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Circuit Equations

There are two (related) approaches:

1. Derive the circuit (differential) equations in the time domain, then

transform these ODEs to the s-domain;
2. Transform the circuit to the s-domain, then derive the circuit
equations in the s-domain (using the concept of "impedance").

We will use the first approach. We will derive the system equations(s)
in the t-plane, then transform the equations to the s-plane. We will
usually then transform back to the t-plane.


Consider the circuit when the switch is closed at t = 0 with VC(0) = 1.0
V. Solve for the current i(t) in the circuit.

Note: Throughout this page these problems are also solved using Scientific
Notebook. They are TEX files and you need Scientific Notebook or similar, to
view them.

Solve for i(t) for the circuit, given that V(t) = 10 sin5t V, R = 4 W and
L = 2 H.


In the circuit shown below, the capacitor is uncharged at time t = 0. If

the switch is then closed, find the currents i1 and i2, and the charge on
C at time t greater than zero.

In the circuit shown, the capacitor has an initial charge of 1 mC and

the switch is in position 1 long enough to establish the steady state.
The switch is moved from position 1 to 2 at t = 0. Obtain the transient
current i(t) for t > 0.


The system is quiescent. Find the loop current i2(t).


Consider a series RLC circuit where R = 20 W, L = 0.05 H and C = 10-

F and is driven by an alternating emf given by E = 100 cos 200t.
Given that both the circuit current i and the capacitor charge q are
zero at time t = 0, find an expression for i(t) in the region t > 0.


A rectangular pulse vR(t) is applied to the RC circuit shown. Find the

response, v(t).

Graph of vR(t):

Note: v(t) = 0 V for all t < 0 s implies v(0-) = 0 V.

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