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The  Rotaract  Club  of  Northwestern  University  

Sponsored  by  the  Rotary  Club  of  Evanston  Lighthouse,  District  6440  
Thursday,  February  10,  2011  
1. Co-­‐Presidents  
a. Trip  flights  
i. Final  price  MINUS  fundraising  per  person  
ii. Collect  money  this  week  
iii. Deposit  will  serve  as  commitment  
b. Michigan  trip  this  weekend  
i. Cancelled  due  to  midterm  conflicts  
ii. Rescheduled  for  sometime  in  spring  quarter  
c. BeExtraordinary  
2. International  Service  Chair  
3. Co-­‐Community  Service  Chairs  
a. YOU  Mentoring  
i. Fill  out  volunteer  forms  online  
b. Nonprofit  consulting  
i. Adriana  can  recommend  you  
ii. Campus  Catalyst  
iii. Application  due  on  2/15  
iv. 1  quarter  
c. Campus  Kitchens    
i. Sunday,  3:30  (45  minutes)  
4. Professional  Development  Chair  
5. Co-­‐International  Liaisons  
6. Fundraising  Chair  
a. Fundraising  letters  
b. Basketball  concessions  reminder  
i. Thursday  Feb  17th  
ii. Weds  March  2nd  
c. Rock  climbing  
i. Sign  up  for  belaying  
1. Should  go  to  2  consecutive  trainings  
2. Sundays  (March  6th+13th)@5-­‐7pm  
3. Monday,  March  7th+14th,  @6-­‐8pm  
4. Wednesday,  March  2nd+9th,  @6:30-­‐8:30pm  
ii. We  will  do  it  next  quarter  
iii. Friday,  April  15th  (maybe  Friday,  April  8th)  
d. BDubs  Dinner  
e. Buy  Peruvian  Stuff  
i. Buy  authentic  items  and  sell  them  at  Global  Village  
7. Treasurer  
8. Secretary  
9. Webmaster  

The  Rotaract  Club  of  Northwestern  University  |  |  1  


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