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Overcome Male Infertility -Sperm abnormality

Please note that all Articles are for information and education only, please consult with your doctor before
applying- Kyle J. Norton

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of

unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the
U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of unawareness of
treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist. I have spent
much of our time to discuss the female infertility and unexplained causes of
female infertility in previous series; we will focus the infertility on the other
partner-male infertility. In reality, approximate about 90% of male infertility
are as result of sperm abnormalities. Sperm abnormality is defined as a
condition of low sperm count and/or poor sperm quality.

I. In Conventional Perspective
A. Risk factor
1. Sexual transmitted Diseases
Most bacteria infect the reproductive system through unprotected sexual
intercourse and are happened mostly to women and men with several

2. Age
When a man get older the levels of testosterone start to drop and the levels
of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases stimulating the
production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of
testosterone to gihydro-testosteronescausing, leading to many problems such
as erectile and abnormal sperm production.

3. Lifestyle
A good living lifestyle may be helpful for preventing diseases and preserve
health but times the good living lifestyle also a cause of hormone imbalance,
leading to lower sperm count and/or low sperm quality.

4. Environment effects
Long-term exposure to certain types of toxins and chemicals (such as
herbicides and pesticides) due to occupation may increase the risk of
hormone imbalance that affects the function of testicle, leading reduce sperm
count and/or sperm quality.

5. Varicocele
Varicocele is an enlarged varicose vein in the spermatic cord that connects
to the testicle. It can effect the sperm condition as it raises the testicular

6. Sluggish liver
Liver is important for regulating the balance of essential fatty acid. Our daily
today contains more meats and high levels of saturated fat and trans fat
which interfere the liver function, leading to over production of certain
hormone disrupting normal function of male reproductive organ such as low
sperm count, erectile dysfunction.

7. Medical condition
Certain medical condition can causes the reduction of sperm count and
effecting the low quality sperm, such as any severe injury or major surgery,
diabetes, HIV, etc.

B. Causes of sperm abnormality

Causes of sperm abnormality is still unknown, but expects suspect that it
may be attributed to the followings:

1. Heredity
Sperm abnormality may be inherited.
2. Testicular enzyme defect
A congenital enzyme defect that interfere with normal process of the testes
in sperm production as resulting of inability of the test in responding to
hormone stimulation.

3. Immune system
Immune system plays an important role in fighting the forming of free
radical and foreign invasion such as bacteria and virus. Any infection or
allergic reaction in the body may cause over production of antibody leading
to immune system attacking fetus and the sperm which interferes the sperm
quality movement and sperm cervical invasion.

4. Biking
Biking may be a healthy sport but biking off the mountain road it may injure
the penis and cause the scrotum problem including lower sperm production
and interfering with natural selection in the body. It is advice for people to
take precaution to avoid swelling pain or damaging the reproductive system.

5. Medical condition
Medical condition such as azoospermia which reduces the level of sperm in
his semen caused by blocking of the reproductive tract.

6. Hormone imbalance
Hormone imbalance in a male can interfere with the production of
testosterone, leading to low sperm count and/or low sperm quality.7. Etc.

C. Diagnosis of sperm abnormality

1. Low Sperm Count (Oligospermia).
Sperm count of that lower than 10 million per ml is considered as a factor
that cause infertility of 10 -15 % of male population. Azoospermia is defined
as a complete absence of sperm cells in the ejaculation. There also some
case of which lower sperm count is caused by structure in the sperm
passage. Although the volume of sperm is still in dispute as some experts
may refer low sperm count of that less 20 millions per mL but agree that
sperm count are varies widely overtime, even day.

2. Poor Sperm Motility (Asthenospermia)

Poor sperm motility is defined as a condition of movement of sperm. Any
movement that is not normal such as slow, not in a straight line, having
difficulty to invade the cervical mucus or penetrate the hard outer shell of
the egg is considered as poor sperm motility. Experts suggest that over 50%
of the sperm in any ejaculation should be motile and show forward

3. Abnormal Sperm Morphology (Teratospermia)

Sperm morphology is the study of the structure and shape of the sperm. In
order to ensure the success in egg fertilization, sperm should have more than
50% of normal size, oval head and long tail.

