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KAOSS PAD OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction ® @ ‘Thank you for purchasing the Korg KAOSS PAD Dynamic EffecControlle. In order to enjoy long and trouble-free use, please read this manual carefully and use the KAOSS PAD correctly, Please keep this manual for future reference Control and Connection INPUT SELECT switch ‘MIC: The effect wil apply o the MIC input, PHONO: The etfect will aply tothe PHONO inputs. LUNE: The effet will apply tothe LINE IN inputs. Peak indicator INPUT VOLUME knob ‘This knob adjusts the sensitivity ofthe input sound. ‘Adjust she knob So tht the peak indicator doesnot Tighe red, HOLD swich ‘When this switch is ON, the curent state of the effet will be maintained even if you remove your Finger from te couch pane) Touch pane! ‘You ct contol the sound by using your finger to rub or tp stk lightly) chs panel “Afix the included protective label PHONES jack, PHONES VOLUME kl => Cable hook Loop the cable around thie hook to prevent accidental [- =, disconnection. DCN jock Connect the incladed AC adaptor (DCI2.V 700 mA @E-O) to this jack CONNECTION switch Normally you wil st his inthe DIRECT poston. Ifyou ae using the KAOSS PAD in the sendietum Joop of your mixer, isto FX LOOP, o tha the orginal (unprocessed) portion ofthe sound wil not be Outpt When you use programs 1-10 for FX LOOP, please tum ofthe direct signal ofthe mixer. Program map assignments © Press one of the PROGRAM MAP keys. © Use the PROGRAM knob fo select the program that you wish fo as- 100 wish to memorize the HOLD setting, tan the HOLD switch to ON aie electing the program, and touch the touch panel to specify the posi- © Press ond hold the PROGRAM MAP key you pressed in step @ for ‘approximately two seconds. Handling the touch panel [Never press down to hard on te touch panel or place heavy object on it Rough handling can cause itt crack or break. Rubbing or pressing the touch ‘nel with a sharp abject ean sratch it, so only use your finger to operat it cleaning is necessary, wipe only with a soft dry cloth Using solvents such as thinner may melt the surface of the touch pane About the PROGRAM/LOCATION display When sletnga program: the progr nimber 1-60) wl be displayed ‘When operating the touch pant the position you touched (21-99, with 55 being the cents wl be Gspayed Example daplay 38-—-veticl position 1-9) horizontal poston 0-9) Ifyou selec a proram that has a Hold On etn, the program number wll te esplyed and then the position thats being hed wl be displayed Somple/play effect “These effect let you record a phrase that you hear, and then play it back by operating the wuch panel PROGRAM MAP keys (1-6) You gan sgn rogeans w kys Connect these jacks 1 your mixer or anco system, PROGRAM/LOCATION display ‘This shows the currently selected program number, snd the location of the point tat you touched on the touch pane =r “About the PROGRAM/LOCATION display’ PROGRAM knob Use this knob to select programs (1-60). FX ON/OFF / REC switch This is used co switeh between the effect sound and the direct (unprozessed) sound, of 9 record & Diese. © "Somple/ ploy effect” If you affix the included Preset guide label pro- ‘ram selection willbe convenient. PHONO input jacks ‘A record turmtable can be connected to these Jicks GND (ground) terminal Connect this to the ground terminal of your record tamtable, IM ‘Adjust this as appropriate forthe sensitivity of your mic, so that distortion does nat occur MIC input joc ‘A mic ean be connected to this jack LUNE IN inp jocks [ACD player et. can be connected 10 these jacks ‘Use the LINE IN jack fora monaural coanection, ‘Use the following procedure to record and playback © Using the PROGRAM knob othe PROGRAM MAP keys select a sam- ple/play effect (program numbers 51-60). ‘The REC switch LED will blink, and the KAOSS PAD willbe in ecord- ready mode, At this ime, the sound will be outpt without any change. @ Press the REC switch to begin recording. @ Press the REC switch once again to stop recording. ‘The REC switch LED will light Even if you donot press the REC switch, recording will end automatically ‘when the maximum recording time has elapsed, (The maximum record- ing time will depead on the program.) © Operate the touch panel to playback the recorded phrase ‘The sound will change depending on the position where you touch the panel. The way in Which the sound changes wll depend on the program. © To re-record, press the REC switch again. The prevously-ecorded phrase will be erased, and anew phrase will be recorded. &i if youtur of the power switch or change programs, the recorded phrase will be erased MIDI functions ‘aie cy eins seh pen wl ase owing MIDI mesg peor WD mera ine Toston cna Too pret — [Parte aap Ey DUES TEE [PROGRAM MAP] eve [fe Co Iman COTE? br 0 sn TF PROGEAM MAP| 0-001 7 PROGRAM NAP ‘bn sD co