £ a 5 Tota a3 | 46 | 50 | 48 | 20 | 45 VISITORS Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education ‘Visitors to the faculty included: Ms. Jessica Schroder, a social worker from Germany: staff and students from PSG College of Nursing Coimbatore; Avinashilingam University Coimbatore; PPG Educational Institute, Coimbatore; Sri Sarada College of Education, Salem; K. R. School of Nursing, Coimbatore, Sri R. Venkatesh, Maintenance Engineer, and Sri Samar Sinha, Lecturer, Centra Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, visited the facuity on 13 March 2010 to discuss about developing a codification of Indian Sign Language, [O—O—a—— DEPARTMENT / ASSOCIATION MEETINGS, TRAINING, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS, VISITS AND STUDENT ACTIVITIES Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education On 27 January 2010, Dr. Bhakthavatsaiam, Chairman, K. G. Hospital, Coimbatore, inaugurated the GRE programme on P)| individualized Training Programme A{jitor Children with Hearing Impairment’. Swami Aimaramananicapresied. In January 2010, Mrs. Shanthi Bacrnarayan, delivered 2 lecture on ‘Sociological Determinants of Integration Teacher's Role in ‘Strengthening Integrative and Cohesive Forces’ A training programme for teachers of hearing impaired children was conducted from 1 to 3 February 2010. The event was held in collaboration wit nn Foundation, New York, anc Cheran Region Chistian Society for Disabled children Coimbatore. Thity-ve teachers participated ACRE programme on'Integrated and inclusive Education for Children with Mental Retardation’ ves conducted from 3 to 5 February 2040. z Bim Thirtyone teachers participated. Or R. Balasubramanian, CEO, SSA, delivered the Inaugural Address, Dr. N Muthaiah, Principal, SRKV College ot Education, delivered a guast lecture. St Dhathathreyan, Teacher, TAT xalaniayam Middle Schoo, Sri D. Rathnakumar, Lecturer, Sri Rajeswari College of Education, Trichy, and Mrs. P. S. Jamecla Principal, KVM Collage of Special Education, acted os the Resource Persons, ‘Ateam comprising three members deputed by RCI visited the faculty on 5 and 6 February 2010 in connection wit the extension of approval for the Diploma, BEd, and MEd courses. Prof, S. R, Mittal, (VI expert), Or. \Varshia Gatoo (HI expert), and Dr. P.Jayachandran (MR expert) were the ‘members of heteam, ‘A training on Multiple Disabilities for fisld workers of Vazhndhu Kaatuvom Project wes organized from 11 to 27 February 2010. Twenty- five field workers underwontthe training, Thirty-eight students and tw teachers from PSG College of Technology attended one-day orientation programme on disability Sri R. Sankaranarayanan and SriN, Sankar attended a meeting on Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities’ “ganized by CB's South Asia Regional Otficeat Trichy Ftteen police officers attended a five-day training programme that was orgenizedin Marchor the Special TaskForce Pie, Sathyamangalam, ‘A meeting of key officials of the Human Resource Departments of leading privat industries such as Pricl, LMW, Texmo, Salzar, ec. was held on 13 Merch 2010 to discuss about identification and creation of job opportunities for the disabled persons, The second-phase training on Multile Disabilities for tild workers of \Vazhndhu Kaatuvom Project was organized from 5 10 19 March 2010, Twenty-five teld workers participated ‘A total of $21 persons inclucing regular teachers, biock resource teachers, parents, and village education committes members in various blocks of Coimbatore and Nilgiris Districts were given training on ityand special education from 15to 18 March 2010, A national seminar entitled A} curriculum Adaptation for Bchildren with Learning E Disabilities’ was conducted Mtrom 17 to 19 March 2010, Nearly hundred teachers trom various parts of Tamil Nadu Participated. (0n 27 March 2010, Swami Sahanananda and Sri A. Dora Raj, Lecturer in Special Education, had a meeting with Dr. Uma Maheswari, IAS, District Collector, Karur, regarding various rehabilitation programmes for the disabled persons in Karur District. They also had discussions with Sr. 8. Sivzkumar, Librarian District Central Library, Karur regarding the feasbilty of starting a braille library for the benefit of visually impaired parsons. Besides this, they met other kay ofiia's and held. discussions on conducting & rehabiitation programmes for the disabled During his visit to Chennai in April 2010, Swami Sahanananda had a meeting with Dr. P. Perumalsamy, Director of Schoo! Education, regarding implementation of schemes for the clsabled - Inclusive Education or Disabled Children (IEDC), and inclusive Education of the Disabled Children at the Secondary stage (IEDC-SS) in the Vidyalaya campus. A proposal to facilitate the appointment of saven special teachers at the middle school-lvel and one special teacher at the seoondary-level was submitted. This will help 64 