D. Treatments
If the sperm abnormality is causes by structure problem as we mentioned in
some other articles in series of overcome infertility, than surgery may be
required. In other case, it can be effectively treated with the following;

1. Hormonal deficiency
If the hormonal deficiency is the causes of low sperm abnormality and
depending which hormones have effect the production of sperm, patient may
be givena) Luteinizing hormone (LH)LH stimulates testosterone production
from the interstitial cells of the testes.b) Follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH)FSH stimulates testicular growth and enhances the production of an
androgen-binding protein to sustain the maturing sperm cell.

2. Clomiphene citrate
Using Chomiphere citrate to treat mild sperm abnormalities in an attempt to
improve the semen have been very controversy (Adverse effect of
clomiphene citrate on sperm morphology. by Shanis B, Check JH,
Bollendorf A. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of
Medicine/Dentistry of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
Camden, and some clinic
trails have shown no improvement in the rate of pregnancy with either
placebo or clomiphene group.

3. Genetic defect
There is currently without any effective treatment for sperm abnormality
caused by genetic defects. Artificial insemination may be the only possible
a) Intra cervical insemination
Intra cervical insemination( ICI) is defined as a advance technological
infertility treatment by placing the male partner sperm directly into the
female partner cervix, thereby increasing the chance of sperm swimming
through the uterus and into the Fallopian tube. ICI is less expensive than
other artificial insemination and can be performed by your reproductive
specialist at his or her office.

b )Intrauterine insemination
Unlike intra cervical insemination, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is defined
as placing the warmed prepared sperm into the woman's uterus 2 -3 days
before and after ovulation with the purpose of getting the sperm closer to the
egg, thereby increasing the chance of fertilization.

c) Gamete intra Fallopian tube transfer (GIFT)

Gamete intra fallopian tube (GIFT) is simple ART (Assisted Reproductive
Technology) technique and defined as placing the mature eggs at the far end
of the Fallopian tube of the female partner together with the male partner

d) Zygote intra fallopian tube transfer

Similar to Gamete intra fallopian tube (GIFT), Zygote intra fallopian tube
transfer (ZIFT) is defined as placing the zogote (the fertilized but undivided
egg) directly into the woman's fallopian tubes, in order to maximize the
chance of fertility.

e) Tubal embryo transfer (TET)

The operation is carried out as a day-case procedure under a general
anesthesia with the use of medical laparoscopy. Unlike ZIFT, after the eggs
are collected and allowed to fertilized with the male partner sperm, the
zogotes are cultivated in the lab for 2 days and the embryos are replaced into
the female partner fallopian tube.

f) Etc.

II. In traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine or TCM define the sperm abnormality is the
condition of deficiency of yang and stagnation of qi, and generation of damp
heat as well as the depletion of kidney jing.

A . Diagnosis of sperm abnormality

The main causes of male infertility can be classifying into 2 categories:
1) Deficiency of either kidney yang and yin that effect the production of
sperm or reducing the sperm quality as well as affecting the function of the
Spleen, liver resulting in qi and blood stasis.

2) Damp heat accumulated in the lower jiao can also affect the quality of
sperm as well.The main function of Chinese herbs are to harmonize the
deficiency and excess, thus normalizing the function of organs in sperm

B. Causes of sperm abnormality

1. Kidney yin deficiency
1.1. Definition
According to TCM kidney if vital to maintain a healthy reproduction system
in men and women alike. Infertility caused by kidney yin deficiency
including symptoms seminal emission, slow sperm mobility, low sperm

1.2. Causes of kidney yin deficiency

1.2.1 .Unhealthy diet
As oppose to yang deficiency, It is caused by men who love to hot and spicy
food leading to heat accumulation in the body causing yin deficiency.

1.2.2. External factor

Working in the hot environment causes the depletion of fluids in the body
including the kidney leading abundant yang qi production.

1.2.3. Low sexual activity

Frequent sexual activity increases the risk of yang deficiency, low sexual
activity causes energy overly accumulation in the reproductive organ,
leading to yin deficiency.

1.3. Effects of kidney yin deficiency

1.3.1. Abnormal sperm production
Increasing yang qi or temperature in the body interferes with the production
and quality of sperm causing slow sperm mobility, low sperm count.

1.3.2. Seminal emission

Seminal emission is a pattern in which the semen of a man emits frequently
without making sexual activities. Since older sperm are replaced by new
sperm production every day. Low sexual activity ( no ejaculation for a
prolong period of time) causes abundant sperm in the reproductive organ,
leading to seminal emission with low quality sperm being ejaculated.

