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DX: (+) tourniquet test S and SX:

Red sclera
Platelet count Petechiae
Vasculopathy- low bp
Phagocytosis of the viral infection by
the macrophage/monocyte

Recognition of viral antigen on

infected monocyte

Release of cytokinase and Signs and symptoms:

stimulation of pyrogen release Febrile: 38.6
Diaphoresis, warm, headache, body
weakness, n/v


Invasion in red bone marrow

infecting platelets
Goegraphical area
Age Sex
Bite of infected Mosquito
Diet and Nutrition

Viral replication in Aedes Aegypti’s

salivary glands

Bite from mosquito (portal of entry Redness, i tchness on infected area

is skin)

Lab result:
Spread of virus , thus increase in
WBC: 4.0
WBC including B-lymphocyte

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