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SCEPTrE = independently organized TED event Lifelong - Lifewide Learning Harvey Brough Sarah Campbell 8th March 2011, University of Surrey 6pm Tea & Coffee 6.30pm—9.30pm TEDx Event Griffiths Lecture Theatre and Foyer, Teaching Block Ideas worth spreading Programme 18.00 PART 1 18.30 18.40 18.50 19.10 19.30 19.40 20.15 PART 2 20.20 20.40 21.00 21.00 21.20 21.30 Tea and coffee on arrival Griffiths Lecture Theatre Welcome and introduction Professor Norman Jackson, University of Surrey TED Video — Changing Educational Paradigms Sir Ken Robinson Confessions ofa lifelong, lifewide leamer Professor John Cowan, Napier University Edinburgh Becoming me Sarah Campbell, Psychology postgraduate student, University of Surrey Kai Jenson Musician Talk time — Cheese and wine reception Lecture Theatre Foyer Griffiths Lecture Theatre What has lifelong-lifewide learning got to do with being a scientist? Professor Jim Al-Khalili, University of Surrey TED Video — New experiments in self-teaching Sugata Mitra Creating through our lifewide experience Harvey Brough musician and composer Vote of thanks Kai Jenson will performhis song that is inspired by the idea of lifelong-lifewide learning - Will the tuna fish turn into salmon? Finish Ideas worth spreading Our lifelong-lifewide journey of personal development There are few things more interesting ot Inspiring than someone sharing ay their life story and through that story coming to learn how they came to be the person they are, It isa privilege to witness how: the pathways that people have taken through their life emerges from the experiences that make up the'r life We have both lifelong (the journey) and lifewide (the multiple and varied places and situations we occupy) dimensions to our life While our lifelong journay is the synthesis of our life it is the lifewide dimension that we experience every day of our lives and provides the stepping stone to our future, Thase two dimensions connect our thoughts and feelings. our relationships, decisions and actions, and ali that we achiave through space and time. It is the idee of ‘litewideness* and its educational value while studants are studying in higher education, that SCEPTrE’s balieves is worth spreading through the TED way of disseminating ideas Lifewideness is a simple idea. It recognises that most people, no matter what their age ot circumstances, simultaneously inhabit @ number of different spaces - like work or education, running a home, being a member of a family, being involved in a dub or society, travelling and taking holidays and looking after their own wellbeing mentally, physically and spiritually We live out our lives in these different spaces and we have the freedom to chooe which spaces we want to occupy. In these spaces we make decisions about what to be involved in we meet and interact with different people, have different sorts of relationships, adopt different roles and identities, and think, behave and communicate in different ways. In these different spaces we encounter different sorts of challences and problems, seize or miss opportunities, and aspire to live and achieve our ambitions. It is in these spaces that we create the meaning that is our lives. "Between stimulus and response thare is a space. In the space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In thosa choices lie our growth and our happiness." Stephen Covey The 8th Habit trom Effectiveness to Greatness, 2004 pa Lifewide education explicitly recognises that people lean and develop through their Iifemide experiences. It both promotes and values these forms of leatning and personal development. By reframing our perception of what counts as leaming and perional development in highat education, and developing the means to recognize end value the leaning and development gained in a leatnar's lifewide experi ences, universities could enable learners to develop a deeper appreciation of how, whet, when and why they are learning in the different parts of their lives Heightened seltawareness is likely to help them become mote effective at leatning through their own experiences and this should be an assential outcome of any educational system that prepares people for the challenges of a complex, uncertain and ever changing world. SCEPTE, in collaboration with scholars, researchers, teachers, students and professionals from fields other than educetion, has tried to develop and apply the ideas of lifewide learning, lifewide development and lifewide education and we are finalising a book which consclidates this work, We felt that it would be both a fitting way to end our five year project and help disseminate our ideas further, to use the wonderful TED approach and we ate grateful to TED for granting us our TED licence We are very fortunate to have found four people who are willing to turn our abstract ideas into real life stories and we hope that their stories will inspire others to appreciate even more the rich potential of the ‘opportunities they have across their lives for making a difference to themselves and te others, Professor Norman Jackson Director SCEPTrE Surrey Centre tor Excellence in Professional Training and Education About TED www. TED began in 1984 a a California-based conference devoted to the converging fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design (hence its name). Over the years, the scope has broadened and the ambition level constantly raised. We now seek to bring together the world's leading thinkers and doers, no matter what field of endeavour they are working in. Ideas worth spreading All knowledge is connected and TED hos become the place where you can discover leading edge thinking in numerous fields, and how this relates to your own life and work For many attendees, the result is: delicious, unexpected connections; axtraordinaly insights; powerful inspiration. If you haven't visited the TED website please try to find the time to do so. It is wonderful source of wisdom and inspiration TED* TEDx is a programme of local, selforgenized events that bring people together to share ideas worth spreading. