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7.1 To respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues

about requesting.

9.1 To produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about



1. The students are able to fill the blank with a missing word by

listening to the tape recorder.

2. Given a dialogue, the students are able to answer the

questions based on the dialogue.

3. The students are able to express requesting, by repeating the


4. The students are able to produce dialogues about requesting,

by working together with her/his partner.

5. The students are able to perform a dialogue about requesting

with his/her partner.

6. The students are able to be active and work together with

his/her partner.



Have you ever asked someone to do something?

What do you want him or her to do?

In some situations people have to request.

A. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blank with the missing word.

Marni : Could you turn off……………. Hari?

Hari : Why? What’s the matter? I want to read…………..

Marni : If we ……. too many lights, all the electricity will…………

Hari : OK, then.

B. Read the dialogue you have completed and answer the following


1. How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they?

2. Who wants to read a novel?

3. Who is requesting?

4. What does she say?

5. Is her request accepted or refused

C. Listen to the teacher and repeat after him/her.

• Could you open the door, please?

• Will you buy me some sugar?

• Would you clean the blackboard?

• Can you dust the table?

• Would you mind sweeping the floor?

• Sure

• Certainly

• Yes, of course

• Of course not


In pair, make an expression of requesting and the response based on the

cue card.

Student A : Request your friend to move the chair.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request

2. Student A : Request your friend to open the book on

page 12.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to accompany you to go

3. to the canteen.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

4. Student A : Request your friend to mop the floor.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

5. Student A : Request your friend to turn on the radio

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

6. Student A : Request your friend to turn off the radio.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

7. Student A : Request your friend to turn down the

volume of the radio.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to turn up the volume
of the radio.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to draw a circle.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to go to the teacher

10. room.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

11. Student A : Request your friend to get you the book on

the self.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to wear his/her tie.
Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to put off his/her

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

14. Student A : Request your friend to help you to paint

the gate.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

15. Student A : Request your friend to wash the clothes

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

16. Student A : Request your friend to water the plants

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to help her/his

mother to
Prepare breakfast

. Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to make the bed.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

19. Student A : Request your friend to turn off the fan.

20. Student A : Request your friend to read you a story.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to copy the file.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

22. Student A : Request your friend to print the file.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to take a note.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

24. Student A : Request your friend to take the


Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to close the

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

26. Student A : Request your friend to tell you how
to operate a computer.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to tell you how

27. to make fried chicken.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

28. Student A : Request your friend to be quiet.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to be honest.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to be on time.
Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to slice the

31. onions.

Student B : Refuse your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to wrap the
birthday present.

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

33. Student A : Request your friend to put on her


Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

Student A : Request your friend to taste the

Student B : Accept your friend’s request.

35. Student A : Request your friend to throw the


Student B : Accept your friend’s request.


Make a dialogue about requesting with your partner and act it out in from of

the classroom .



I can respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about


I can make expression of request

I can perform expression of request

1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well




7.2. To respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about

giving news.

9.1 To produce transactional and interpersonal dialogues about

giving news.


1. The students are able to fill the blank with a missing word by listening

to the tape recorder.

2. Given a dialogue, the students are able to answer the questions

based on the dialogue.

3. The students are able to give news, by repeating the


4. The students are able to produce dialogues about giving news, by

working together with her/his partner.

5. The students are able to perform a dialogue about giving news with

his/her partner.

6. The students are able to be active and work together with his/her



A. Listen to the tape recorder and fill the blank with the missing words

Yeni : Hi, Yuni. …!

Yuni : What is it?

Yeni : You were ……… in the speech contest.

Yuni : You are…………….., aren’t you?

Yeni : No. That’s true. I’ve just read it ……………………..

Yuni : Really? I can’t…………… Are you sure?

Yeni : I am sure.


Yuni : Thank you very much.

B. Read the dialogue you have completed and answer the following


1. Who is giving news?

2. What news is it?

3. What does she say?

4. Where does she find the news?

4. Does Yuni believe the news?

5. What does she say?

C. Listen to the teacher and repeat after him/her.

A. Ungkapan memberi berita yang menarik.

• Guess what! I’ve got hot news.

• I’ve got something to tell you.

• Hey, have you heard that…………?

• I’ve got hot news.

• Listen to this.

• Let me tell you about it.

• Do you know what?

• Can you believe this?

• Believe it or not…….

• You had better believe this.

• I got again you know.

• Surprisingly,……………..

B. Responding to news.

• That’s good news !

• That’s great !

• I can’t believe it !

• I’m glad to hear that

• Wow !

• Amazing !

• Wonderful !

• Really?

• Oh/

• That’s terrific!

• What

• Are joking?

• Where? Show me.

• Unbelievable!


A. Complete the dialogues with the correct words in the box.

a. Oh, that good news b. That terrific ! c. survey

d. news e. headline

1. Ratih : Read this……………..

Listy : I can’t see that. Show me, please.

Ratih : An SMP student from Surabaya won a World Mathematics

Award in New York.

Listy : Amazing!