children with disabilities who are studying in the Vidyalaya at present. He also met Sri ©. Vijay Raj Kumar, 1AS, State Commissioner for Disabilities, and discussed about the possiblity of starting an Early Intervention Centre for Vi, HI, and MR in the Vidyalaya that wil cater to the disabled children ofruralareas, The Annual Day of the faculty was celebrated jointly with Maruthi College of Physical i Education and the Faculty of General and Adapted Physica Education and Yoga at. the indoor stadiumon2April 2010. Vidyalaya News 7 Faculty of Gonoral and Adapted Physical Education and Yoga A meeting to frame the syllabus for training in kalarl was held on & February 2010. Dr. S. Alagesan, Principal, Maruthi College ot Physical Education, Dr Saikumar, Reader, Maruthi College of Physical Education, Dr. Narayanan Namboodhri, Kerala, Sri S. Mancikam, Yoga Instructo, and S. Uchayasankar, lecturer ofthe facut, participatedin the meeting, The faculty organized a one-week programme entitled ‘Martial Arts and Adventure Sports for the Visually Impaired! from 15 to 19 February 2010. The programme was sponsored by Natlonal institute Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai; Or. Swami Mangal ‘Theertham, Director, Nutan Sanjeevini Samasthan, Jharkhand; Ms. Meena Ramanathan, Co-ordinator, Our Reach Program, Yooanchali Natyelaya, Pondicherry; Dr. P.N. Ravindra, PHD. Associate Professor Dept. of Physiology, Siddhartha Academy for Higher Education Siddhartha Medical Colege and Hospital, Tumkur, Karaka, Sri Niranjan Varma, Director, Pancha Kavya Research Centre, and Ms, Rejeswari Prabakaran, Pathanjall Yoga Samith, Tamil Nadu. In all $9 papers were presented inthe seminar. Dr. Elangovan Head of Dept. of Yoga, TNPES University, Chennai, read the resolution of the samira. Dr. B. Anand, Joint Secretary, Ayush, Govt of India, delivared the Valedictory Address. Swami Atmaramananda, Secretary and ‘Administrative Head, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, delivered the Benedictory Address. The pagers presented by our staff members are ivenbeion: [SN] StaffMamber Tio ofthe Paper 1 [ore Amudnan — |Roleota Teacherin Teaching Yogasanas or intellectually Disabled Parsons 2 [SiS Sivasankar [Officiating Systemof Youa 3 [SriM.Srinivasan [Effects of YogioPractioas and Walking Pattern on Selected Physiological Variables Among Aged People 4 [DR Jayachandran_|Yogais the Secreto Health 5 | S1iS. Udhayastankar| Effect of Yooic Training on Physical Finess Variables Among Persons | __ Practicing kalanipayata 6 [Sri0.Jitensinoh | Yooaand Fitness of Visually Handicapped, Chennai. Sri M. Raja Mohondran, District Sports Otficar (SDAT), Coimbatore, inaugurated the programme, jf and delivered a speech. Sri A SL Lee Durairaj gave an orientation about the programme. Dr. Chandramani Dean, FOMSE, delivered the Presidential Address. Bosides guest lectures, demonstrations of siiambam, karate, hiking, adapted games, and camp-fire were conducted, Di. 1. Arivanandam delivered the Valedictory Address on 19 February 2010. Swami Anuragananda dstinuted the certificates tothe participants r The Annual Day of the faculty was celebrated jointly with Maruthi College of Physical Education and the Faculty of Disability Management and Special Education at the indoor A national seminar on Essentials of 2 Qualified (limes Teacher in Yoga’ vas jortly organzed by the faculty an| Maruthi College of Physical Education on 26 and 27 March 20i0. Or. G. Thangamuthu Chairman, NCTE (Southern Ragion), Bangalore, delvered te Inaugural Adoress. Dr. Basavaradl, Director, Morar DataiNatioal institute tor Yoo, Naw Delhi, delvarod tho Presidential Ades. The Rasource Parsons forthe seminar wer: Dt. S. Sreedharan, Trustee, Krishnamachai Yoga Nandhiram, Chennai; Dr. Santharam Shetty, Seoretary, ntematoral Board for Yooa: Dr. MV. Bho, Ret. JD, Kaivayadhama, Pune, and a Visiting Professor of Mori Desai National Institute for Yoga, New Delhi; Ms. Nrithya Jegannathan, Senior Faculty Member, stadium on 2 April 2010. Swami ‘Anuragananda presided over the function. The Chief Guest Sr P. Govindarajan, Deputy Inspector General of Prison, Coimbatore, delivered the Annual Day Address, The students ‘and staff performed yogasanas, aerobics, silambam, yak dance, pyramid formation, gymnastics and tableau as partof the calebrations, Paperspresented by staff membersin seminars and conferences The numberof papers presented ty te sta members in National anc Regional seminars and conferences conucted by varlousinsttutions are 5 by Collage of Education; 37 by Collage of Artsand Science; and 8 by Collage of Arts and Science (SF Wing). In intermational saminars, 3 papers were prasented by thestaff members ofthe College of Arts and Sclence and Gby the Facuity of General and Adapted Physical Education and Yoga, RKMVU. 