Playbook Overview

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Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Request information from Print Services I:2
B. Request new SKU# in SKU Central I:3 - I:9
C. Request a change to a SKU in SKU Central I:10 - I:11
D. Set up SKU in AS400 (Sunrise) I:12 - I:24
E. Add SKU to Inventory Report & Remove .01¢ I:29
F. Change Catalog Year in Sunrise (Only done on the 1st of each year 1x for all catalogs) I:30

Learn more about:

 Requesting and setting up a SKU for all printed Marketing Materials that will be distributed via FCs
 Print Services: Contact in the Agency working with the printer (for example: Matt Gallant or Dotti
 SKU Central: Access program used to request a new SKU be created. (SKU Central Contact: Katie
o NOTE: This program runs very slow with Access 2007. It is recommended that SKU Central is
used with Access 2003. For Access 2003 contact Bruce May.
 AS400: Backend system that legacy Staples uses to monitor SKU Inventory, Customer information, etc.
Sunrise and Sunbeam are the two applications we use within the AS400 system.
 Inventory Report: Weekly Report that is sent out every Monday. Provides snapshot SKU inventory-
used to aid SKU owners in monitoring inventory of SKUs in the Fulfillment Centers (FCs).
II. Distribution
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Identify the # of items to send to each Sales Rep II:2
B. Create an Internal Distribution List II:3 – II:9
C. Email Field Marketing Preliminary Distribution Plan II:10
D. Create Purchase Orders (POs) II:11 – II:18
E. Set up StaplesLink Auto-Distribution II:24 – II:28
F. Set up EWay Auto-Distribution  
G. Confirm Inventory in FCs II:29 – II:33
H. Turn SKUs on/off for Auto-Distribution II:34
I. Send Materials Alert II:35
J. Transfer SKU Quantities To/From FCs II:36 – II:42

Learn more about:

 Shipping Marketing Materials to the Home Office, Sales Offices &Fulfillment Centers (FCs)
 Communicating with Field Marketing/Sales when and how Marketing Materials will be arriving
 Auto-Distribution: Enrolling eligible customers to automatically receive marketing materials when they
place an order on
 Monitoring the inventory of Marketing Materials at FCs in order to make sure that orders are
processed properly

III. Group O
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Fill out New Product Form III:2 – III:4
B. User Guide III:5

Learn more about:

 Group O: An outside Fulfillment house that stores marketing materials as well as completes other
projects such as printing and kitting. Visit for more information.

IV. E-Content
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Submit Content & Images to E-Content Team(s)  IV:2 – IV:3
B. IMS User Guide  IV:4 – IV:5

Learn more about:

 E-Content Team: This team works to have the most updated content/images loaded to
& This includes all marketing materials that are available and orderable online.
 IMS: An internal website maintained by the Agency where you can look up SKUs or model #s to find the
latest image for that item.

V. Emails
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Upload and Download Files for CheetahMail V:2 – V:5
B. Activate or Deactivate SalesForce Emails V:6 – V:8
C. Check Usage of SalesForce Emails V: 9 – V:11

Learn more about:

 CheetahMail: Emails launched through CM are sent via an outside vendor (the from field is “Staples
Advantage”) and deployed directly to a customer’s inbox.
 SalesForce: Emails are posted to and deployed directly from a Sales Rep (ie to a customer’s inbox. Emails can be personalized.

VI. Sunrise/Sunbeam Tips
Table of Contents

Content Page #
a. Look up Master Account #, Customer Name or Order # in Sunrise  VI:2 – VI:10
b. Verify SKU or Model # Information in Sunbeam  VI:11 – VI:15

Learn more about:

 Finding customer order information when someone asks why and when a customer received a specific
marketing material, etc
 Looking up a SKU # to see what marketing material it is or what LOB it falls within (ie which Merchant
or Marketing contact should I reach out to with questions)

VII. Proofing Checklist
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Proofreading Checklist  VII:2 – VII:3

Learn more about:

 Proofreading and reviewing Catalogs and Marketing Vehicles. Provides a checklist of what to look for.

Request Access to Systems
Table of Contents

Content Page #
A. Request Access to Sunrise/Sunbeam VIII:2 - VIII:6
B. Request Access to SKU Central VIII: 7 - VIII: 9
C. Request Access to VIII:10
D. Request Access to VIII: 11
E. Request Access to VIII: 12

Learn more about:

 Sunrise/Sunbeam: (Also known as AS400) Used to monitor and set up Marketing SKUs to monitor
inventory at Fulfillment Centers.
 SKU Central: Used to create a 6-digit Staples No. to identify an individual Marketing SKU that is going to
Fulfillment Centers.
 Online ordering platform for Legacy Staples and newly acquired customers.
 Online ordering platform for Legacy CE customers.
 Online site used by Sales to deploy marketing emails, track appointments, maintain
customer info etc.


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