It Is Essential To Eat Healthy Food During Pregnancy

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It is essential to eat healthy food during pregnancy.

It is also equally essential to remember that putting on excessive amounts of

weight by eating recklessly can cause you and your baby untold harm. This is apart from the struggle it will be later to lose all the extra
weight that you have cultivated. It is always wiser to be careful about your eating habits from the start. The first thing to do is to
remember that you should start eating five or six small meals as opposed to large meals. This is a better way to get more nutrition and
in a more organized and orderly manner. Try to stick to meals high in protein and fiber to keep your digestion running well. Milk and
milk products are good for both you and the baby. Avoid soft, unpasteurized cheese, as this carried the risk of infection. Fruits are an
absolute essential when you are pregnant. Try to eat up to five fruits a day. This will help you with digestion and will also give you the
nutrition you need for yourself and the baby. Your meals must be well balanced. Make sure you get in all the food groups and nutrients
over the period of the entire day. If one meal does not contain all the essential nutrients, do not worry. You can make up for it in the
next one. It is important you eat proteins, (milk, milk products, meat, eggs, lentils, pulses) carbohydrates (breads, rice, whole grains)
vitamins (raw, unprocessed fruits and vegetables), minerals (nuts and fruits) and fats (fried food, processed food, sweets). Make it a
point that you get everything into your meals routinely. You must also make it a rule to drink a cup of milk along with a fruit or a couple
of biscuits every night before sleeping. This is especially good for the baby, as it will provide nutrition for the total of eight or more
hours that you are not actively eating.
Apart from eating well, it is equally essential that you include a certain amount of exercise in your daily routine. This is as important as
nutrition. Exercise will help you to keep your weight under control and will also keep the baby healthy by improving your circulation
and removing toxins from your system. It is essential that you get in eight or more hours of sleep. Rest is an important factor in a good
and healthy pregnancy

Women Gain Weight during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period where the weight is gained by women for the further development of the foetus.It is generally sail that pregnant women generally
eat for two. However this is applicable for women who have a normal before pregnancy. If the women are overweight pregnant then she may need to
control the intake and maintain an active physical lifestyle to avoid hypertension and diabetes.

Those overweight pregnant women who engage in physical activities reduce the risk of gestational diabetes by 50 percent. It is necessary for them to
eat enough to provide necessary calories for themselves and for the baby. Do not try to lose weight as it is not safe. A woman of average weight should
gain up to 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy and over weight women should gain 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.

Women should gain 2 to 4 pounds during the first trimester and gain 1 pound every week for the rest of the pregnancy.

Use low fat products or fat substitutes. Avoid fried foods. Consume foods that have been boiled, baked or broiled. Avoid sugary drinks or sweets.
Instead have water, fruits and natural fruit juices. Avoid adding salt while cooking as it can lead to water retention. Avoid whole milk products.
Consume low fat cheese and yoghurt.

The weight gained during pregnancy is inevitable whether you like it or not, and it holds a lot of importance when it comes to a baby's growth and
development. When right amount of weight is gained during pregnancy, it can not only help to support your baby's health but also make the weight loss
process easier after delivery. However the amount of weight you need to gain depends on many factors like your body mass index, your health and
your pre-pregnancy weight.

Although being overweight or obese can put you at risk for gestational diabetes or high blood pressure, losing weight when you are pregnant is never
recommended. But it is important to keep a track of weight gain throughout pregnancy and avoid gain more than the recommended levels. If you are
underweight then it would be wise to increase your body weight gradually especially during second and third trimester. If extra weight is not achieved
then there are chances of preterm or low weight babies. 
So you wonder where this excess weight gained goes, the baby may weigh approximately 7-8 pounds, then what about the other weight?  Here is a
sample breakdown – large uterus 2 pounds, excess breast tissue 1-3 pounds, placenta 1 ½ pounds, amniotic fluid 2 pounds, fat stores 6-8 pounds,
increased blood volume 3-4 pounds and increased fluid volume 2-3 pounds. 
If you have a healthy body weight when you begin pregnancy then you may need to gain only a few pounds in your first trimester, this can be good
news as you might be struggling with nausea and morning sickness. However a steady weight gain is essential in the second and third trimester. An
extra 300 calories per day approximately (according to your body weight) can help you gain 3-4 pounds per month which is enough to meet your goal
(if your pre-pregnancy weight is normal). However if you are underweight or above your ideal body weight before your pregnancy then you health care
provider will suggest boosting your calories to gain weight or including nutrient rich foods to maintain your weight. 

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