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks videos and live speakers combine to spark deep dicussion and connection. These local, selforganized evants are branded TEDX, where independently organized vent TEDx events are selforganized but they conform to a dasign that is established by TED. Speakers must perform for no more than 18 Trinutas. The programme is streamed live and it must be filmed and the film record daposited on a dedicate website that is then accessible to anyone who has internet access Each programma must also contain two videos from the TED portfolio. Speaker biographies John Cowan wes born in Glasgow and was educated during the Second World Wat, in six different Scottish schools. sa child he suffered from poor eyesight He hed wanted to become a lawyer, or rather an advocate but that called for 4 years of study, and he was advised that his eyes would not lest for more then 3 yeers. So he opted instead to study dvil engineering, motivated by the prospect of dasigning ané building useful things. After a successful career as a structural engineering designer he entered academia in1964 cs 9 teacher and researcher in structural engineering. In 1982 he became the first Professor of Enginaering Education in the UK, at Heriot- Watt Univenity, Edinburgh, where his educationally-orientad research and davelopment concentrated on student-centred learning and the learning experience. On moving to the Open University in Scotland as Director in 1987 he encouraged innovative curriculum development and campaigned rationally for rigor ous formative evaluation in higher education His passion for and professional intarast in student-centred learning now spans over 45 years. During that tme he has placed an ever increasing emphasis on preparing students to exarcise stewardship over their lifewide davelopmant while at University, and in lifalong learning thereafter. The practice of personal development planning in these develooments is a central featura of enabling learners to take responsibility for and exercise stewardship over their own reflective and self assessed development, He continuas te shere his wisdom with higher education teachers at Edinburgh Napier University and his collegial spirit is well known. In describing himself he says, “It’s best just to think of me a an active parttime teacher nowadays, with personal history te draw on and a willingness to share with some colleagues, if they want to innovate in areat where I have some experience.” During the la:t 2 years John has worked closely with the Surtey Cantra for Excellence in Professional Training and Education to help develoo and apply the concept of lifewide learning, development and education John has inspired many higher education teachess. In reviewing this book ‘Becoming an Innovative Teacher Frofessor John Biggs wrote™..2 delightiul and unusual reflective Journey the whole book is driven ty a cycle ‘of questions, examples, strategies and generalizations from the examples. In all, if is the dearest example of practise-whatyou- preach that | have seen." This sums John up vary well! He was awarded a SCEPTTE Life Achievement Award in 2010 for the significant contribution he has made to the profession of higher education teaching and to honour his commitment to education that truly encourages and draws upon students’ lifelong and life-wide learning experiences, Ideas worth spreading OBE was bom and grew up in Baghdad until his family were forced to move to Britain when Saddam Hussein. came to power. He fell in love with physics when he 1 was a teenager and has spent much’ of his life immersed in sub-atomic particles, jm cama to study physics at the University of Surrey graduating with a 85¢ degree In 1986 and staying on to pursue a PhD in nuclear reaction theory, which he obtained in 1989. In that year he wes awardad a Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) postdoctoral fellowship at University Collage London, He returned t> Surrey in 1991, first as a research assistant than lecturer. In 1994, he ‘was awarded an Engineering and Physical Sciencas Resgarch Council (EPSRC) Advanced Research Fellowship for five years, during which time he established himselt as a leading expert on mathematical models of exote atomic nuclei. He has published widaly in his field In 2004 he was chosen as one of twenty- one "Faces of UK Science" on permanent exhibition in London's National Portrait Galery E In the last decade Jim has become a public figure through his work as a writer and broadcaster. He frequantly appears on. telavision and radio and also writes articles for the British press. He has also published a number of popular scienca books, which have so far been translated into 13 languages. In 2094, he co-presented the Channel 4 documentary The Riddle of Einstein's