2. Lisa : Look at this! Believe it or not…….

Ari : What is that?

Ratna : Here is the………: “ The Smallest Book in the World.

3. Ade : Hey, have you heard that……..emm….there will be a Dewa

concert at the sports hall tomorrow evening?

4. Ari : ………………………Shall we see the show together?

Ade : Sure. I’ll pick you up at seven o’clock.

Ari : OK. I’ll be waiting you, then.

Ade : See you tomorrow. Bye.

5. Nyoman : Anggi, I have something to tell you.

Anggi : Really? What’s that?

Nyoman : I have finally found the book about bees for our paper.

Anggi : ……………….

B. In pair, make a dialogue about giving and responding news and

perform it in front of the classroom.



I can respond to transactional and interpersonal dialogues about

giving news.

I can make expression of giving news

I can perform expression of giving news

1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well




8.1 The students are able to respond a short functional text orally.

10.1 The students are able to produce a short functional text and

report it orally.


1. The students are able to fill the blanks with the missing words.

2. The students are able to find the main idea of the short functional

text, a letter .

3. The students are able to find the detailed information of the letter

4. The students are able to find the meaning of words mentioned on

the letter.

5. The students are able to analyze the structure of a letter.

6. The students are able to mention the communicative purpose

of the letter.

7. The students are able to produce a letter.

8. The students are able to be active and work together with his/her



A letter is a kind of media to communicate.

A. Listen to the tape recorder and fill the blanks with the missing


Dear Parents,

We are asking for your ……………. for your child to complete any
surveys………. during this school year. We assure that we will only
use this surveys that will be useful for ……………… our school
programs. Student’s participation in the surveys is voluntary. Your
child may ………………….to take the survey at any time.

Your child’s responses to ………………in a survey will be

confidential. Only the researchers will see ………... The answers

from the students will be summarized, it will be impossible to

identify your child in the ………………………….

If you give your permission. Please sign your ……………….. in the

space provided on the attached form. Please …………….. the
signed Youth Surveys Permission Form. Thank for your

B. Read the letter you have completed and answer the following


1. Who writes the letter?

2. Why does he write the letter?

3. For whom is the letter?

4. What is the letter about?

5. What are the surveys for?

6. What is the opposite of “voluntary”?

7. Analyze the structure of the letter.


A. Arrange the jumbled paragraphs into a letter.

It will be a long and hard journey, but I promise I will be back as soon as
possible. Please pray for me and keep your faith for me.

My dear wife,

With love,


I’ve got an urgent assignment to Mount Ijen. His Majesty asked me to find
a magic flower there. I asked your permission to let me go. I am really sorry since
I cannot tell you this news in person.

B. Choose the right answer based on the letter you have arranged


1. Who sent the letter ?

a. His Majesty did c. Sidapaksa did

b. Sidapaksa’s wife did d. His Majesty’s wife


2. What is the purpose of the letter?

a. To invite c. To complaint

b. To ask permission d. To reply an invitation

3. Why did Sidapaksa have to go to Mount Ijen?

a. Because he had to find his Majesty.

b. Because he had to promise to his wife to come back as soon as


c. Because he could not tell the news in person.

d. Because he had to find a magic flower.

4. What does the word “ me “ ( p.1 line 2 ) refer to ?

a. His Majesty does c. Sidapaksa does

b. Sidapaksa’s wife does d. His Majesty’s wife does

5. Please pray for me and keep your faith for me. ( p.2, line 1&2 ).

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

a. Loyalty c. Sadness

b. Faithlessly d. Unfaithfully


Make a permission letter and report it in front of the classroom orally.


I can find the main idea of a
permission letter.
I can identify the detailed
I can identify the communicative
purpose of a permission letter
I can find the reference word in a
permission letter
I can find the meaning of words
in a permission letter.
I can mention the structure of
permission letter.

1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well




11.2 The students are able to respond a short functional text.

12.1 The students are able to produce a short functional text. .


1. The students are able to find the main idea of the short functional

text, a letter .

2. The students are able to find the detailed information of the letter

3. The students are able to find the meaning of words mentioned on

the letter.

4. The students are able to analyze the structure of a letter.

5. The students are able to mention the communicative purpose

of the letter.

6. The students are able to produce a letter.

7. The students are able to be active and work together with his/her



You may not sometimes attend the class because of some reasons, such as
because you are not feeling well or you have to visit

your sick uncle, etc. In this unit you will learn how to respond and produce a
letter, especially a permission letter.

A. Read the letter loudly



April 11,

To : Miss Sweety

SMPN I Banyuputih

Jl. Raya Banyuputih No.19


Dear Miss Sweety,

I have got news that my uncle . is sick. My family and I

have to visit him


My uncle lives in a distant village. Therefore, I cannot

attend your class


Thank you for your permission.