2) Kidney yang deficiency

2.1. Definition
Men are considered kidney yang deficiency if they have symptom of low
sexual desire, weak ejaculation, impotence, seminal emission, low sperm
count, slow sperm mobility.

2.2. Causes
2.2.1. Unhealthy diet
As we known, we live in the society, where everything we drink are mostly
cold including milk. It has a danger effect in the male body as it depletes of
the yang qi which is needed to counter the the cold effects of abundant yin,
leading to kidney yang deficiency. If one day, our yang qi production from
the kidney jing no longer working well, it will cause male symptoms of

2.2.2. External factors

2.2.2.a) Working in the cold environment such as fish, poultry and meat
processing plants may deplete the kidney yang as our body require to
produce yang qi constantly to counter the external cold.
2.2.2.b) People stay in the cold place for prolong period of time may also
have the same effect as people working in cold environment.

2.2.3. Frequent sexual activity

According to traditional medical medicine, sexual intercourse helps to
improve blood circulation and production of certain hormones which are
necessary for our health. It also helps to balance the kidney yin qi but
frequent sexual activity depletes the kidney jing which is vital for hormone
and sperm production, leading to low sperm count or semen with no sperm
as well as kidney diseases.

3) Liver qi stagnation
3.1. Definition
Liver meridian blockage in the local area (genital) makes it difficult to
ejaculate, related with impotence and low libido.

3.2. Causes
3.2.1. Stress
Over stress increase the secretion of certain hormone which blocks the flow
of qi in the liver and interfere the function of normal ejaculation leading to
sexual dysfunction.

3.2.2. Environment toxins

Environment toxins enter our body and accumulated in the liver organ
leading to liver malfunction.

3.2.3. Unhealthy diet

Men eat a lot of saturated and trans fat causing fat liver which interferes the
function liver qi in maintaining the function of the men reproductive system
leading to low sperm count and sperm quality.

3.2.4. Excessive drinking

Moderate drinking may help to improve liver function and increase blood
flow, excessive drinking damage liver cells leading to liver qi stagnation
causing all kinds of health problem including infertility.

4. Damp heat
4.1. Definition
Damp heat is defined as a medical condition of yin vacuity as result of liver
stagnation or Spleen deficiency produces, as it moves downward and
accumulated in the reproductive system according to TCM, causing internal
heat enters the lower jao, as yin fails to control yang and yang becomes
hyperactive that affects the production sperm, leading to sperm abnormality.

4.2. Causes of damp heat

4.2.1 Sexual intercourse during period
Menstrual secretions into the urethra in men as a result of urethritis

4.2.2. Bacteria or virus

Bacteria or virus attacks the body that cause infection and inflammation, as a
result of natural defend of the immune system, leading to heat enters the re
productive organ that affects the production of sperm.

4.2.3. Drugs
Drugs including steroids, alcohol, and tobacco, can have a very negative on
both the male reproductive systems as its may reduce the production of
sperm, that causes male infertility.
4.2.4. Hot, spicy or greasy foods.
Hot, spicy and greasy foods can cause indigestion. Indigestion produces
toxins blocking men semen and reduce sperm count.

5. Qi and blood deficiency

5.1. Definition
As the foods entering our stomach, they are divided to 2 components, qi and
materials. prolong intake of hot food causes dryness in the stomach and
deplete the fluid of the spleen, leading to abnormal function of the
circulatory system to move qi and liver function in blood formation, leading
to deficiency of qi and blood that causes sperm abnormality.

5.2. Causes of Qi and blood deficiency

5.2..1. Hot food
As the foods entering our stomach, they are divided to 2 components, qi and
materials. prolonged intake of hot food causes dryness in the stomach and
deplete the fluid of the spleen, leading to abnormal function of the
circulatory system in moving qi and liver function in blood formation,
resulting in deficiency of qi and blood that causes menstrual cramp and pain
as the period becomes scanty.

5.2..2. Unhealthy diet

A typical American diet is yang in nature, intake of high amount of
unsaturated fat and tran fat encourage the rise to the excessive yang
pathogen that blocks the liver function in blood storing and spleen function
in assisting lung in qi transportation.

5.2.3. Alcohol drinking

Excessive alcohol drinking damages the liver function in blood formation
and blood storing as well as interfering with spleen function in qi
transportation, leading qi and blood stagnation.

