Home Reading Report - Footnote To Youth

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Matic-matic National High School

Home Reading Report

in English IV

Footnote To Youth
by: Jose Garcia Villa
(Philippine National Artist 1973)

Submitted by:

Eric R. Sagurit

Submitted to:

Ms. Raeleen Marie



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Title: Footnote To Youth
Author: Jose Garcia Villa
Setting: Dodong’s Residence near his parent’s farm lot.

The time setting is almost the whole day from the

morning until evening. The period of history on this
story is on the 20th-21st century. It is the time of
planting season almost June to August. There is no
specific time of the day because it happens almost
the whole day.
Dodong – represents the typical youth that
experiencing a lot of uncertainties in life that
make him realize that he sacrifice his youth just
for the sake of proving himself that he can
manage his own life because he is matured
enough to face this life’s challenges.
Teang – Dodong’s wife

Blas – Dodong’s eldest son

Lucio – Teang’s suitor when she was still unmarried

Dodong’s parents


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Footnote to youth is a story about young love that usually

happens to youth especially on this generation. The story started
when Dodong started homeward or going home as fast as he can,
thinking on how he would break the news to his father about
wanting to marry Teang because Dodong knows that he is
seventeen and he is legal and mature enough to have a family and
to face life. The initial incident is that when Dodong already breaks
the news to his father. The story takes place in a nearby barrio with
a farm that is being managed by Dodong’s parents. It was a story of
a boy who was only 17 when he decides to marry his love one. He
asked for the permission of his father and his father unsurely asked
him if he really wants to get married at that early age. His father
didn’t hinder in his decision. Dodong love Teang so much that he
could not wait for the right age to settle down in a relationship that
is hard to escape. It's the "marriage". At the age of 17 Dodong and
Teang got married without thinking of the risk being in an uneasy
part of life. They just follow what they feel. They don't think what
would happen in their future. They bore six successive children.
Teang realized how hard being a young parent. She regretted what
she has done and thinks, what would be my life if I marry my other
suitors instead of Dodong. Until one day, Blas their first son turned
eighteen, he asked to his father if he can marry, Dodong felt the
guilt on what he has done before, and he remained silent not
knowing what to say. He has nothing to do but to agree to his son.
Deep inside he doesn’t want Blas to marry because he might suffer
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the risks of marrying in an early age. But then again he can’t control
the arms of fate he let Blas marry.

The story footnote to youth embodies the consequences of

taking risks in marrying at an early age. An approach can be applied
when Dodong at an early age decided to get married.

"I am going to marry Teang," Dodong said. His father

looked at him silently and stopped sucking the broken
tooth. The silence became intense and cruel, and Dodong
wished his father would suck that troublous tooth again.
Dodong was uncomfortable and then became angry
because his father kept looking at him without uttering
anything. "I will marry Teang," Dodong repeated. "I will
marry Teang."

Though love exists in greater part of our brain we must think

before putting it all into actions. In using moral philosophical
approach in critiquing a footnote to youth the morality of behavior is
determined by its eventual consequences. In effect, a good behavior
produces more good consequence than a bad one. We can
remember what Dodong did during his teenage life. He got married
at an early age, the consequence of his decision turned back to his
son Blas, Blas decided to get married.

"Itay ...," Blas called softly. Dodong stirred and asked him
what it was. "I am going to marry Tona. She accepted me


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tonight." Dodong lay on the red pillow without moving.
"Itay, you think it over." Dodong lay silent. "I love Tona
and... I want her."

Repetition of events occurred unexpectedly. What Dodong did

before was followed by a consequence that his son beholds. We
can’t say if the parents of Dodong have fulfilled their moral
obligations to Dodong. Deontology states that people should fulfill
their morale obligations regardless of consequences, but the story
provides a hint that what Dodong this was a cause of the
consequences that his father also did before. Another approach to
be discussed is that when Teang gave birth at an early age, 17 is not
an advisable age to have kids.
Blas was not Dodong's only child. Many more children came.
For six successive years a new child came along. This story
embodies the consequences of being playful in love. Marriage is not
a food that can be eaten, that if you don’t want it anymore you can
throw it away. Marriage is a serious bond between two people who
are capable in building a firm foundation for a family. Love is not a
game, so as marriage. You cannot quit whenever you want to. You
have to find the right time and right person that you know will make
your life worth taking risks. Marriage is not a joke. Those
consequences that happened in the life of Dodong were the effect of
what he did, and what have been done before. This kind of situation
will lead us to a life that is full of regrets, and our lives will become
miserable. Though, this kind of situation happens in our generation
lately. The teenagers become fool about love without thinking of the
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consequences that might lead them to the oblivion of misery and
regrets. The story is a perfect reflection of the youth as it seeks to
achieve all his desires and vanities in life.

