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QUESTIONNAIRE on Stock Market -


20-30[ ] 30-40 [ ]
40-50[ ] 50 above [ ]

Service [ ] Business [ ]
Student [ ] Other []

Are you investing in Equity market?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

1. Which Asset class do you prefer while making an investment other than equity?

a. Bank FD [ ] b. Post office deposit.[ ] c. Mutual funds [ ]

d. Insurance[ ] e. Real estate[ ]
f. Government or corporate bonds [ ] g. Any other [ ]

2. What is the purpose of investment that you are making?

a. Regular income [ ] b. For children education/marriage [ ]

c. Retirement plan [ ] d. Tax relief [ ]
e. Housing [ ] f. Any other [ ]

3. What is the reason for preferring the above mention avenue?

a. Capital gains [ ] b. Safety of investment [ ]

c. Generate regular returns [ ] d. Tax benefits [ ]
e. Secure future [ ] f. Any other [ ]

4. From how long you are investing in equity market?

a.0-3 years [ ] b. 3 to 6 years [ ]
c.6 to 8 years [ ] d. More than 8 years [ ]

5. What percentage of your savings is invested in equity market?

a. Less than 25% [ ] b. 25-50% [ ]
c. 51-75% [ ] d. More than 75% [ ]
6. What kind of risk are you willing to take to earn better returns?
a. Low risk-low steady returns with safety of principal at all times [ ]
b. Moderate risk- moderate returns with commensurate fluctuations in principal [ ]
c. High risk – high returns [ ]

7. What attracts you towards equity market?

a. Return quotient [ ] b. Speculation [ ]
c. Dividend [ ] d. Liquidity of invested fund [ ]

8. How much is your total investment annually in equities?

a. < 10000 [ ] b.10000-50000 [ ]
c. 50000-100000 [ ] d.100000-500000 [ ] e. Above 500000 [ ]

9. What is your approach about your investments in the market?

a. Trading for short term gains [ ]. b. Investment with long term gains [ ].

10. What approach are you comfortable using as a trader?

a. Intraday [ ] b. Delivery [ ]

11. What is your preferred sector for investment?

a. Auto [ ] b. Banking [ ] c. IT [ ]
d. Pharmacy [ ] e. Petroleum[ ] f. Telecom [ ]
g. Energy [ ] h. Others [ ]

12. Do you follow equity market using Internet as a means?

a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ]

13. Do you take advice from a financial consultant?

a. Yes [ ] b .No [ ]

14. Is equity market or stock market is the topic among friends?

a. Often [ ] b. Not very often [ ]

c. Only with relative news [ ] d. Not at all [ ]

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