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Final Report

of the Study on Inland Waterway Transport Development

in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region

Points to Note
1. To facilitate the planning of an integrated comprehensive transport system within the
Greater Pearl River Delta (GPRD) region as envisaged in “The Outline of the Plan for the
Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta Region (2008-2020)” (珠江三角洲改革發
展規劃綱要), the Planning Department (PlanD) has commissioned academic institutions to
conduct three studies on cross-boundary transport infrastructure planning in March 2009.
The Study on Inland Waterway Transport Development in the GPRD Region (大珠江三角洲
內河航運發展研究) is one of these studies which aims to examine the nature of the evolving
PRD inland waterway transport system from both the regional perspective and the Hong
Kong perspective, taking into account the need to maintain Hong Kong’s position as a
transport and maritime hub and to explore future opportunities for the development of
waterborne transport for cargo and passengers.

2. A seminar paper on the initial findings and recommendations of the Study was
presented at the “Seminar on Regional Planning in the Greater Pearl River Delta Region” (大
珠三角區域規劃研討會) organised by the PlanD on 21 September 2009. The seminar paper
has been uploaded to PlanD’s website (at for reference.

3. The opinions and proposals contained in this Final Report are those of the academic
institution and do not necessarily represent the views and positions of the Government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This Final Report is for internal reference only.

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