B. Read the letter again and answer the following


1. Who receives the letter?

2. Who sends the letter?

3. What is the letter about?

4. What is the synonym of “ immediately”?

5. What the purpose of the writer to write a letter?

6. Mention the structure of a letter.


A. Arrange the jumbled words into good sentences.

1. stomachache - a – have – I

2. to – I – have – at – home – for – days – stay – three

3. not – He – your – class – attend – can

4. to – permission – I – not – ask – class –your – attend – your

5. for – your – permission – thank you

B. Arrange the jumbled structures of a letter into a good letter


Dewanto Suryang

My son, Widodo,has toothache. He has to see a dentist. Therefore, I ask your

permission to let him not to attend your class.

Dear Mr.Safari

March 16, 2010

Jl. Raya 12


Thanks for your permission.


Write a permission letter to your teacher


Writer :
............................................................................Date : ............................................


1. Can you identify the main idea of a permission


Can you identify the detailed information of a

permission letter?

Can you identify the reference words of a

3. permission letter?

Can you identify the meaning of words of a

permission letter?
Can you mention the structure of a permission
Can you mention the communicative purpose of
a permission letter?

6. Can you write a permission letter?

Does your permission letter has :

7. a. a date?

8 b. an address?

c. a salutation?

d. a body?

. e. closing?

f. signature

Is your permission letter good in grammar,

spelling, and punctuation ?


1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well




8.1 The students are able to respond a narrative

10.1 The students are able to produce a narrative.


1. The students are able to fill the blanks with the missing words.

2. The students are able to find the main idea of a narrative.

3. The students are able to find the detailed information of a narrative

4. The students are able to find the meaning of words mentioned in a narrative

5. The students are able to analyze the generic structure of a narrative

6. The students are able to mention the communicative purpose

of a narrative

7. The students are able to produce a narrative

8. The students are able to be active and work together with his/her



Listen to the teacher and fill in the blanks with a suitable word

Jaka Tarub was one of the ....................... people who got married with
the …………………l goddess, Dewi Nawangwulan. It was told in the
…………. that young Jaka Tarub was a …………… who liked to study
reading al qur’an. He also liked to help his parents cultivating their rice field.
When he grew up, he was very …………………... Everybody admired him.

One day he got very serious …….. All of the villagers were very sorry
about it, especially Jaka Tarub’s mother who was very anxious……………..
with his illness. Only in few days Jaka Tarub’s whole ……………….itched
and got abscess and this made his face ugly. All of the efforts had been done
to cure him from his illness but they couldn’t help him until there was a priest
who told him to bath in the ………….. during the full moon for several times.
Jaka Tarub did what the priest ordered, and finally he recovered from his

On day, when he was still in the lake, he met a beautiful goddess,
Dewi Nawangwulan, the fell in love each other. Finally they got


Answer the following questions orally based on the text you have completed

1. What does the text talk about?

2. What was Jaka Tarub’s parents?

3. Why did everyone admire him?

4. Why did his face become ugly?

5. What did the priest tell ?

6. Did Jaka Tarub recover from his illness?

7. All of the efforts had been done to cure him from his illness but they couldn’t

help him until there was a priest who told him to bath in the lake during the

full moon for several times ( p. 2, line 4 )

What does the word “they” refer to?

8. Everybody admired him. ( p. 1, line 5 )

What is the meaning of the underlined words?

9. What is the type of the text?

10. What is the purpose of the writer?


Work in pairs. Retell the Jaka tarub story using your own words. Make
sure that you retell it clearly and use correct pronunciation. Before retelling the
story, make the draft of your story using the following flowchart.







Read the text loudly and answer the questions

The Legend of Danau Toba

Once, a fisherman named Batara Guru Sahala lives in Batak Land.

One day he caught a fish. He was surprised to find that the fish could talk. It
begged Sahala to set it free. He did accordingly.

As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was beautiful
that Sahala fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marry him. The woman
agreed to marry Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the
secret that she was once a fish. Sahala promised her that would not tell anyone
aboutt it.

They were happily married, and had two duaghters. Every morning
Sahala went out fishing. His daughters would bring him his lunch. One day,
however, instead of bringing the food to their father, the two girls ate it.

When Sahala knew that they had done with the meal, he gor very angry.
He shouted at them saying. " You behaved axactly like the daughters of fish!"

The girls didn't know what their father meant. They went home and asked
their mother about it. Their mother was very annoyed. Although, Sahala
apologized to her, it was too late. She would not forgive him for breaking his

The earth began to shake, and volcano started to erupt. The earth cracked
and formed a big hole. People said that hole became lake Toba.

1. What is the text about?

2. What did Sahala catch one day? .

3. Why was Sahala surprised?

4. What did the fish beg Sahala?

5. Did Sahala set the fish free?

6. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

7. Did the beautiful woman agree to marry Sahala ?

8. What did the beautiful woman want Sahala to do?

9. Did Sahala keep his promise?

10. Why did the earth begin to shake and the volcano start to errupt?

11. One day, however, instead of bringing the food to their father, the two girls

ate it. ( p.3, line 3 )

What does the word “it” refer to?

12. They went home and asked their mother about it. ( p.5, line 1 )

What does the “they” refer to?

