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A – Read the text and answer the questions.

Hello, everyone! My name is John Anderson.

I’m 13 and I’m from Edinburgh, in Scotland. I live on
a beautiful and enormous farm about sixty miles
from the capital of Scotland, in Dundee. It is small
but nice village where I know everybody. I love living
here because there are many interesting things to do
and I do it with my friends. They are the best in the
world! There is only one thing that I really don’t like here. When I go out with a
friend, everybody knows it the next day. They cannot keep a secret!
My daily routine is not very different. I usually get up at seven o’clock in the
morning. While my mother prepares breakfast, my father feeds the animals and I
have a quick shower and get dressed to school. I always eat my breakfast with
my family. For my it’s very important. Then my father drives me to school. He
always goes to the city market in the morning to sell some of our products.
I have classes in the morning from nine to midday. After lunch I have to do my
homework and study, of course. My mother wants me to prepare my next school
day! When I finish my school work I play with my little brother: Mark. He is two
years old and he is very funny. Then I try to help my father with the farm work:
we feed the horses, cows, hens and chickens. In my spare time (when I have
some) I like going out and having fun with my friends. I always go to bed at half
past nine.

a) Who is John?

b) Where does he live?

c) Is he an only child?

d) What time do John’s classes start?

e) What does he do in the afternoon?

f) Does he go to bed early?

g) Who does he have breakfast with?

h) How does he go to school?

i) What does he like doing in his free time?

B – Mark the following sentences True (T), False (F) or Impossible

to know (IK)

1 a) John is Scottish
1 b) He is from Dundee
1 c) He is na only child
1 d) He enjoys living on a farm
1 e) He hates feeding the animals
2 f) There aren’t any cows in his farm
2 g) His favourite hobby is watchin TV
2 h) He doesn’t help his father
2 i) His mother’s name is Sarah

C – Find the opposites of the following words in the text

a) big ____________________ d) before

b) get up ____________________ e) borig
c) hate ____________________ f) never

D – Complete with who/what/how/where/what time/how


a) ______________ do you live? In Belfast.

b) ______________ does Sally go to school? By bus.
c) ______________ do you play a sport? Never.
d) ______________ is Halloween? On October 31st.
e) ______________ do they have for breakfast? Tea and toast.
f) ______________ knows a lot about history? Peter.
E – Write a text about your daily routine from the moment you get
up until you go to bed (minimum 10 lines)

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