5.2.4. Environment toxins

Environment toxins not only affects the respiratory function in qi
transportation, but also causes toxins accumulated in the liver that distort the
qi and blood flow, leading to qi and blood stagnation and disturbing the
normal process of menstrual cycle.
5.2.5. spleen deficiency
Spleen is the organ which helps to absorb the food qi after entering the
stomach, spleen deficiency caused by what ever reason, may obstruct the
normal function of qi to the lung and liver, giving rise to qi and blood

C. Treatments
1. Kidney yin deficiency
1.1. Herbs
1.1.1. Bai He (Bulbus Lilii)
The sweet-bitter and cool herb is also known as Lily Bulb. it has been used
in traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat, moister lung thus topping
coughing and treat symptoms of insomnia, restlessness, irritability by
strengthen the channels of lung and heart.

1.1.2. Huang Jing (Rhizoma Polygonati)

Huang Jing is also known as Solomonseal Rhizome. The sweet and neutral
herb has been used in TCM to increase the function of the lung by
moistening and nourishing lung it, enhance the spleen and stomach qi, tonify
kidney and kidney essence by soothing the function of lung, spleen and
stomach channels.

1.1.3. Bie Jia (Carapax Amydae Sinensis)

Bie Jia Is also known as Chinese soft turtle shell. The salty and co;d herb has
been used in TCM in nourishing yin and subduing excessive yang,
invigorating blood, promoting menses and dissolving nodules by improving
function of the spleen and liver channels.

1.14. Gui Ban (Plastrum Testudinis)

Gui Ban is also known as Tortoise Shell. The sweet-salty and cold herb has
been used in TCM to nourish yin and blood, enhance the kidneys', liver 's
and heart's function, strengthen bones, cool blood and stop uterine bleeding
by smoothing the function of heart, liver and kidney channels.

1.1.5. Mai Men Dong (Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici)

Mai Men Dong or Mai Dong is also known as Ophiopogon Root. The bitter-
sweet and cold herb has been used in TCM to enhance the circulation
system, moisten the lungs and nourishes lung-qi, promote generation of
body fluids and stomach function and improve the recovery of cells of the
pancreas and lower blood sugar by soothing the function of heart, lung and
stomach channels.

1.2. Acupuncture

The suggested accupuncture points, Please consult with your accupuncturist

a)BL15 (Xin shu)
b) BL18 (Gan shu)
c) BL23 (Shen shu)
d) HT7 (Shen men)
e) LI3 (Tai chong)
f) SP6 (San yin jiao)
g) KD3 (Tai xi)
h) KD6 (Zhao hai)
i) CV4 (Guan yuan)
j) GV4 (Ming men)
k) GV20 (Bai hui)
l) GV39 (Jue gu)
m) UB11 (Da zhu)
n) Etc.

2. Kidney yang deficiency

2.1. Herbs
2.1.1. Lu Rong (Cornu Cervi)
Lu Rong is also known as Deer Antler. The sweet-salty and warm herb has
been used in traditional Chinese medicine to enhance the fresh and bones,
strength qi, blood and yang, tonify kidney and the Governing-Penetrating-
Conception vessels by promoting the function of kidney and liver channels.

2.1.2. Ge Jie (Gecko)

Ge Jie is also known as Gecko The salty and neutral herb has been used in
TCM to
tonify lung-qi and essence, enhance kidney yang and blood, relieve cough,
treat impotence, diarrhea and urinary frequency by smoothing the function
of kidney and lung channels.

2.1.3. Gu Sui Bu (Rhizoma Drynariae)

Gu Sui Bu is also known as Drynaria Rhizome. The bitter and warm herb
has been used in TCM to enhance the kidneys' function, increase movement
of blood, stop bleeding; promote tissue regeneration, generate hair growth
and treat diarrhea, toothache, bleeding gums, etc. by smoothing the function
of kidney and liver channels.

2.1.4. Bu Gu Zhi (Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae)

Bu Gu Zhi is also known as Psoralea Fruit. The bitter and hot herb has been
used in TCM to tonify kidneys, strengthens yang, preserve Essence, warm
the spleen, treat any reproductive disorder causes of cold lower back and
promote kidneys to grasp Qi by smoothing the function of kidney and spleen

2.1.5. Du Zhong (Cortex Eucommiae Ulmoidis)

Du Zhong is best known as Ecommia Bark. The sweet and warm herb has
been used in TCM to tonify liver and kidneys, strengthen the sinews and
bones, enhance the smooth flow of qi and blood and prevents miscarriage by
promoting the function of liver and kidney channels.