13. The earth cracked and formed a big hole. ( the last paragraph, line 1 )

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

14. What is the type of the text?

15. What is the communicative purpose of the text?


We use the Simple Past Tense of verbs to show events that happened in the past.
There are regular and irregular verbs. With regular verbs, we just add the ending –
ed to the verbs to make the past form of the verbs.

The affirmative form: Subject +

past form

Pay attention to the example taken from the text.

a. Regular verbs.

1. It begged Sahala to set it free.

2. As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman

4. He asked her to marry him

b. Irregular verbs

1. One day he caught a fish

2. He did accordingly.

3. She was beautiful that Sahala fell in love with her at once.

Find out the past form of verbs in the text, determine whether it is regular or

Also find out the present form of them. Put them in the right culumn. Number 1
and 2

have been done for you.


1. named -- name

2. - caught catch



94 Now, practice using the Simple Past Tense of verbs to show events that

in the past. Change the verb forms in the bracket.
1. Babu (live) years ago with his master.
2. He (work) for a master who was very bad.
3. Babu’s master (treat) him badly.
4. His master (look) at him with anger.
5. His master (dislike) him very much.
6. For days, his master (offer) him no meals at all.
7. Poor Babu (escape) to the jungle.
8. A big lion (roar) in front of the mouth of the cave.
9. Babu (pull) a thorn out of the lion’s foot.
10. Babu and the lion (help) each other as friends.


98 Have you ever heard the story of a princess named Snow White? Here is a
short version of the story. Read it carefully.

Snow White

Long ago, in the Neverland, there lived a very beautiful princess, Snow
White. The Queen was her stepmother. She was very jealous of her beauty. So she
wanted her to die.
Snow White knew about the evil plan. She escaped into a forest. There she
made friends with seven dwarfs.
The queen turned Snow White into a witch. SnowWhite did not realize it.
The witch gave her a poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep
for years.
Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revived her with a kiss. They
lived together happily ever after.
Answer these questions.
1. What is the story about?
2. When and where did the story happen?

3. What problems did Snow White have?
4. What happened to her then?
5. Who came to help her?
6. What did he do to Snow White?
7. How did they live after that?
8. What is the type of the text?
9. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
10.Mention the generic structure of the text.

How are narratives written? Answer these questions and read the explanation in
the box carefully. Let’s get back to the story of Snow White.
1. Who are the main characters of the Snow White story?

2. Where did this story take place?

In the middle of the story the writer tells us what happens to

Snow White. This part of the story contains a problem that
Snow White experienced.

3. What evil things did the Queen do to Snow White?

In the middle of the story the writer tells us

what happens to Snow White. This part of the
story contains a problem that Snow White

4. Did Snow White wake up from her long sleep? How did she wake up?

At the end of the story the writer tells us the

way out of the problem that Snow White


Here is a story for you to rearrange. Pay a close attention to its parts so that it
becomes a good narrative.

One day there was a party at the palace. All were invited. Her
stepsisters would not let her go with them. Cinderella was sad.

Finally the Prince found Cinderella and they got married and lived
happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Cinderella. She lived with
her stepmother and stepsisters. They were very bossy. She had to do
all the housework.

The Prince took her glass shoe. He traveled around the country to
find a girl that matched the glass shoe.

The Fairy Godmother came and helped her to go to the ball.

Cinderella danced with the prince. After a while, the clock stroke
twelve. She left him one of her glass shoes and went home.






Where 7 and when?
Now let’s write a story together.
You canWho werea in
choose the story?
folktale or a local legend. Use the story plan below to write
notes for your narrative.
What was the problem?
How did they try to solve the problem?
How did the story end? 37
After you finish writing your narrative, read the checklist below. If you can
answer yes to that question, tick the yes column. This will help you edit your
narrative. If you answer ‘no’, go back to your story and fix it.

1. Have you mentioned the time?

2. Have you mentioned the place?

3. Have you mentioned the characters?

4. Have you mentioned what happened to the characters?

5. Have you mentioned how the characters solve the


6. Have you mentioned the ending of the story?

7. Have you used verbs in past tense?

8. Have you checked your spelling and punctuation?



I can find the main idea of a


I can identify the detailed

information of a narrative

I can identify the communicative

purpose of a narrative

I can find the reference word in


I can find the meaning of words

in a narrative

I can mention the structure of a


I can write a narrative

I can retell the story I’ve written

1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well




8. 2 The students are able to respond a report.

10.2 The students are able to produce a report.


1. The students are able to fill the blanks with the missing words.

2. The students are able to find the main idea of a report.

3. The students are able to find the detailed information of a report.

4. The students are able to find the meaning of words mentioned on

a report.

5. The students are able to analyze the generic structure of a report.

6. The students are able to mention the communicative purpose of a report.

7. The students are able to produce a report.

8. The students are able to be active and work together with his/her



Listen to the teacher and fill in the blanks with a suitable word.