Brain but his big break as a presenter came in 2007 with Atom, a three- part series on BBC Four about the history of our understanding of the atom and stomic physics. This was followed by a special archive edition of B&C Horizon The Big Bang. In early 2009, he presented the BEC Four three part seties Science and Islam about the leap in scientific knowledge that took place in the Islamic world between the sth and 14th centuries. He has contributed to programmes ranging from Tomarrow's World, BBC Four's Mind Games, The South Bank Show to BBC One's Bang Goes the Theory. In 2010. he presented a new BEC Four, three part series called Chemistry: 4 Volatile History, on the history of chamistry, which was nominated for a BAFTA Award, as well as a documentary on. chaos theory called The Secret Life of Chaos. He is also one of several presanters on Genius of Britain, five-part series for Channel 4 shown in 2010, along with Stephen Hawking, Richard Dewkins, James Dyson and David Attenborough. lim was a guest on Radio Four's Desert Island Dises in February 2010. In 2007, he became the youngest recipient of the the Royal Society's Michael Faraday medal for science communication. He continues to find time to carry out his research in nudear physics and in the new field of quantum biology. Jim has been invited to bring to life the idea of lifelong — lifewide learning and personal development through his own life story as a scientist and communicator of sciantine ideas Sarah Campbell represents the people that SCEFTE has been ey ‘working for ~ > our students, What is Poe ee excellent example of ye someone who of , nN appreciates the MM opportunities that life provides to develop harself as a whole person. Sarah came to Surrey in 2005 as a mature student having spent several years since leaving school werking in the music industry. Sarah knows the Surrey educational experience very well, she studied psychology graduating with a first less honours degree in June 2010, While she was studying for her degree she undertook the year long professional training experience part of which was spent with SCEPTrE in 2008 During this time sha undartook an important piace of reearch aimed at improving our understanding of ‘immersive experiences’ soon to be published in SCEPTYE's ‘Learning for a Complex World’ book. This experiences caused har to reflect on har own life and in particular her own lifewide learning experiance as a student, she has now embarked on 2 PhD in the Psychology Department at the University of Surrey and her personal story shows how har lifewide experiences have shaped her interests and determined the career pathway she has chosen Ideas worth spreading is one of the UK's most accomplished musicians Hworking as = performer, Jarranger, conductor, producer and composer across vast range of styles and influances and characterised by soma wonderful and memorable Dah colaborations. His professional carear has spanned the musical filds of jazz, classical, choral, pop, world, medieval and early music, TV, theatre and film. Reading his biography is both exhilarating and exnausting Harvey Brough He started his musical life aged six, a choitboy at Coventry Cathedral, singng Bach Cantatas and recording Benjamin Britten compositions by the time he was thirteen, He studied at the Royal Academy of Music with Lady Barbirclli and then at Clare Collage Cambridge where he had “four fabulous years in which | played, sang, conducted, nearly got thrown out, tried doing a little work, and finally scraped through to gatting a degree’ After University he formed a band - Harvey and the Wallbangars. ‘I loved being in a band and | loved performing muste which appealed fo anybody —we played anywhere that would have us, from prisons to the Rayal Variety show (you can imagine where we got the best reaction). This took up six years of my fife and it was great’ Harvey and the Wallbangers recorded four albums on thair own label and the Jazz CD with Simon Rattle, still available on EMI For fifteen years Harvey worked closely with the Danlaworth family, contributing big band and string atrengements to their concerts, also 2s Musical Director of Field of Blue with Jacqui Dankworth. Over thase years he had the opportunity to work side by sida with John Cankworth - an education in itself, He has also arranged songs for Big Band and Orchestra for the King of Thailand, recorded by the Royal Phitharmonte Orchestra While still at Cambridge, Harvey sang in, ‘and directed his own consort, whose members included many singers ‘who are now well established names - Mark Padmore, Charles Daniels, Gerald Finley and Christopher Purves amongst them Cambridge University Consort of Voices were invited to give @ concert in King's Collage Chapel to mark the opening of the West Road Music Faculty Concert Hall. As producer. arranger and composer Harvey has worked with the Brodsky, Duke and Elysion String Quartets For ten years Harvey worked extensively in the pop business with top producers such as Simon Law, lazzie B. ete - contributing string or brass atrangemants to singles and albums by Soul Il Soul, D Influence, Definition of Sound, Terry Hall and Salad and hundreds of others Recently he has been working with lerry Dammers, arranging for his Spatial AKA Orchestra From 2005-2009 Harvey was musical director and producer for Natacha Atlas; they toured all over the world with their half western, half aiabic band - The Mazeeka Ensemble who recorded a highly