2.2. Acupuncture

Suggested acupuncture points

a) UB23 (Shen shu)
b) GV4 (Ming men)
c) CV4(Guan yang)
d) CV6 (Qi hai)5. KD3 (Tai xi)
e) KD7 (Fu liu)
f) UB52 (Zhi shi)
g) KD6 (Zhao hai)
h) CV4 (Guan yuan)
i) GV20 (Bai hui)
j) GV39 (Jue gu)
k) UB11 (Da zhu)
l) Etc.

3. Liver Qi stagnation
3.1. Herbs
3.1.1. Bai Shao Yao (Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)
Bai Shao Yao is also known as White Peony Root. The cool and bitter herb
has been used in TCM to enhance women reproductive health by nourishing
blood, regulating menses caused by blood deficiency, calming liver yang
and adjusts ying by improving the function of liver and spleen channels.
3.1.2. Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae)
Dan Shen is also best known as Salvia Root. The bitter and cool herb has
been used in TCM to move, nourish and cool blood, break up blood stasis,
dissolve furuncle, calms the mind, clear heat and stop stomach pain by
smoothing the heart, liver and pericardium channels.

3.1.3. Gou Teng (Ramulus cum uncis Uncariae)

Gou Teng is also known as Gambir Vine Stem. The sweet and cool herb has
been used in TCM to clear heat and ascends yang, tonify liver, control
internal wind and relieve spasm and tremors, by promoting the function of
heart and liver channels.

3.1.4. Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri)

Chai Hu is also known as Thorowax Root. The bitter and cool herb has been
used in TCM to regulate and clear Heat, drains the liver heat to resolves
depression and liver qi stagnation, raises yang qi and treat spleen and
stomach deficiency by promoting the function of gallbladder, liver and
pericardium channels.

3.1.5. Mai Men Dong (Tuber Ophiopogonis Japonici)

Mai Men Dong or Mai Dong is also known as Ophiopogon Root. The bitter-
sweet and cold herb has been used in TCM to enhance the circulation
system, moisten the lungs and nourishes lung-qi, promote generation of
body fluids and stomach function and improve the recovery of cells of the
pancreas and lower blood sugar by soothing the function of heart, lung and
stomach channels.

3.2. Acupuncture

Suggested acupuncture points

a) BL1 (Jing Ming)
b) LR13 (Zhang Men)
c) LR14 (Qi Men)
d) GB34 (Yang Ling Quan)
e) BL20 (Pi Shu)
f) RN12 (Zhong Wan)
g) ST25 (Tian Shu)
h) ST36 (Zu San Li)
i) Etc.
4. Damp heat
4.1. Herbs
4.1.1. Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri)
Chai Hu is also known as Thorowax Root. The bitter and cool herb has been
used in TCM to regulate and clear Heat, drains the liver heat to resolves
depression and liver qi stagnation, raises yang qi and treat spleen and
stomach deficiency by promoting the function of gallbladder, liver and
pericardium channels.

4.1.2. Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis)

Gan Cao is also best known as Licorice Root. The sweet and neutral herb
has been used in TCM to promote the spleen function, smooth the
movement of qi, moisten the lungs, relieve pain, clear heat and toxic fire and
regulate the nature of other herbs by smoothing the function of heart, lung,
spleen, kidney and stomach channels.

4.1.3. Mu Tong (Caulis Akebiae Trifoliatae)

Mu Tong is also known as Akebia Caulis. The bitter and cool herb has been
used in TCM as diuretic and to relieve pain on urination and treat urinary
tract infection, clears heat, promotes lactation, oedema and calm joints' pain
by enhancing the function of bladder, heart and small intestine channels.

4.1.4. Long Dan Cao (Radix Gentianae)

Long Dan Cao is also known as Chinese Gentian Root. The bitter and cold
has been used in TCM to clear heat and liver fire, drain dampness and livers
and gallbladder's damp heat by enhancing the function of liver, gallbladder
and stomach channels.

