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COLONIAL VILLAGE I CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010 Approved Board Members Present: Blake Surbey, President Robert Somers, Vice President Mark Bostwick, Secretary David Henry, Treasurer Nicholas Pecoraro, Member Others Present: Peter Freedman, General Manager Mn. WV. Vi Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary Five Residents Call to Order ‘The meeting was called to order by President Blake Surbey at 7:10 pm. Resident Forum A resident thanked the Board and Management for the installation of new crape myrtles on Key Boulevard. Aresident asked Management what steps would be taken to seed the areas which were recently dug up near 1741 Troy during the drainage project. Aresident inquired about how Management and the maintenance staff and/or contractors would be prepared for the upcoming snow removal season, Reading and Approval of Minutes MOTION: Mr, Henry Motioned to approve the October 2010 Meeting Minutes as written, The Motion was seconded by Mr. Bostwick and carried unanimously. Committee Reports There were no reports from committee members, Management Report Management provided informational and action items from the management report. Management provided a financial variance report and reported the Association's financial year end shows a surplus in all categories except snow removal. A separate line item for deficits is being maintained which is also another reason why a surplus is maintained. It was also reported that $355,000 has been spent from reserve categories. Old Business Hallway Renovation Project After brief discussion, it was the Board's consensus to table any further discussion on this matter until January 2011, Minutes can be viewed on the Association’s website at colonialvillageiicom. vi. vil. vin, Colonial Village 1 November 2010 Meeting Minutes Page 2 ‘Tuckpointing Project Management reported that this project is 95% completed and that the tuckpointing company would come back in the spring to complete the rear of 1780 Troy Street. Drainage Project Management reported that this project is progressing and that the next area to be addressed. during this project is the 1774-1782 courtyard. Management identified another area with drainage issues, and provided a proposal for the Board's consideration. MOTION: Mr. Henry Motioned to approve a drainage proposal for the courtyard of 1701-1723 in the amount of $9,581. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Pecoraro, and carried unanimously. Storage & Bike Room Organization ‘Asan ongoing effort to provide organization and as one preventative measure for bike thefts, Management suggested that the Association consider a mandatory ruling that all bicycles be registered with Arlington County. MOTION: Mr. Pecoraro Motioned to approve a mandatory ruling that all bicycles located with CVII storage facilities be registered with Arlington County by May 1, 2011. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Henry and carried unanimously. New Business Locks/Key-Fob Options Management presented detailed lock options for the Board's consideration. MOTION: Mr. Surbey Motioned to implement the trilogy lock system as presented by Management. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Henry and carried unanimously. Mr. Henry ‘amended the Motion that this approval is contingent upon this lock system meeting the approval of the Arlington County Historic Affairs Landmark Review Board, and at a price not to exceed $50,000, Holiday Party Motion: Mr. Henry Motioned to approve $250 towards the annual holiday Colonial Village community party. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Surbey and carried unanimously, Exect e Session & Adjournment MOTION: A Motion was made by Mr. Surbey to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm to enter into Executive Session to discuss delinquent assessments and/or personnel matters. The Motion was seconded by Mr, Henry and carried unanimously. Reconvene to Open Session Itwas the Board’s consensus that consideration of bonuses for the office staff would be discussed after the meeting and relayed to the General Manager by email. Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at Ix. Colonial Village tt November 2010 Meeting Minutes Page 3 Adjournment MOTION: A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 pm. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Henry and carried unanimously. Next Meeting: ‘Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 7:00 pm CVII Meeting Room - 1701 N. Troy Street Respectfully Submitted by: Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary December 30, 2010 Approved by: a fay Mink BratoS pio fy Mark Bostwick, Secretary Date Current and previous Board Meeting Minutes are available on the website at ColonialVillageii com.

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