01 Writing A Thesis

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Now that We have gone overall the elements of thesis writing, let's talk
about how they fit together in atimetable・ School schedules vary・ of course,
and different topics have their own demands, but here is a roughguide for
a two-semester thesis・ (For a one-semester schedule, see chapter 20・) Use it
IO talk with your adviser and arrange apersonalized schedule that makes
sense for your SPeCific pro)ect・


Month,1,,  Months3, 4, 5・ (6) Finatmonth (6 or7)

Review ll
(hapterSin 1-4     5-ll,13

this book:

Reading: ?eaaCdkignrgOund :oncdu言Fadnrn75negarch FiLL-inresearCh

writing: Fe,vO.PsOeSdaira.n,d.sa. ::ec::iies:,iFhdie,.s Rewriteandpolish

Refine introduction
BibLiographic Write and revise
middle sections and conclusion

prewrite introd uction

and ConcLusion

Notice that parts of the schedule overlap・ In the first month, for ex-

ample, you should do background reading as you develop your proposal・

Later, in months 3 and 4'yOu Should conduct research as you begin pre-

77pr Vital tasks Should overlap fn your thesis・ For exarnple・叩u Should edit

the middle sections of the paper aS you draft the introduction and

268 Schedullngand Completmg your Theszs

TheslS TZ'meschedute 269
This overlap of tasks IS deliberate・ prewrltlng, dra丘ing, and rewd

should be overlappmg categories, as earlier chapters make clear・ Doing A rectly on your thesis topic, aS your PrOPOSaldefines it・Asyou move deeper
that way is more produ"ivethan trymg to outlinethe wholethesis in into this Phase, you should frame your research plans explicitly and discuss
∼- =▲▲、ノ▲しulしJ13 ]

vance. (At least that,s myviewI You are certainly welcome to write de
vnnr.n l'A+7〈〈_⊥▲]
血em With your adviser.

odines if you and your adviser preferthat approach) Your focused res Early in this phase, perhaps ln month 3, you Should develop your own
should lead directly into prewritlng and dra氏Writlng・Asyou write schedule for the remainder of the pro)ect. The ones in this chapter can
∴一。叫/ ▲1▲LU f'l川1⊥Llllg ann CLralt wrltlng・Asyou write,
should contmue doing research unto the thesis pro)ect is nearly compk
.L(..1」 __
serve as a guide・ Revise your schedule as you proceed・ Keep an eye on the
Let's review this schedule. various deadlines you set・ Ifyoumiss one, ask yourselfifthe schedule was
too ambitious or iryou are s血ply falling behind.


Tfp: Develop your own personalized scheduLe・ Share it vrith your adviser,
Begin by reading about your topic as you craft your proposal Di
and update it periodjcauy・ use (he schedules in this (hapter as a guide.
your proposal withr your adviser andduu
- I 〉-川u'10Ll revise itlt
leVISe atat
leastonce Th〕十、m.
once・ That way
but customize therrl for yotlr PrOJ・eet.
wiluave a solid plan before you begin more targeted research.
After completing your proposal and background reading, write a I
U / 〉 I/〉Yu.Jut a▲lu UdLRgrOund readlng, write a bdef
essay summarizing the main POlntS in the literature・ concentrate on ma_
nくCつ1T pll Tヽ1 -.、1.I._.I,1=一一 _

At about the same time (around month 3), Write a preliminary version
ー ー- Lーし-▲ゝ●しUl▲しCllLldLe On rna-

Jor areas where the authors agree and disagree; itwill help you understand
lnr ATP:1く1人Tll`.,.., +L( ∩._▲L A
of your thesis statement,that is,the main argument you expect to make in
where your own ideas Lit in. the paper・ It should be brieトー0nly two orthree sentences・Althoughyou

win revise it as you work, an early version is helpfu1・ It win sharpen your
thinking, set the stage for discussion, and guide your later work.
Tlp: The触t hpo托ant thesis tasks are to

I Begin general baCksround reading

r writeyour proposal; then revise itbased on feedba-m yourad TJLp.: write a preliminary vers.-On ofyourthesis statement by month 】 。. 4.

summarize background readings in a three- to -page b-gTaF at the Latest・ The statement should be brief-a fevv sentence, at ,nisI_
paPer and should be revised as your research builds.