A computer is an ................ machine. We use it to make human’s work is

Computer are .......................... to do many things. Among these is the
ability to play ........................ not to much to an adult but to a child. These are
quite ............................. and fascinating.
Computers can also do word ................................. This means that the
computer helps to decide what a piece of .......................... will look like. I tell you
that there are some parts of computer. The four big parts of a computer are Central
Processing Unit ( CPU),monitor .................................. and mouse.
CPU is the main computer casing, to ................................ all components
inside. You can input much ...............................using the keyboards and mouse.
You can see what you have typed on the monitor. If the computer has a printer
attached it can also feed information to the ............................... which will then
print out the information onto papers

Read the text you have completed an answer the question orally.
1. What does the topic of the text?
2. What can a computer do?
3. Mention the parts of a computer.

4. What is the function of a monitor?
5. I tell you that there are some parts of computer. ( p. 3, line 2 )
What does the word “ I “ refer to?
6. CPU is the main computer casing, to protect all components inside.
( p.4, line 1 )
What is the synonym of the underlined word?

7. What does the fourth paragraph discuss?

8. What is the type of the text?

9. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

10. Mention the generic structure of a report.


A report text is a text to describe the way things are, with

reference to a range

Of natural, man-made, and social phenomena in our


Here is the structure of the text.

General classification : tell what the phenomena under

discussion is

Description : tells that the phenomena under

discussion is like in

terms of parts, qualities, habits, or


Read the text and answer the questions.

A bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial

services. It is an institution that holds a banking licenses.

The word bank derived from the Italian banca. This word derived from
German and means bench. Typically, a bank generates profits from transaction
fees on financial services or the interest from loan. The type of services offered by
a bank depends on the type of a bank and the country. However, bank services
usually include lending out money to companies and individuals, issuing checking
and saving accounts, cashing checks, facilitating money transactions such as
transfer, issuing credit cards, ATM, debit cards, and also storing valuable things in
safe deposit boxes.

1. What does the text talk about /

2. How does a bank get profit ?

3. What does the word “ it “ ( p. 1, line 1 ) refer to ?

4. A bank is a financial institution that provides banking and other financial

services. ( p.1, line 1 )

What is the synonym of the underlined word ?

5. What is the type of the text ?

6. What is the purpose of the writer ?

7. Mention the generic structure of the text.


Arrange the jumbled paragraph into a good report.

A shark breathes through its gills. It cannot

live on land? It can grow up to 8 metes.

Not all sharks eat meat?. Some sharks eat

plankton. They are

A shark is a sea-living creature. It’s a
fish. Some other fishes are barracuda, cod,
tuna, and swordfish.





Work in pairs ask the following questions and write a report based on your

1. What kind of animal are cats?

2. Where do they live, in water or on land?
3. Could you tell their body parts?

4. What do they eat?
5. How do they reproduce? Do they give birth to babies and
produce milk for them?







Write a report of an animal or a thing you are interested in.

Follow these steps.

Step 1 ( choosing a topic ) Choose a topic.
Step 2 ( listing ) Collect information for your report. Observe the real
Step 3 ( outlining ) Plan what to include in the definition, and what
include in the description section.
Step 4 ( drafting ) Write the first draft.
Step 5 ( revising ) Revise the first draft and make sure you have the
right grammar,
Step 6 (editing ) Show the second draft to the teacher or to a friend
ask for their comments and evaluation. They may be
useful for you to improve your draft.
Step 7 ( writing ) Write the last draft and put this in your portfolio.



I can find the main idea of a


I can identify the detailed


I can identify the communicative

purpose of a report.

I can find the reference word in a


I can find the meaning of words

in a report

I can mention the structure of a


1 = a little

2 = well

3 = very well



1. Can I use your typewriter for a while?

a. It is expensive c. Sorry, I will use it to type letter

b. It is d. It is new.

2. Could you turn off the radio?

a. No, I am not c. It is on the table.

b. Whose radio is it ? d. Ok. Sorry

3. Can you open the window?

a. Sure. I find it very hot here, myself, too. c. No, I can’t

b. The window is small d. Yes, I am.


Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her
bad step-mother and two step-sisters. She had to do all the household chores.

One day, the King invited all the ladies in the Kingdom to go to a ball in
the palace. He wanted to find the Crown Prince a wife.

The step-sisters went to the ball that night with their mother. Cinderella
was left alone. She cried because she actually wanted to go to the ball, too

Just then a fairy godmother came. With her magic wand, she gave
Cinderella a coach, two horses, and footmen. She also gave Cinderella a lovely
dress to wear to the ball and a pair of glass slippers. She told Cinderella to come
home before midnight.

At the ball, Cinderella danced all night with the prince. The prince fell in
love with her. At midnight, Cinderella ran home. Unfortunately, one of her glass
slippers slipped off at the door. She did not have time to put it back on. The Prince
was sad as he could not find Cinderella again that night.