4.1.5. Ban Lan Gen (Radix Isatidis)

Ban Lan Gen is also known as Woad Root. The cold and bitter herb has been
used in traditional Chinese medicine in expelling toxic heat and fire, cooling
blood, resolving exanthema and damp heat causes of jaundice by enhancing
the function of lung, heart and stomach channels.

4.2. Acupuncture
a) LI4 (He Gu)
b) LV3 (Tai Chong)
c) ST36 (Zu San Li)
d) GB20 (Feng Zhi)
e) Etc.

5. Qi and blood deficiency

5.1. Herbs
5.1.1. Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng)
Ren Shen is also known as ginseng root, the sweet, bitter and slightly warm
herb has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to tonify yuan/original
Qi and generate fluids that are necessary for blood formation by enhancing
the Spleen and lung channels.

5.1.2. E Jiao (Gelatinum Corii Asini)

E Jiao is also known as Ass Gelatin or Ass-Hide. The sweet and neutral herb
has been used in TCM to tonify Blood, stop bleeding, promote yin and to
treat dry lung by smoothing the function of liver, kidney and lung channels.

5.1.3. Huang Qi (Radix Astragali Membranacei)

Huang Qi is also known as Astragalus Root. The warm and sweet herb has
been used in TCM as diuretic and to strengthen yang, tonify spleen & lung
qi and eliminate toxins by enhancing the function of lung and spleen

5.1.4. Dan Shen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae)

Dan Shen is also best known as Salvia Root. The bitter and cool herb has
been used in TCM to move, nourish and cool blood, break up blood stasis,
dissolve furuncle, calms the mind, clear heat and stop stomach pain by
smoothing the heart, liver and pericardium channels.

5.1.5. He Shou Wu (Radix Polygoni Multiflori)

He Shou Wu is also known as Fleece Flower Root or Tuber Fleeceflower
Root. The bitter-sweet and warm herb has been used in TCM to tonify the
kidney essence and liver blood, eliminate toxins, moisten the intestines thus
promoting bowel movement by enhancing the function of liver, lung and
kidney channels.
5.2. Acupuncture
Suggested acupuncture points
a) ST36 (Zu San Li)
b) SP6 (San Ying Jiao)
c) KD3 (Tai Xi)
d) LU 9 (Tai Yuan)
e) LV 3 (Tai Chong)
f) UB 11 (Ta Zhu)
g) UB 17 (Ge Shu)
h) Etc.

III. In Nutritional Supplements Perspective

In nutritional supplements' view point, sperm abnormality is a medical
condition as a result of nutritional supplements deficiency due to unhealthy
life style and diet that effect the reproductive organs which respond to sperm
production. Oxidation due to the inability of immune system in fighting the
forming of free radicals, leading to abnormal sperm production.

A. Cause of sperm abnormality

Poor diet, overuse of saunas, ultra-vigorous exercise, lack of exercise,
excessive drinking, smoking, obesity, chronic infection, the wearing of tight
slacks or underwear, poor general health, occupation, enlarge prostate grand
and male hormone imbalance, environment toxins.

B. What to eat and avoid

1. What to eat
a) Organic fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts,
and seed contain high amount of nutrition which are necessary to enhance
the reproductive organ to serve its purposes.

b) Since water makes up 70% of our body mass. Intake of 64 ounces of

water a day just to maintains our body daily function normally such as
keeping the bowel and kidney clear, thus boosting the immune function
fighting against the forming of free radical, resulting lessening the of sperm
cell deformation. Drink ½ of body weight in ounces of water daily, that
helps to relinquish the lost of body fluid and maintain the normal blood

c) Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain high amount of zinc that is an important mineral to
improve the function of prostate gland, deficiency of zinc causes low level
of testosterone that affects the production of sperm and sperm quality.

