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Blu-ray Technology

•What is Blu-ray?
•Difference between DVD and Blu-ray
•Will the technology last?
Matthew Werner
Group 7
Background Info

• In 1997, DVDs revolutionized the movie

• Audio and video quality was far superior to
the previous VHS
• Now, the Blu-ray technology is having the
same effect on DVDs as they did on VHS
What is Blu-ray?

• Next generation optical disc

• Developed to enable recording, rewriting,
and playback of high-definition video
How it works

• While current optical disc technologies

such as DVD rely on a red laser to read
and write data, the new format uses a
blue-violet laser instead, hence it’s name
• The discs come in single or double layer.
Single layer can hold 25GB and double can
hold 50GB of data compared to DVDs
holding 4.7GB of data
How it works

• The benefit of using a blue-violet laser is

that it has a shorter wavelength than a
red laser, which makes it possible to focus
the laser spot with even greater precision.
This allows data to be packed more tightly
and stored in less space, so it's possible to
fit more data on the disc even though it's
the same size as a CD/DVD.
Blu-ray vs. DVD capacity
Will this technology last?

• It will take time to adjust

• Prices need to become more consumer-
• Range from $800-$1500
• What will have a very large impact on Blu-
ray technology is…
Playstation 3

• If the PS3 is roughly as successful as

Sony's past consoles, that would mean
somewhere around 100 million Blu-ray
players in homes all over the world in
around five years or so, not counting
standalone players.
So will Blu-ray last?

• My opinion is yes. Prices will go down in

the near future for both Blu-ray players
and HDTVs. Once you experience it, you
will not want to watch another movie or
TV show in standard definition.


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