4, Iss Excerpts trom a Convocation Addrass delivered by Sri Shashi Tharoor at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciencas and Technology, Trivandrum, on 2nd May 2010 am indeed happy to be here and to address all of you on the ‘splendid occasion ofthis important academic ceremony... First of all, allow me to congratulate all the young graduates who have received their degrees today. Convocation day is one of tho most important days in your life. I is a day when socioty publicly acknowledges your hard work, research and dedication by conferring you this degree, The degree certificate is therefore: both a reflection of your ovn efforts and achievements and at the same time atoken of your place in, and your responsibilty to, the society to which you belong. As young professionals you will have a lot of things to do and many ways in which you can contribute to the nation. Your service to society will in turn be a reflection of your Institute where you have studied. While working on a short biography of Pandit Nehru [Nehru : ‘The Invention of India, 2003}, | became conscious of the extent to which we have taken for granted one vital legacy of his: the creation of an infrastructure for excelienca in science and technology, which has become a source ot great selt- confidence and competitive advantage for the country today. Nehru was alaays fascinated by science and scientists. Ho made it a point to attend the annual Indian Science Congress: ‘every year, and he gave free rein (and taxpayers’ money) to scientists in whom he had confidence to build high-quality insttuions. Men Ike Homi Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai constructed the platform for Indian accomplishments in the fields of atomic energy and space research; they and thair successors have given the country a sciontific establishment without peer in the developing world. ‘And yetthe roots of Indian science and technology go far deeper than Nehru. | was reminded of this yet again by a remarkable book, Lost Discoveries, by the American witer Dick Teresi. ‘Teresi's book studies the ancient non-Westem foundations of modem science, and while he ranges trom the Babylonians and Mayans to Egyptians and other Africans, itis his references to India that caught my oye. And how astonishing thoso arol Tho Rig Veda ascerted that gravitation held the universe together 24 centuries before the apple fell on Newton's head, The Vedic civilization subscribed to the idea of a spherical earth et a time when everyone else, even the Greeks, assumed the earth was, flat. By the Fifth Century A.D., Indians had calculated that the ‘age of the earth was 4.3 billion years; as late as the 19th Century, English scientists believed the earth was a hundred million years old, and itis only in the late 20th Century that ‘Western scientists have come to estimate the earth to ke about 4.6billin yearsold. I were to pick one field to focus on, it would not be that of medicine.... but mathernatics. India invented modern numerals (known to the world as “Arabic” numerals because the West got, them trom the Arabs, who learned them from usi). It was an Indian who first conceived of the zero, shunya; the concept of nothingness, shunyata, integral to Hindu and Buddhist thinking, simply did not exist in the West. (in the history of culture," wrote Tobias Dantzig in 1930, “the invention of zero will always standout as one of the greatast single achievements of the human race.”) The concept of infinite sots of rational numbers ‘was understood by Jain thinkers in the Sixth Century 8.C. Our forefathers can take credit for geometry, trigonometry, and calculus; the “Bakhshali manuscript’, 70 leaves of bark dating ack a the early centuries of the Christian era, reveals fractions, simultaneous equations, quadratic equations, geometri progressions and even calculations of profit and loss, with intorest. Indian mathematicians invented negative numbers: the British mathematician Lancelot Hogben, grudgingly acknowledging this, suggested ungraciously that ‘perhaps because the Hindus were in debtmore often than not, t occurred tothem that it would also be useful to have number which represent the amount of money one owes". (Thattheory wouldno doubtalso explain why Indians were the first to understand how to add, multiply and subtract from zero ~ because zero as was all, in Wester eyes, we everhad), The Sulba Sutras, composed between 800 and 500 B.C., demonstrate that India had Pythagoras’ theorem before the great Greek was born, and a way af getting the square root of 2 orract to five decimal places. (Vedic Indians solved square roots in order to build sacrificial altars of the proper size.). The Kerala. mathematician Nilakantha wrote sophisticated oxplanations ofthe irrationality of “pi” before the West had hoard of the concept. The Vedanga Jyoticha, written around 500 B.C., declares: “Like the crest of a peacock, like the gem on the head ofa snake, so is mathematics at the head of all knoviledge. Our mathematicians