Your reading and research should produce extensive notes. Your next

TrME S⊂JIEDULE FOR MONTJIS 1, 2: task is to expand on your notes by prewritlng, and to organize these mate-
THESIS PROPOSAL AND BACKGROUND READING rials for inclusioninyour paper・ You should
Readl'ng・・ Background reading ・ Organize your readings and research materials into four or丘ve

writt'ng・・ ProposaLand revised proposal maJor categories

・ Extract the main polntS you Wish to emphasize in each category
Bibliographic essay
'Amplifythese pointswith ideas of your own (in writing, ofcou,se)
・ Line up these sect】onsina logical order to present your material


It should be clear, then,that prewritlng lS Closelytied to your research. You
AAer doing some general readings and zeromg ln On your topic, it,s time should do血em together since they meld in productive ways・

to begin more focused reading and research. This work should beardi_ Once you have formulated your categories and organized your notes,
extendthem byinformal writlng・ Write Sentences and paragraphs whenever
T77eSisTlmeScheduk 271
270 Schedulmgand Complenng Your TheSZS

ideas crop up・ Then触them in the approprlate CategOries・ Checkto

sure each category is buttressedwith solid readings and research mat Gp: Turn your PreWrking into shod papers in two steps・

sometimes, at this stage, you,ll notice that one such section hasalml . write some Sentences and paragraphs expandi噸0-urideas in each

references. Now isthe time to repairthat with a trip tO the library・ SeCtion・

- use this prewritingand research towrite briefstand・alone papeTSぬr

pletlng all this reading, research, and prewritlng Should take three or
months. the different sectionsI

At this stage・ COnCentrate On the middle se(Lions ofyourthesis・ You'tLwdte

the introduction and ⊂on⊂Lusion a Little Later・

your readers・
once you havethese sections in place, you should join them witheffec-
二These ,tepswill be'omethe sectionsofyour paper・Thinkof
tive transitions, smoothing outthe bumps between them and tellingthe
the taTge Roman nunleratS in an outline.
feaderwhat to expect next・ (Specific ideas on how to do this are in chapters
・ sortyourresearCh and reading noteSinto thesesettions・
. Expand these noteswith briefinformatwriting・

lfyou (oryour adviser) prefer to vvork from a more detailed outlin SMOOTHLNG TRANSmONS IN AnDDLE SECTIONS OF PAPER

one at t鵬st聯・ If not, simply begin writing about ideas that ni

each sectiorL ・:deltl.dounasl ⊂=コ圏-

This prewritlng lS essential to your thesis・ Spend time on lt, reViewyo叫 TTanStt10nS

resea,ch, and expand your notes with additionalcomments・ Keep jot血痕

down new ideas and丘lingthem in the appropriate Section. Keep an a鵡

"to do" list to guide your daily research. TipT Create a draft by drawing together these stand・alone seCtions・暮f

Don,t postpone this prewriting until you feel 100 Percent ready・ Do由
transitions between sections are hard to write, you may have some

sections in the wrongspot or need toadd newones・

Wait until you have completedall your research・ One advantage ofprewrit'
ing is that it is very nexible・ You don,t have to write one paragraph afterthe
next. You don,t have to write a full draft at this point You can write short
bursts about dlfEerent aspects of the thesis, areas where you do feel readF・ nME SCHEDULE FOR NLONTllS 315
You will learn a lot as you dot Surprising but true・ (oR MONTHS 316, DEPENDLNG ON YOUR SCHOOL SmEDULE):

Reading: FoCuSed reseaTChand planning

77p・・ Begin prewriting a little before you feel completely ready・
writing: PrewritemiddLesectionsofthesis

write and revise middLe sections

Asyour prewriting develops, you can begln tO assemble whole sections prewrite the introduction and conCLusion

of the thesis. The best way to dothis is to gather together your prewritlnS
and research; then use lt tO Write short stand-alone papers for each section・
Then, and only then, should you turn to the introductory and conclud-
You can actually draft the entlre thesis this way if you wish, writing Cad
1ng SeCtions・ They are vital to the project, and you need to polish them care-
section independen叫
272 Schedulzngand Completing Your T71eSZS
TheSZlS Tz'me schedule 273

fu11Y・ Because you writethem last, you have less time to refine them
Remember, though, thatthis is only a generalschedule. You should dra允
you dothe other sections. That's inevitable. After all, they give an OVe
a personal one, tailored to your own pro)ect・ You may not need so much
of the project,and you can't dothat until you have assembledthe whole
time for research, for instance, ifyou havealready done much of it for a sem-
saw puzzle・ (Afull discussion is in chapter 10.)
inar PaPer・ Or your school calendar may give you only three months (not
fbur) to complete this middle stage・ Once you've completed this stage, you'll
stiu rleed a fewweeks to polishthefinal draftand close anyholes you find in
time to polish them. When you fhaLLy get to them. you need to edit I your research・ Be sure to set aside a month at the end for thesevitaltasks.
more intensiyety.