The next day, the Prince and his men brought along the glass slipper. They
went all over the kingdom to search for the owner. After searching for a long
time, finally, they came to Cinderella’s house. The slippers fit her. The Prince

was very happy to find Cinderella again. They got married and lived happily ever

4. What does the text tell about ? It tells about … .

a. Cinderella
b. Cinderella’s step mother
c. Cinderella’s step sister
d. Ladies in the kingdom
5. The king invited all the ladies in the kingdom to go to a ball’ in the palace
to find the crown prince a wife.
It is the main idea of paragraph … .

a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
6. Why did Cinderella cry ? Because … .
a. She was sick
b. She had to do all the household chores
c. The king wanted to find the crown Prince a wife
d She actually wanted to go to the ball, too.
7. Did Cinderella finally go to the palace ? … .
a. Yes, She was
b. Yes, She did
c. No, She didn’t
d. No, She wasn’t
8. Why did one of Cinderella’s glass slippers slip off at the door ? Because ….
a. The prince fell in love with her
b. She was in hurry
c. The Prince was sad
d. She danced all night with the prince
9. What does the word “their” (Paragraph 3. line 1) refer to ? It refers to … .
a. Cinderella
b. Cinderella’s step mother

c. Cinderella’s step mother and step sister
d. Cinderella’s step sisters
10. Which one is true according to the text ?
a. The slippers fit Cinderella
b. The slippers didn’t fit Cinderella
c. The slippers fit Cinderella’s step sister
d, The slippers fit both Cinderella and her step sister
11. What’s the type of the text ? … .
a. Descriptive
b. Report
c. Recount
d. Narrative
12. What can you learn from the text ? … .
a. Kindness will repay kindness
b. Unkindness will repay kindness
c. Kindness will repay badness
d. Badness will repay kindness
13. She didn’t have time to put her slipper on, the antonym of the underlined
words is
a. Put her slipper back
b. Put her slipper of
c. Put her slipper off
d. Put her slipper in

An amphibian ………….… (14 ) an animal that has moist, hairless skin.

Amphibians …………….. (15) cold-blooded, which means they cannot make
their own body heat. They get warm in the sun and cool off in the shade.
The three main groups of amphibians are ……..( 16 ) and toads,
salamanders, and caecilians. All amphibians have backbones.

14. a. is b. are c. was d. were

15. a. has b. have c. had d. is having

16. a. frogs b. elephants c. snakes d. ducks

17. sea – is – fish – a – of – lives – shark – type – the - a – that – in

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Arrange the jumbled words into a right sentence

a. 2 6 4 3 1 10 9 8 11 5 12 7 c. 11 5 12 7 10 9 8 1 3 4 6 2

b. 10 7 2 4 8 5 3 11 6 12 9 1 d. 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 10 12 9 11

18. marsupial – kind – are – one – of – kangaroos

1 2 3 4 5 6

Arrange the jumbled words into a right sentence

a. 6 3 4 2 5 1 c. 4 5 6 1 2 3

b. 3 2 1 6 5 4 d. 5 6 1 2 3 4

19. 1. Very soon, the whole group joins in with the twirling dance.
2. Early in the morning, the birds gather and begin to dance in circles on
tip-toes with their wings outstretched.
3. Scientists think that this dance is purely an expression of joy at being
4. Ostriches are the only birds which dance for fun.
Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
a. 4 3 2 1 c. 4 2 1 3
b. d. 3 4 2 1

20. 1. Caecilians do not have any legs.

2. Frogs and toads have legs but do not have tails.
3. The three kinds of amphibians are very different from each other.
4. Salamanders have short legs and long bodies ending in tails.
5. The three main groups of amphibian are frogs and toads, salamanders
and caecilians.
Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph.
a. 4 3 2 1 5 c. 4 2 1 3 5
b. 5 d. 5 3 2 4 1



Dear Nyoman,

Thank you for your letter. It was indeed exiting

to read about your
recent trip to Perth. You had a wonderful time, didn’t you?
Well I may not be as lucky as you but
my trip to genting was equally thrilling. I had
heard aloud about this popular gateway from a
friend of mine and everything was just exiting
as she had described.

We stayed overnight at my uncle’s

house at Kuala Lumpur and left quite early so
as to avoid the hot midday sun. As soon as we
arrived ,I was the first to get out of the car. It
was very cold but the air was fresh and clean. I
took an instant hiking to this place.

My brother and I spent most of our

time entertaining ourselves at recreation centre
while my parents had a good time at the pub
which is strictly for adults. I felt sad to leave
this wonderful place after a brief stay but I’ll be
there again. Perhaps you can be with me the
next time

Writer soon, won’t you?

Your friend,

1. Where did the writer of the letter go?
a. Perth b. Singapore c. Genting d. Indonesia

2. With whom did the writer go?

a. Alone b. Kadita c. A friend of her d. Her family

3. What does the text talk about?

a. Kadita and her friends c. Recreation area

b. The writer’s family d. Exciting trip to Genting

4“……felt sad to leave this wonderful place after a brief stay….”