2. What to avoid
a) Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated oils, including margarine
saturated and trans fat cause cholesterol deposit in the blood vessel and
hardening the arterial wall, that not only cause heart disease but also reduce
blood flow that affect the erection and reduce the production of sperm and
sperm abnormality. Using live oil is one of the most effective to increase
liver function in eliminating the cholesterol deposit.
b) Drinking
Moderate (150 ml for female and 250ml for male of red wine daily) dinking
sure helps to improve the level of testosterone and the blood flow which
increases the absorption of nutrition to the cell in the body including cells in
the reproductive organ. Excessive drinking damage the liver, thus decreasing
the liver function as the first line of defend, guarding the invasion of bacteria
and virus and the risk of forming of free radical.
c) Smoking
Smoking reduces the lung function in oxygen adsorption that decreases the
blood flow to the reproductive organ as well as distribution of fluid to the
organs' need, causing low levels of testosterone, resulting in increasing the
risk of sperm abnormality.
d) Junk food
Junk food contains high amount of trans fat (One of human invention that
cause cholesterol depositing into the vessel and plaque in arterial wall.) that
blocks the blood flow in the blood vessel and increases the blood pressure to
the heart in blood transportation, leading to low level of testosterone that
affect the healthy sperm production.
e) Sugar
Over intake of simple sugar can increase amount of lipids in the body,
leading to the shut down Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) which
reduces the amount of SHGB protein in the body, resulting in increasing the
production of testosterone that affect the production and quality of sperm.
f) Caffeine
Study found that When sperm are treated under laboratory conditions with
caffeine, there is a short increase in the percent of motile sperm. However,
over the longer term, the percent of moving sperm declines more quickly.
g) Processed and refined foods
Processed foods and refined foods are stripped of important vitamins and
nutrients that your body truly needs, thus increasing the risk of nutritional
causes of sperm abnormality even with a large amount of calories and still
be malnourished.
C. Treatment with Nutritional Supplements
1. Vitamin A

While keeping our eyes, skin, it is one of the important vitamin helps to
boost immune system, fighting against the forming of free radicals that
reduce of risk of sperm cells radicalization.

2. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and
nervous system as well as forming of blood. Deficiency of vitamin B12
affect the normal process in forming of testosterone, thus increasing the risk
of sperm abnormality. Its function of blood forming is also important to
increase blood flow the reproductive organs to perform their functions in
sperm emission. Vitamin B12 also plays an important role in the creation
and maintenance of all the cells and the replication of DNA, including the
sperm cells.

3. Vitamin C

Beside playing an important to the immune system, it also has an effect in

reduce risk of high sperm agglutination, clumping of sperm that restricts
sperm motility. It also is an integral part in a biochemical process that helps
to improve the normal production of sperm.

4. Vitamin E

In the male reproductive physiology, vitamin E improves the membranes of

germ cells by increasing the immune system against pre oxidation and
oxidation as spermatozoa are very sensitive to oxidation.

5. Zinc

Zinc is a very important mineral that helps to maintain a healthy prostate

gland. Deficiency of zinc causes enlarged prostate that increases the risk
sexual dysfunction and lowers the forming of free testosterone, causing low
sperm count and sperm quality.
6. Selemiun

Selemiun not only has an effect as anti-oxidative agent at cellular level, it

also plays an important role in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
and ribonucleic acid (RNA). Deficiency of selenium can increase the risk of
abnormal sperm duplication, thus sperm abnormality.

7. Copper

Although Copper is not considered as an essential mineral in male fertility,

but deficiency of copper can affect the absorption of zinc, thus forming an
inseparable part for a healthy gland in assisting the production of sperm.

8. Flaxseed oil

Essential fatty acid beside protects cell membranes by admitting healthy

substances while barring damaging ones, including the sperm cell, it also
help to keep the prostate gland healthy against the swelling and
inflammation, thus reducing the risk of forming of abnormal sperm cells as a
result of low level of testosterone and sexual dysfunction.

9. L-Arginine

Besides serving as an essential supplement to aid sexual dysfunction by

increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs as a result of converting
nitrogen into nitric oxide (NO), it also is important to treat a decreased
motility not due to infection or to immunological disorder.

10. Coenzyme Q10

Beside playing an essential role in metabolic and antioxidant functions, it is

important supplement which affects sperm cell kinetic features by reducing
the risk of altering cell membranes, tampering with DNA due to oxidation.

11. L-carnitine

Carnitine besides treating varicocele in male infertility, it is also an essential

nutrient that effect against lipid peroxidation of phospholipid membranes
and against oxidative stress induced at the myocardial and endothelial cell
level of sperm cells. Several studies suggest that L-carnitine
supplementation may increase sperm count and mobility.

13. Etc.

For more information of above topic, please visit

Recommend reading
Increase Sperm Count Naturally
Alternative health site for male fertility,
increasing sperm count, motility, morphology

Kyle J. Norton Feb, 11 – 2011

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