Even thoughYou are writing these sections last, you should have a lotぜ The丘nal three or four weeks of your thesis pro)ect should be devoted to

materialto work with・ Since you have passed the elevator test, you won't editing and to filling ln any lingering gaps ln your reSearCh・

mumble about your argument and stumble over its presentation. You cab You will be editing the text at severallevels= the wording of sentences and
state it openly and confidently in the introduction・ You can tell readers why paragraphs, and the architecture of the sections・ Does anything need to be
your question matters and how it fits into the literature・ You can provide
moved around, Or perhaps shortened or lengthenedHs anything missing
readers with a lucid road map tothe rest of the paper since youknow hoyr or underdeveloped? If so, you may need to do a littlefill-in research.
Think about how to make your presentation more effective・ Is your the-
you will proceed, section by section, and since youknow why this sequence
makes sense・Al1 the work you've done pays off. sis statement clear and prominent? would any additional figures or graphs
Asfor the conclusion, you shouldalready have extensive prewriting b make your argument more transparent and easier to grasp? What about
help you. In addition, you should have notes and ideas from recent talks listing some oryour major pOlntS aS buuet lists to make them stand out?

with your adviser・ In fact, yourfinalmeetlngS Should concentrate onthe Would it help to explain whyyour approach is better than a prominent aト

concluding section・ Ⅶu want to end your paper on a high note・ ternative? Would an anecdote or story iuustrate a more abstract polnt Or
Asyou writethe conclusion, rememberthat it should not merely repeat make your openlng more engaglng?

what you've said before・ The goalis to saywhat your work means andwhT All these are )'udgment calls about how to make your presentation more
it matters・ The conclusion is the punch line.And like a good punch line,il appealing and persuasive・ That's exactly what you should be mulling over
should be sharp. at this stage・ A reminder: As you edit, don't Just think about adding text;
think about prunlng lt, aS Well.

77p・・ Begin reviewing yotw maier触di喝S Mth your aかiser at least a

TILpL. h the Rnal stages ofedit1-ng, work to make your Presentation more
before the paper js due. Your Con⊂tusions should go beyond a mere
readabLe and persuasive.
summaryI They should say vvhat your research really means.

%ur adviser will glVe you feedback on these choices, if you ask・ Because
In the time schedule, I suggest takingthree or four months to complete
you are providing him with polished written work, you should be able to
all these tasks= conducting research, prewritlng, drafting and revising the
get detailed feedback・ As you edit, be sure to ten your adviser what is new
text, and,finally, Crafting the introduction and conclusion・ By the end of
and what questions you still have・ To getthe most useful answers, ask
this stage, you should have assembled afull draftofthe paper and specific questions・ The more guidance you can glVe YOur Professor, the
smoothed the transitions between sections.
more pointed your lnqulries, the better advice you'u receive.
274 ScheduLzngand Completing Your Thesis



Reading: Fiu-inresearch

writing: Rewrite and polish

Every Chapter has offered tips to help you work more productively・ In this
chapter, Ⅰ'll draw together some of the most important ones・ The most

And that's it. Yourthesis is complete, polished, done. valuable advice I can give lS tO work steadily (ra血er than in丘ts and starts)

and to meet wi血your adviser throughout the proJeCt・

・ work steadily on yourthesisthroughout the year and meet regu-

larlywith your adviser to discuss it・ There is no substitute for steady
work-showing up every day, ready or not, and tackling血e task at

hand・ Frankly,there are few lessons that matter more for the rest of
your working life, either・


・ Make a computer folder devoted to your thesis・ It should include

your book notes, prewritlng, drafts, and working bibliography・

Back it up regularly and store a copy o仔-site, ifpossible・

・ Forall your online research, copy the URLs and putthem in your
notes・ If you expect to return to a Web site often, put it in the
"favorites"file of your Web browser・
・ Find a quiet Place to work, where you can read and writewithout
lnterruptlOn ・
・ Keep a "to don list for yourthesisand another one for everything


・ It is your responslbility toknow the department's thesis require-

ments, such as the paper's length and due date. (The right person to
ask is a department administrator・)
・Asidefrom meeting these technicalrequlrementS, you Should aim
for a thesis that roughly matches the length and scope of good
articles in your丘eld・
ヱ76 Schedullngand Completing Your TheSlS
TzpsandRemmders 277

research publlShed ln the last few years, as well as review a,ticles

companng new books・ Read these articles and use their foot_
・ Bring your own agenda and questions to each meetlng With your notes to find addit10nal readlngS.