were poets too! But one could go back even. aatlier, to the Harappan civilization, for evidence of a highly sophisticated system of weights and measures in use around 3000B.C, Archaeologists also found a ‘ruler made with lines drawn precisely 6.7 millimeters apart with an astonishing level of accuracy. The “Indus inch” was a measure in consistent use throughout the area. The Harappans also invented kiln-fred bricks, less permeable to rain and floodwater than the mud bricks used by other civilizations of the time. The bricks contained no straw or other binding material and sotuedoutto bo usable, 6,000 yoars later when a Britich contractor dug them. Up to construct a railway line between Multan and Lahore. And hile they were made in 1§ different sizes, the Harappan bricks were amazingly consistent: their length, width and thickness were invariably nthe ratio of 4:21. “Indian mathematical innovations", writes Teresi, “had a profound effect on neighbouring cultures." Indian numbers probably arrivedinthe Arab worldin 773 A.D. wth the diplomatic mission sont by the Hindu ruler of Sindlto the court of the Caliph ‘al-Mansur. This gave rise to the famous arithmetical toxt of al Khwarizmi, written around 620 A.D., which contains a detailed ‘exposition of Indian mathematics, in particular the usefulness of zero. With Islamic civiization’s rise and spread, knowledge of Indian mathematics reached as far afield as Central Asia, North ‘Africa and Spain. "In serving asa conduit for incoming ideas and, ‘a catalyst for influencing cthore,” Teresi adds, “India playod a pivotalrole.” For a nation still obsessed by astrology, tis ironic that Indians established the field of planetary astronomy, identifying the relative, distance of the known planets from the sun, and figured ‘out that the moon was nearer to the earth than the sun. Ahymn of the Rig: Veda oxtols “nakshatra-vidya"; the Veda's awarenoss. of the importance of the sun and the stars is manifestin several places. The Siddhantas are amongst the world's eatliest texts on astronomy and mathematics; the Surya Siddhanta, written about 400 A.D., includes a method for finding the times of planetary asconsions and eclipses. The nation of gravitation, or gurutvakarshan, is found in these early texts. “Two hunded years before Pythagoras,” wiites Teresi, “philosophers in northem India had understood that gravitation held the solar systam together, and that therefore the sun, the mast massive ‘object, hadto be atts centre.” ‘The Kerala-born genius Aryabhata was the first human being to explain, in 499 A.D., thet the daily rotation of the earth is on its axisis what accounted for the daily rising and setting of the sun. (His Ideas were so far in advance of his time that many later ‘editors cthis awe-inspiring “Aryabhatiya’ alteradthe textto save his reputation from what they thought wore serious orrors.) Aryabhata conceived of the eliptical orbits of the planets a thousand years before Kepier, in the West, came to the same ‘conclusion (having assumed, lke all Europeans, that planetary orbits were circular rather than aliptical). He evan estimated the valuo of the year at 365 days, six hours, 12 minutes and 30 seconds; in this he was only a few minutes off (the correct figure is just under 965 days and six hours). The translation of the Aryabhatiya into Latin in the 13th Century taught Europeans a ‘great deal; it also revealed to them that an Indian had known things that Europe would only loam of amillonnium later. lf Aryabhata was a giant of world science, his successors as tho great Indian astronomers, Varahamahira and Brahmagupta, have left behind vitally important texts that the constraints of time do not allow me to summarize here today. The mathematical excellence ot Indian science, sparkles through their work; Indian astronomers advanced their fiold by calculations rather than deductions fromnature. Teresi says that “Indian astronomy, perhaps more than any other, has served as the crossroads and catalyst between the past and the future of the science.” Inevitably, Indian cosmology was also in advance ‘of tho rost of tho world. By the Fifth Contury A.D. Indians became the first to estimate the ago of the earth at more than fourbillion years, Teresi's book hasa fascinating section relating Hindu croation myths to modem cosmology; ho discusses the notion of great intermeshing cycles of creation and destruction and draws stimulating parallels with the “big bang” theory that currently commands the field ‘The ancient indians were no siouches in chemistry, which ‘emetges in soveral verses of the Atharva Veda, composed ‘around 1000 B.C. Two thousand yoars later, Indian practical chemistry was still more advanced than Europe's. The historian Will Durant wrote that the Vedic Indians were “ahead of Europe in incustial chemistry; they were masters of calcination,

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