It is the mixture of all the methods which are through

description, conversation of each character, and their actions.
Footnote to youth talks about the youth as of today. It make
possible to illustrate what a typical youth will be in the story so as a
result, the author really brings out each individual through
describing them one by one. And in this story it comes to pass. It
also embarks upon on how the characters will converse to one
another and how they act in accordance on how they stick to their
main beliefs. As you can see every deed and decision made by each
of the character are equally diverse.


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Climacteric (n) - a critical period or year in a person's life
when major changes in health or fortune are thought
to take place.

“Dante realized that he was at a climacteric in his

life and would soon have to leave the ivory tower to
fend for himself in the real world.”

Feeble (adj.) - lacking in physical or mental strength; frail;


“Senator Lacson presented a feeble argument in

defense of his views with Bubby Dacer murder case“

Virility (n) - the state or quality of being virile; manly

character, vigor, or spirit; masculinity.

“The virility of Hercules is incomparable with any

living man on this generation”

Resentment (n) - the state of holding something in the mind

as a subject of contemplation, or of being inclined to
reflect upon something; a state of consciousness;
conviction; feeling; impression.

“I am feeling resentment towards all kinds of

people and don't know how to stop.”

Tremulous (adj.) - characterized by trembling, as from fear,

nervousness, or weakness.

“Former Jose Estrada when signing the Jose Vidal

Account was very tremulous therefore, no one could
read his signature”


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Questions with answers provided:

1. What is the moral lesson of the story?

We learned that having a family is really hard to do and
needs a lot of thinking before pursuing to do it. Also, being
aware and conscious of the Filipinos in terms of our status in
life that it is not practical for a typical youth to get married if
they are not physically, financially, emotionally, psychologically
stable. Furthermore, it is better for us to follow what our
parents what is think for us is best because our parents really
knows how life should be. They already experienced these
things and they do not want to experience this kind of things.
Finally, we must have proper education about responsible
parenthood to avoid consequences when we engaged to have a
2. What is the conflict of the story?
Internal conflict confronts the leading character. Internal
character in a way that he was struggling if he can managed
himself to have a family because he knows that he is in the
legal age that he can be independent and can definitely choose
the right from wrong. But because of his foolishness, he had
difficult time meeting the expectations that he must achieve.
3. How is the conflict resolved?
Actually, it was not resolved at all. Why? Because he just
realized that he was wrong for being stubborn and foolish that
he was not listening to his parents about dealing with marriage,
family and life after marriage. And now that he has his own
family, he just accepts the fact that it already happens. Also
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because of his unconditional love to Teang, he did not lose the
battle and give up. The story just finished with realization and
somehow patching up things for the sake of his family.


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4. What is the climax of the story?
The climax of the story of Footnote to Youth is that when
Dodong was afraid to go to his home because he wanted to get
out of it without clear reason at all. He felt afraid that it seems
to caged him and also of Teang because Teang was giving birth
in the house. It was the first child of Teang and Dodong for that
matter. He began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth
was really painful. And after that Dodong was feeling a little bit
embarrassment because he was ashamed to his mother of his
youthful paternity.
5. Do you agree with the story presentation of the author?
Yes. It simply tells the story of an older person who made
a mistake in the past who ended up with a not so pleasurable
life. Then he had a son who is like him when he was young. His
son is hasty in making the decision to get married, just like
he was when he was 17. And it really applies to us Filipinos
specially the youth. It gives the impression to have a wise
choice in dealing with life.
6. Would you recommend this story to other readers? Why
or why not?
Yes, it is my responsibility as a student who have partake
my time and effort in heart fully reading this story to eventually
recommend this to my fellow classmates and pals. I would like
to identify myself with the father of Dodong. Because as an
educated person, I know how life would bring me if I marry at
the young age. Life is really difficult and it is not an easy task
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to deal with. Like me, parents know more about this stuff
because they already experienced it. And I do empathize and
sympathize with his father. He wants only the best for his son.
And I, I want first to see the best in me so that I could face the
reality and do not suffer that life will bring to me.

7. If you were the author, would you end up the story on

the same way? Why or why not?
Yes, If I were the author I would end the story the same
way because Mr. Villa create a special aura and the tone for
that is the sense of mercy and pity to Dodong because he was
suffering of life’s real experiences. And he had no way to stop
this and because of this, he was embarrassed and humiliated
on what he had done because of his eager to face life without
any guarantee of orienting himself about it. You can also see
the disappointment because the youth of today is like Dodong
who is apathetic about the real score in life and because they
say that they are mature, close-mindedness are being seen for
this. This story is true to life and all the youth is experiencing
this kind of trouble. For example at the provinces, because of
lack of education and orientation of the parents and siblings
about responsible adulthood and parenthood, their siblings are
engaging to a lot of relationship and turns out to be marrying
at the young age because of their stubbornness and
foolishness. Because in provinces, it is not wrong to marry at
the young age but there is certain limitation. If the man is


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mature enough to face life challenges to avoid consequences.
He will get to marry his partner provided that he has his
parent’s consent. Like Dodong.


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