adviser・ Ifyou spend a little time plannlng thlS agenda, the meetin As you complete your background reading, write a brlef bibli。_
will be more productive. Ⅶu wlll get more out of each session ify
graphic essay, discussing the most important books and articles on
。 Update your adviser on your progress;
your topic・ Outline the prlnClpal issues they raise and the authors,
。 Raise the most important issues or questions you have; main areas of agreement and dlSagreement.
。 Mention any problems that are stumplng you; Asyour topic IS gradually refined, your readings should become
こ Explain血e next task you intend to work om more focused.
Atthe end of each meetlng, Set a time and a specific task for the Maintain a working bibliography, marked up with your notes and
next meetlng・ ldeas・ Keep your adviser infomed about what you are reading・
Use briefregular meetlngS tO keep your project On traCk・ As your bibliography grows, divide it into sectlOnS, re鮎Cting the

Don't sklp SCheduled meetlngS unless it's essential・ di鮎rent kinds of readings you are doing・ These subdivislOnS may

Try to do some brlefinformalwritlng for most meetlngSI Even very suggest ways to divide your paper into sections.
short papers will promote better discussions and prompt new ideas. Discuss your research strategy wlth your adviser・ It helps to write
。 Bring two copleS Ofany papers to meetlngS Withyour adviser. down your research strategy as you begin serious lnqulry・
。 Proofread every paper you hand in, even informalones・
コIfthe papers are short, your adviser can read them atthebegin- THESJ5 ARGUJVtENT

nlng Ofyour meeting and offer comments right away・ To motivate your thesis, alm for a good question10ne that Inter-
Besides working closely with your thesis adviser, take advantage of ests you and is manageable.

thesis SemlnarS and workshops. They are useful for presenting your Once you have posed a compelling question, focus on two goals.
work, batting around ideas, and getting feedback・ ・ Develop a tentative argument or answer to your question・ Be

Remember that the )ob of the thesis adviser and seminar leader is to succlnCt. Your argument should be a few sentences at most.
o庁er guidance. It is yourjob to plan and write the thesis・ Write a preliminaryversion in thethird month of your pro)ect・
Keep revISlng lt aS you Write the thesis.
READING AND RESEARCH : Lay out a reasonable sequence of steps to explain (or prove) your

Asyourfirst thesis task, Compile a reading list and begin general point・ These steps will become the sections in your research丘les

background reading・ and later in your paper.

Whlle it is your responsibilitytofind readlngS, Others can certmily Your thesis should have a thesis・ Translat10n: Your BA paper should
help. have a main argument, clearly expressed.
・ Your adviser can suggest initial readings・ To find out if you actually have such an argument, take the elevator
I Reference llbrarlanS Can Often suggest readings, too. A valuable test・ If you can explain your argument to an intelligent layperson on
but overlooked resource, they know about new publlCations, a short elevator ride, you pass.
specialized blbliographies, and primary documents・ They can
show you how to compile a reading list and can help you request
materials from other research libraries. During month 3 0r 4, Write a customized schedule for the remain_
I Scan the majorjournals inyourfield・ (Your adviserwillknow der of your thesis proJeCt・ Revise and update it as you continue
which ones are relevant to your topic・) Look for pertinent working.
278 Schedul7'ngand Completlng Your TheslS

TIPSandRemmders 279
It is your responsibility-notyouradviser,S-to keep thewhole 琴
c Later, whenyou workonthepaper as a whole, you can connect
pro)ect on schedule・ moving forward・ That's true at every stage of
these sections and create a unified paper・
the thesis, beginnlng ln Week l・
Watch out for missed deadlines・ Ifyou miss one, ask yourselfwhat
the problem is・ Isthe schedule unreasonable? Wasthere an unex_ pREVrRnNG・ D-T"G・ AND EDITING DrFFERENTSE⊂Tl0NSATTHE SANETIME

pected setback in your work or personal life? Or are you are simply
idling behind?


