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Script for ‘SWELL’

Main character: Ashley Brown

Parents: Mr and Mrs Brown

Friend: Kat Douglass

Boy: Max Miller

Scene 1:

Very clean room, made bed, white sheets

Mrs Brown: Ashley, Dinner’s ready.

Scene 2: Flashback 1

Opens with Kat and Ashley at a party. Kat has her arms around Ashley and hands her a pill.

Kat: Go on, Newbie. It’s no big deal.

Eye line match with Max, Ashley continues to swallow the substance.

Fade out.

Scene 3: Flashback 2

Opens with cantered camera angle, point of view of Ashley.

She sees Max, who steadies her and says,

Max: Hey, you don’t look so good. Let’s go chill somewhere.

Ashley looks at Kat, who is pre-occupied with another boy. Ashley nods her head and follows him

Scene 4:

Ashley walking down the stairs in a pull out camera movement.

Scene 5:

Living room.

Ashley walks in and is about to approach her parents with her troubling thoughts.

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