B50 PROGRAM MAP| [sien Depa CO suitor 2 Dep see (CORT ete eee COU aE [te mh ore is rl on Dp gO rowoer ete (Depa ee COSTE hone Pog pn Con ge e505 OLD +The MDI mesg ata tonite canbe seed ine nog CCHL-CO¥N nl COME {CCW9S In MID Ed nae or "MDL raramaion sang) you san ld wa teste ‘ponding wich dee te PROGRAM Knob fo et te dese ot be (A conlteshat s aly been signed eat e sled in date. MIDI transmission settings When you pete st PROGRAM MAP ke sintaneualy you weer MIDI Eade. IF ou ten pom espera for proximate 10 scons 00 uch he Hc pel, ou ‘ri eam noma nae. Te MIDI Bar mode, you san flowing operons to chang te MID ans et ngs. ‘PROGRAM kao Sethe MD vansesin chant 1-16) * PROGRAM MAPeys PXONOFF, HOLD switch: Totasinion eel reach pe oF MIDK nessg eto "Taranto ont inte stove se. Effect program control parameter list fo] eet rpm pea] VEL tenpoe | Co 1 cawoassnuTeR [cg BIE SALNCE RAN sw at cow nas risen — [neg RESONANCE rasan s[vanrurer [reg rx wane GEA Ra son fonr-voie TER |e pstcan ins wi sfosrcrrtren [ene ste fait Lewsroruren [raed COACANCE BT GAN] a web sfigatox te RR AED ROAON rencou crease rospes [ARGO ANAK) [wun ulster inate [uyosrer [woo ster ses Pafoaay fe Peeve fags do beforrorureaonay/reca peta Rv i he sf osrerarncaevenn [rice REQ” [Rev LeVEDRSORANEE [it seco fats monsritiex [no agg — [raven ena i wr faleso.taue woo — [woo sree — [ame raza ore tie al srerrcanaen [reo nana resbaace ~~ Tab sews AUTO REC: After you press the REC switch, recording will begin uio- ‘matically when sound is input. When you press the REC switch once again, recording will end. (Ths is convenient when recording your voice from a mie.) Specifications + Number of progrems 60 pet Cepek 14 on jack PHONO int ck RCA pone ack LUNE IN ipa: RCA plone ck tpt ‘ LINE OUT jek: RCA phone ck PHONES OUT, were min jack Power npph:DC 12 VES + Dimensions (WxDxH) 7.99" x 6.97" « 2.30" 203 mmx 177 mm x 38.5 mas Weigh 146 61650) ‘Node te AC api Poet label, reset sud abel Precoutions Location Using the vnitin te flowing locations can result ia amalunctio, ‘In diet sunight * Lectin of extteme temperature cx haity + Excessively dst o ity Loatons * Locations of excessive vibration . Power supply Pease connect the designated AC adaptor oan AC outlet of the comet vohage. Do ‘ot connec ito an AC ou ofvlage ake tha hat for which yor ents ited ot Interference with other elecricol devices “This product contains a msrocompater. Ratios and television paced nearby may experience reception interference. Operate this unit at sible dstanee from ad vend clevisions Hendling ‘To void breakage, do not apply excessive force tothe swthes or eons Core the exterior becomes ity, wipe it witha clean, dy cot, Do nt use liquid lean crssuch as beasne or thine, or eeaning compounds or larimable plies. Keep this manual Ate reading thie manual, please keep i for ater eerece Keeping foreign matter ut of your equipment * Never stay container with gud init ear hit equipment. I gu gets ato the extent, iteould ease a beakdowa, fe or ectrial shock + Be coef nota let metal objets get into the equipment. something oes sip Into the equipment, anplug the AC adaptor fom the wall out. Then contact your tearest Korg desler rte store where he equipment was purchase. THE FCC REGULATION WARNING for U.S.A) “This equipment nas been tested and found to comply ith the Limi foro Clas B digital device, parsuant o Part 15 ofthe POC Res Tete limits ate cesigne to provide reasonable poestion agaist harmful nerfeene in reside instal fon This equipment generate, aes and can ine rato fequency energy and. to installd and ued io asorcance with he inerctions, my case i ference to radio cornnusications. However, there isn guarantee tat imererence will not ocer in» putcuar instalacon. If this eqipment does cause harm Intecerenee to radio or television rsepion, which ct be determined by tring the equipment off and onthe wer is eneuragd Io yt conect te interference BY fone oF more ofthe folowing meskes * Rearent or lose the resivinganenns “Increaz he separation betwoen the eipmet nd receives * Comet he equipment into an ou on circuit fret fom tha to which the recciver x somected + Consult the desler or an experienced rdioTVtecheician for help [Unauthorized changes x modifteation thi syatem ean void the we’ antsy tooperate this equipment CE mark fr Europeon Hormonized Stondards CCE mark which ig atached o cur company's prodoes of AC mans operated pp ‘aus unt December 31, 1986 means confers to EMC Directive (9933672 tnd CE mark Directive (9V6B/EEC), Ang, CE mark which is ataced afte Jan ty |, 1997 means it confers to EMC Duccive (Q9328TEEC), CE mark Dectve (G'y68N2EC) ana Low Votage Directive (T3237EEC), ‘leo, CE mark which i atached o our company's product of Batery operated Apparat mean conforms to EMC Directive (89/8SEEC) and CE mack Direc the OMESIEEC).

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