The first step ln PreWritmg lS tO establish the ma)or steps ln your

argument (similar to capital Roman numerals in a traditionalout_
・ These steps will become the main sections of your paper・
C To determine these sections and line them up in the proper
order, ask yourself, "what arethe essentialbuJding blocks of my
argument? "
Make a prewriting丘le, divide it into血ese sections, and触your
when integratmg the entire paper, Write transitions that tell readers
notes and ideas in the approprlate Sections. These sections win
why they are going to the next section.
eventuauy become sections in your paper, perhaps ln mOdi丘ed
If these transitions are di&cult to craft,that may signal your next
section is actually in the wrong place, or perhaps a section is miss-
Asyour work advances, add new sections, rearrange old ones, and
move notes around as needed.
Edit your drafts ln red pen so changes win stand out. Then enter
Add comments and ideas to your notesfrequently・ Expand them
withsentences and paragraphs・ Review this materialregularlyand
these handwritten changes 1-ur computer regularly so you have
an up-to-date electronic draft.
keep adding to it.
Most of the time, you can simply delete the words you cut・ If you
Whenever you are working intensIVeiy on the thesis, carry some-
think youmight want to restore a particular sentence or paragraph,
thing to jot down notes・ Ideas pop up at odd times, and you should
be ready to catch them witha pen and paper or Blackberry・ put it in a scrapfile・ Cut whenever you can, and usethe scrapfi1e as
a safety net.
Use an "Overlapping aPPrOaChn to prewrite, dra允,and edit yourthe-
Mark up yesterday,s writing as you start work the next day・ It,s a

コ When you have completed most of the research on one section, great time to edit and won,t take long・ Itwi山also bring you up to

speed for the new day,s work.

review your notes and prewritlng, then draft a short paper on
periodicauy print your latest working draft. Mark it upfreelywith
that aspect of the thesis.
・ Treat it as a stand-alone paper; don't worry about connecting it
editorial comments・ Having a hard copy lylng aroundwiu encour-
age you to edit more o氏en.
to other sections at this stage・
Define your most important terms clearly and precisely and do it
・ Editthis stand-alone draftas you work on the rest of the paper・
early in the paper・ Then usethem consistendy as a core vocabulary・
You should research, prewrite, and draftlater sections as you edit
This is one case where synonyms and varietyonly cause confusion.
earlier ones.
Keep cutting your text and polishing your language to make it
28o Schedul7ngand Complehng Your TheSZ・5

TIP5andRemlnder5 281
clearer・ Your argument and evidencewil"ecome more transparent
・ If your paper has a bibliography or reference list, make sure it
and ullderstandable,
・ Use the active voice to speak directly to your readers. includes all the works you cited.

・Always remember you are writing to communicate.

。 Never talk down to readers・ Treat them with courtesy and ⊂OAtPLET川G YOUR THESIS

・ As yourthesis moves into its丘nal stages, review your entire

resPeCt, )uSt aS you hope to be treated.
c For most topics, imagine your readers are fellow seniors or schedule-to-completion at each meetlng withyour adviser. This
informed laypeople・ should only take a minute.
c Eventhoughyour thesis has a serious point・ your writing should ・Leave time for last-minute revisions duringthe丘nal two weeks.

C Reread the entire text and use your editorial judgment to revise
not be stiff.
o Feel free toincludeanOccasionalstory or anecdote if it rein_ it.

I search for remaining gaps andfill them, even if it requires some

forces your point.

"hoose a writing style you can use comfortably and persuasivelyI last-minute research.
。 If your adviser has time for comments, give him a polished drak
Ifyou prefer an informalstyle, checkwith your adviser.And
don't go overboard. at ユeast a week before the丘nalpaper is due.


・ The most important sections of your thesis arethe ones you write If your department requires you to choose a second faculty reader,
last-the introduction and conclusion・ To makethem strong ask your adviser for suggestions・ Ideauy, you want someone who
requlreS a little extra planning and effort. knows the sub).ect well and is amenable to your approach.
・ start discusslng yourfindingswith your adviser several weeks prepare for a thesis defense by reviewing your answers tothree basic
befbre the thesis is due. questions :
o work on these sections moreintensively・ Even thoughyou write ・ what lS your main argument or interpretationf
them relativelylate, you stiH need to edit them severaltimes. = HowdoyousupportitP

That means you'u just have to work a litde harder on these sec_ ニHow do you respond to the main objections and alternative

tiollS. argumen ts?

・ Make sure the introduction states your argument crisply in the丘rst

couple ofpages・ Don,t keep your readers waiting, and don,t dance AFTER YOLl)RE DONE
around your main point・ (If you can,t state it clearly" probably Ah thethesis is血ished, thank your adviser, either in person or

don't have one. Go back and work on the elevator test.) with a handwritten note.
・ The conclusion is not a summary or mere repetition of what came
Get a recommendation while your teachers stnl have afresh mem-
before. It should draw together your main findings and explore ory ofworhng with you・ They can always update it to redect your
their significance. subsequent work and studies.

・ choose one citation style and use it consistently. (DetaJs are in
appendix 2, "Footr10tes 101.")

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