The underlined word means…….

a. long b. short c. everlasting d. small

5“ I had heard a lot about this popular gateway from a friend of a friend of mine “.
The underlined words means ________________________

a. Pert b. Kuala Lumpur c. Genting d.. Her uncle’s house

6. On our home last week, We__________at some places

a. has stopped b. stops c. is stopping d. stopped

Manneke : Hi, Jane. I’ve been looking for you.

Jane : Hi. What’s up?

Manneke : I have good news for you. Your article on the tourism in Manado won

the national competition.

Jane : Really? It’s what I want to hear. Where can I find the information

about it?

Manneke : I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.

Jane : I want to see it. Thanks for the information.

Manneke : No problem. Congratulations, Jane.

Jane ; Thank you.

7. Who tells the news?

a. Manneke does c. Jane and

b. Jane does d. Noone

8. Whose article won the national competition?

a. Manneke’s c. Jane’s

b. Manneke’s and Jane’s d. the teacher

9. What does Manneke say to tell news?

a. I’ve been looking for you.

b. I read the announcement in front of the teacher’s office.

c. I have good news for you

d. No Problem.

10. What does Jane say to respond to the news?

a. Thanks for the information. c. Hi

b. What’s up d. Really? It’s what I want to hear.

11. The following expressions are used in responding to news EXCEPT……

a. Really? c. Wow

b. Wonderful d. No problem

April 11,2010

Jl.Merak 125


Dear Mr.Riki,

I have got news that my uncle is sick. My family and I

have to visit him immediately.

My uncle lives in a distant village. Therefore, I cannot


attend your class today.

Thank you for your permission.


Dian Kusuma

12. What kind of text is it?

a. A message c. A letter

b. An announcement d. An advertisement

13.. Who send it?

a. Mr. Riki c. Dian Kusuma

b. I d. My uncle

14. I have got news that my uncle is sick. My family and I have to visit him


What does the word “him” refer to?

a. Mr. Riki c. Dian Kusuma

b. My uncle d. The writer’s uncle

15. My uncle lives in a distant village

What is the antonym of the underlined word?

a. remote c. far – off

b. near d. far – away

68 A seed is a little plant. It is a plant that has not started to grow. There are many
different types of seeds: tree seeds, flower seeds, and grass seeds. They vary in
size from the small to the large one. All seeds have three parts: a food store, a
baby plant or an embryo, and a seed coat. Seeds are produced from flowers of
plants. They are carried by the wind, by insect, by water, by birds, by animals
and humans. Some seeds, such as beans, grow very fast; but others are slow
growing, like the oak seed.

16. What is the subject of the text?

a. A flower c. A plant
b. A seed d. A tree
17. The following sentences are true EXCEPT………….
a. Beans, grow very fast
b. All seeds have three parts.
c. There is only one kind of seed.
d. Seeds are produced from flowers of plants.

18. What is the type of the text?

a. A recount c. A report
b. A narrative d. A descriptive
19. in – largest – that – ways – the – some – behave – primates - Shimpanses/- are

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

human beings – like

11 12
Arrange the jumbled words into the right sentence.
a. 11 12 1 2 3 10 8 9 7 4 6 5 c. 9 10 5 2 8 3 7 12 11 1 6 4
b. 3 2 1 12 11 8 10 9 4 6 5 7 d. 2 5 10 9 8 7 12 3 1 4 6 11

20.1. This is a different way of hunting from the other “ big cats.”
2. The cheetah is the fastest animal on land.
3. It always hunts and chases its prey on open ground.
4. It has a small head and ears, and long, powerful legs.
Arrange the jumbled sentences into a good paragraph
a. 3 4 2 1 c. 4 2 1 3
b. 3 2 4 1 d. 2 4 3 1

Review 3


Text for number 1 - 7
A long time ago there were no donkeys in Cirebon. A merchant from

another West Java went there and took a donkey with him. The donkey became
sick, so the merchant left it there. When it was well again, the donkey ran away
into nearby forest.

The tigers in the forest thought that the donkey was a strange animal and
they were afraid. Whenever it brayed they all ran away.

After a few months the tigers became very friendly with the donkey. They
played many games with it, but they were still afraid of it.

One day the donkey became very angry. It kicked one of the tigers with its
hind legs. The tigers were very surprised.

“ That must be all it can do when it is angry,” they said. Then all tigers
jumped on the donkey and killed it.

1. What is the best title of the text

a. The merchant and the donkey. c. The merchant and the tigers

b. The donkey and the tigers d. The strange tigers

2. Where did the merchant leave the donkey?

a. In the forest c. Around the tigers

b. In Cirebon d. All parts of West Java

3. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text ?

a. A long time ago there were a lot of donkeys in Cirebon.
b. The tigers were afraid by the presence of the donkey because they thought
it was a strange animal.
c. The merchant left the donkey in Cirebon because it became sick.
d. The donkey was killed by all tigers.
4. “…………………and they were afraid.” (p.2,line 2). The synonym of the
afraid is….
a. scared b. big c. strange d. tame

5. What’s the type of the text? It is a………….

a. descriptive b. recount c. narrative d. report

6. What’s the purpose of the writer?

a. To retell the past story on the chronological order.
b. To describe a thing.
c. To entertain and give moral value to the readers.
d. To persuade the readers.
7.”That must be all it can do when it is angry,” they said. Then all tigers jumped

on the donkey and killed it.( the last paragraph). It is called the…………..

a. orientation b. resolution
b. complications d. reorientation
Text for number 8 - 14
Mangroves are trees or woody plant that grows in shallow muddy salt water, such
as those along shorelines
Mangroves swamps can be found in tropical and subtropical areas. They
provide excellent places to stay and feed many fish, invertebrates and birds, such
as white-crowded pigeon.

