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HEROES Microsite
• When you click on the mircrosite link (from the
previous slide), you will see this page:
HEROES Microsite
• On this page, you will focus on 3 key places:

3. MyHEROES Center Login

1. HERO Sign Up

2. Support a HERO
Become a Chapter HERO
• Click on the Become a Chapter HERO button.

• You will see a page that looks like this:

Become a Chapter HERO
1. Click on the “select 2. A pop-up will appear.
chapter” button. Choose Mississippi from
the first drop-down

3. The HERO will

select the chapter
for which it is
Become a Chapter HERO
1.Once the
HERO selects
a chapter, it
will show up
under “Your

2.The next option is to register as an b

individual (a), register as a team (b), or
find a team to join (c). For this tutorial, c
we will register as a team (b).
Become a Chapter HERO: TEAM
1.Once you click on
the Create a
Team button, this
page will appear.
Come up with a
fun name for
your team.
2. Then set a
fundraising goal.
3. Then click NEXT.
Become a Chapter HERO: TEAM
1. When you click
next, the
participation options
form will appear.
2. It is important for
our HEROES to
see that there is NO
FEE for signing up
and Credit Cards
will NOT be
charged if the
$1,000 minimum is
not met.
3. Click NEXT
Become a Chapter HERO: TEAM

1. If a HERO has
donated online before,
they will already have
a username.
2. If they do not, they
should select NEW
USER and click NEXT
Become a Chapter HERO: TEAM
1. Next window you
will see is a
registration form.
Fill it out
accordingly. Be
sure to choose a
username and a
password you
will remember.
Become a Chapter HERO: TEAM
1. This screen will be your registration summary. It will verify that there is
NO FEE associated with registering.
2. You can also register another person for your team, OR
3. You can complete your registration.
4. NOTE: To register another person – you will need all of their
information. Including a username and password selection. I would
suggest that the captain of a team encourage their members to JOIN A
TEAM through the button found on the beginning pages (see slide 7).
Registration Complete: What’s Next?
1. Now that you have a
username and
password, you will go
back to
2. Submit your username
and password.
3. Click log in.
Registration Complete: What’s Next?
1. When you login, the top
right hand corner will
transform and say
“Welcome Back, Your
2. Under your name will
be two links: Access
your Participant Center
and Logout.
3. Click Access Your
Participant Center.
Your Participant Center

This is your

We’ll go
over each
Your Participant Center

1. Each person (on a team or not) will have a personal fundraising page.
To set up your page, click on the link next to “What to do next?” that
says “Set up your personal page.”
Editing Your Page

1. Here you can edit the Title and Body text of your fundraising
page. If this scares you at all, there is template text already
provided. You can edit the Title and press save – and move
forward with fundraising.
Editing Your Page

1. You can also edit the URL of your page.

1. Click on URL Settings next to Personal Page URL. This
option is located directly above the Title box.
2. When you click this link, the window will expand to a small
form. In the blank box, fill in what you would like your unique
id to be. IE: samanthamccain or meganburkes
3. Choose your page setting to be private or public, and click
Editing Your Page

1. You can also add photos/video or other components to your

page. Click on Photos/Video
Editing Your Page

1. By following the directions prompted on the Photos/Video

page, you can upload any picture that you desire.
2. As of now, the only videos that can be uploaded are those
from YouTube. The Red Cross has an extensive video
collection on YouTube that may fit your needs
Editing Your Page

1. This is the screen you will see if you click on Components.

The Status Thermometer and the Fundraising Honor Roll are
wto components that will automatically be selected for you.
Enabling a personal blog will allow you to post updates to
your page in blog format. This is informative if your team is
hosting several fundraisers or to keep your network informed
of your fundraising activities.
Editing Your Page

1. There is a SAVE and Preview button/link at the bottom of both

2. You MUST press SAVE after making any changes for them to
appear on your personal fundraising page.
3. To see those changes, and to see what your page looks like,
click on PREVIEW.
Viewing Your Personal Page


Visitors can donate

Friends can join a team


Honor Roll

Editing Your Team Page

1. Editing the TEAM Page looks a lot like the personal page.
Click on TEAM PAGE to see what I am talking about!
Editing Your Team Page

1. You are allotted 1 photo, and space for any text you would like to add. You can
also change the team page URL just like the personal page. This will be the hub
page for your entire team, which will link to each members personal page.
Viewing Your Team Page

Visitors can donate


Honor Roll

1. As you can see, the page looks bare without any content. So it’s a good idea to
write up a few paragraphs, outlining what your team is doing!
Spreading the Word

1. Campaigns like this are only as

successful as the network you
share them with!
2. There are two key links on the
right side panel of your
participant center, that will help
manage your fundraising
initative: SEND E-MAIL button
3. Click on Send E-mail
Emailing your Page

1. As you can see, this form is like any e-mail system. Copy and past your e-mail addresses into the TO: field,
add a subject and type your own personal message. If you’d like to choose a template message, those are
2. Click Preview to see the e-mail and then click Send.
Enter a Gift
1. So what about those gifts people make
OFFLINE? We have a spot for those as well!

2. Just submit the details of the donor,

and click ADD. Details will appear for
each payment type. Fill in accordingly.
View Progress

1. Once a donation or a gift has been entered, your progress meter will change.
With John Doe’s donation, I have $990.00 left to raise, with 144 days left in the

• All customizable fundraising tools for HEROES

will be uploaded to a portal (much like Friend a
Fire Family).
• We will notify you when this launches.
• If you have a collateral piece that you would like
to see in the portal, contact Samantha McCain at
• In addition, each office will be given a hard copy
sample packet of info to give a HERO.
Any more questions?
PLEASE e-mail them to

If we can’t answer it, we’ll find the answer for


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