acclaimed album under Harvey's leadership. Ana Hina (Harmonia Mund) had rave reviews all over the world for the disc and for the ensemble’s live perform ances, For many years Harvey co produced the majority of composer Jocalyn Pook's music for Film and Tv, inducing major releases - Merchant of Venice and Eyes Wide Shut, for which he co-composed the music for the orgy scone, Thay also collaboratad on a tan-hour Series for BBC 2 In a Land of Plenty as Composers and producers. Harvey ha; also provided many soundtracks to TV programmes in his own right - his credits include Citizens (Radic 4), The World About Us (BCD, the Alexi Sayle series Paris (Channel 4) Wise Up (Channel 4), The Most Beautiful Dress in the World (Bookmark BBC2), Hildegard (Omnibus BBC), Henry Moote (Omnibus 88C1) and The Glories of Islam (Channel 5). As You Like It (Radic 3) starting Helena Bonham Carter was broadcast on Shakespeare's birthdey in 2000 and a five part series - The Bayeux Tapesty (Radic 4) was broadcast in 2001. Harvey has also presented several radio series, a guide to vocal harmony - Doo Bop She Bop (Radio 2) and Dedications, programmes sbout Requiem in Blue and about Josquin’s Mille Regret, His recent theatre work 2s Musical Director includes: Olivier, National Theatre - St Joan, War Horse dir. Marianna Elliott £ Torn Mortis Ideas worth spreading Old Vic - the Bridge Project - Cherry Orchard and Tae Winter's Tale, dir. Som Mendes, with Rebecca Hall, Ethan Hawke, Sinead Cusack and simon Russell Beale, For the last 5 years Harvey has had a close partnership with renowned baroque singar, Clara Sanabras - initially performing medieval and early musi, but increasingly as @ duo - Retrospect performing ancient and modern music. Their other band Clare and the Real Lowdown has released two CD's in the last 2 years - Clara and the Real Lowdown (2008) and Hopetown House (2008) the latter consisting of Clara's compositions and Harvey's atrangements and production It is @ @ composer over the last 10 years that Harvey has made sense of all these disparate influences, writing a series of major pieces that biing together in music things which are often kept apart jazz and classical - young and old - professional and non professional - ancient and modain - plainsong and improvisation - modarn words and andent texts In this latter erea, he has hed a close partnership for many years with the talented olay write Lee Hall (poonface Steinberg, Billy Elliot, Pitman Painter). He is passionate about working with young people and with non-professional musicians and singers - many of his works reflect this passion and it is marifested in Requiem in Blue the subject of his contribute to SCEPTE’s TEDe lifelonglifewide learning event He wrote Requiem in Blue after winning the first Andrew Ivilne prize (Arts Council England). The piece is for two choirs of all ages and his own ensemble, made up of musicians he has admired and worked with extensively. Requiem in Bue has been performed some 30 times all over the UK and in Europe and was finally released on CD in 2010. Harvey's inspiring story about how this piece was created epitomises the way a talented musician can connect and draw inspiration from the relationships in his life to create a work of att, Sar Caro for Sxceerco Kai Jansen is talented musician who has participated in a number of SCEPTIE's events asa musician and songwriter in residence and turned some of our ideas like living in a complex world and being professional into mamorable songs. He began learning guitar in Singapore and joined three Chinese brothers in 1965 for a Shadows-style- group. “1 first started writing songs with my sister way back in 1965. Needlass to say the first tunas ‘ware pretty silly, a bitlike the stuff that passes for ‘pop’ now, axcapt that thay markat & sell it and we were too embarrassed to bother, always looking for that original and very sis tune (with words!)" After returning to the UK. in late 66 he took Up classical lessons and played locally around Hampshire in 2s many folk clubs. From 1969, he spent 4 years at the City of Leeds College of Music and played all the folk clubs around Practiced hour: every day, sang in 2 choirs, formed a duo with guitar & lute teacher Roger Child, playing recitals in the Leeds and Manchester areas and with flautist Elaine Kershaw, performed in Leads area local wine- bars for two or three years in the early 70's Hi career has involved performing in concerts, clubs, TV, in restaurants and bars, private homes. In 2002 he performed at the Rugby Suparleague Grand Final Event at Old Trafford, Manchester in front of 64,000 people — supporting Samantha Mumba in a 30-minute broadcast on SKY-TV He spent 23 years 25 a street performer in Covent Garden “Alot of my musical education took place ‘out- ofhours', and included hearing & seeing and being influenced by the likes of Pentangle, Tom Paxton @ Julie Felix, Leeds being thoroughly musical place in the late-60'siearly 70's | was lucky enough to heat John williams & Julian Bream togethar, and all the major classical orchestras of the of the day at the Leeds Town Hall. Other venues visited included The Grand Theatre (Spike Milligan & Wagner's ‘Rheingold’), the Leeds University Union and Refectory Halls Uohn Mertyn, Sentana & Bob Matley) and at the local folk, Clubs the likes of the late-Jake Thackray. Kai har recorded four albums Ideas worth spreading Ideas worth spreading

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