Its seed are unusual because they start to grow seedling while still on the tree. The
seedling are cigar shaped and heavier at the root and than at the leafy end. They
plant themselves in the mud below the present tree, when the leaves are falling

Mangrove is the usual names for several kinds of tropical flowering plants.
They are divided into three different families.

Most important species is the red mangrove, so named because of its reddish
wood. Ii has been exploited as a source of charcoal and tannis, which are used in
preparing leather.

8. What is the text about

a. Mangroves b. Salt water c. Shorelines d. Tropical areas
9. What kinds of animals living in the mangrove swamps ?
a. Donkeys, horses, and goat
b. Tigers, lions, bears.
c. Fish, invertebrates and birds.
d. Elephants, giraffes, and camels
10.Which of the following statement is INCORRECT
a. Mangroves start to grow seedling while still on the tree.

b. Mangroves are divided into three different families.

c. Mangroves can be found only in tropical areas.

d. Mangroves are trees or woody plant that grows in shallow muddy salt
water, such as those along shorelines
11. “ They provide excellent places to stay and feed many fish”
( p.2 line 1 ) the word “ they “ refers to…………

a. Mangroves b. Salt water c. Shorelines d. Tropical areas

12.It seed are unusual because they start to. ( p.3 line 1 ) The antonym of the

underlined word is……………

a. uncommon b. strange c. ordinary d. rare

13. What is the type of the text?

a. Descriptive b. Narrative c. Report d. Procedure

14. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe specific mangroves.

b. To describe mangroves in general.

c. To tell how to plant mangroves.

d. To entertain the readers

Text for number 15 and 16

Marni : Could you turn off the light, Hari?

Hari : Why? What’s the matter? I want to read this novel.
Marni : If we turn on too many lights, all the electricity in the house will go
Hari : OK, then.

15. The underlined expression is used to express……………..

a. Agreement b. Apologizing c. Requesting d. Giving


16. Will Hari turn the light off?

a. No, he won’t c. Yes, he will

b. No, he isn’t d. Yes, he is

in – tallest – giraffes – the – the – animals – are – world

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

17. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentences.

a. 1 3 5 7 8 6 4 2 c. 3 7 5 2 6 1 4 8

b. 8 6 4 2 5 7 3 d. 7 5 3 1 6 2 8 4

18. Arrange the following sentences into a good order.

1. “ So I did, but your fellows broke in and carried it all away,” said the


2. One day In winter, a hungry Grasshopper applied to an ant for some food

which they had store.

3. “ Why,” said the ant. Did you not store up some food for yourself instead

of singing all the time?”

a. 3 2 1 c. 3 1 2

b. 2 3 1 d. 2 1 3

Once upon a ….( 19 )……….., there lived a woman who had two
daughters. The younger daughter was generous and kind hearted, …….( 20 )……
the older one was greedy and mean. The older girl always bulled her younger

19. a. a day b. a time c. month d. year

20. a. and b. because c. so d. but


Review 1

1 c 6. d 11. d 16. a

2. d 7. b 12. a 17. b

3. a 8. b 13. c 18. a

4. a 9. d 14.a 19. c

5. b 10.a 15. b 20. d

Review 2

1 c 6. d 11. d 16. a

2. d 7. a 12. a 17. c

3. d 8. c 13. c 18. c

4. b 9. c 14.a 19. d

5. c 10.d 15. b 20. b

Review 3

1 b 6. c 11. a 16. c

2. db 7. b 12. c 17. c

3. a 8. a 13. c 18. b

4. a 9. c 14.b 19. b

5. c 10.c 15. c 20. D


Anderson, Mark & Anderson, Kathy. 1997. Text Types in English. South Yarra :
Macmillan Education Australia PTY CTD.

Bima M, Bachtiar & Kurniawati, Cicik. 2006. Let's Talk for Junior High School
Grade IX . Bandung : Pakar Raya.

Dit. PLP. Ditjendiknasmen. 2005. Materi Pelatihan Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris

1Jakarta : Depdiknas.

Dit. PLP. Ditjendiknasmen. 2006. Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Jakarta : Depdiknas.

Grant Neville. 1991. Making the most of your Textbook. New York : Longman

Susilohadi Guanrso,..( 2008. Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa

Inggris Sekolah MenengahPertama Kelas IX Edisi 4. Jakarta : Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.


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