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The main image which takes up a whole page.

The image has a lot To right of the image is the article which takes
of distractions including the band name ‘THE TEENAGERS’, up half of the opposite page. The title is the
‘NEED TO KNOW’ box and the page title ‘RADAR’ this is done so name of the band which stretches across to the
when you look at the picture of the band you see the information box other page in bold capital letters and an eye
which sums up the band in brief and makes the reader decide catching blue highlight just for the wording.
whether they want to read the article or move on to the next one. The Under the title is a pull quote followed by the
image reflects the band name as there are three young lads in a room article which is in small text and half way
doing nothing with pictures of half-naked women above the bed down there is a quote which has larger writing
there lying on. The room is dull and the band are wearing black and than the rest of the article with a blue outline
white clothes using the teenage image again. round it.

Down the right side of the page is a separate column titled ‘EVERYONE’S TALKING ABOUT…’ which is in a black
column with smaller articles on well-known bands and artist. There is a small article or quote on the band with a picture of
the band.

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