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T he wise one constantly lives in awareness of the basic unity of existence, free from the delusion
of separteness.underlying the outer differences is the unity of the spirit of .Grie and delusion come as
a result of identification with the body mid and intellect/ the little self.The monent you look at things
from a personal angle there is sorrow,View the smame thing from a larger perspectie and pece

Man, you speak words of wisdom but yuu mortn forthse that should not be morned forlThe wise
greive neihter for the living nor for the dead. The real you never dies. Even the mind and intellect do
not perish.All that happens at death is that you leaves behind the body and environment that no
longer meet with your needs and moe to another body and circumstances that are more suited for
the fulfillment of your desires.Just as a man gives up tattered clothes to don new omes, so too, death
is movement to the next phase of one's life journey .

Everything around us changes, one who is not troubled by these fluctuatuions and remains steady,
equal to joy and sorrow, is fit for immortality.

The world is a roller-coaster ride.It is in a constant churn, it is a mix of pairs of oppsites and is
unpredictable.In the midst of this yle of biurth and deathe it is your duty to act.hteere is notheing
more scred tahn a righteous cause.Your are fortunate to have such an opportunity that is a win-win
situation. If victorious you will gain the kingdom. If you die you will attain heaven.

There is perfectiion in you.,Just get rid oyu your worries and anxieties, fears and apprehesbions.Focus
on action .Perform it wholeheartedly, with sincerity and dedicatiion.Sucess will follow.Work well done
is in itself joyous .Action consecrated to higher ideal is worship. You evolve spiritually.

We are alkll warriors in the battle of life.Each one of us has obligations to perform. Do what you have
to do, do without attachment .Your right is to action only, not to its fruit. When you are free from
attachment toi action and anxiety for its fruit the mind is calm and intellect, sharp and clear. The result
is perfect action.

Then the fruit of action- success, happiness and spiritual growth will come unsought . You will be free
of sorrow and bondage o f birth and death. Through meditatiion you wil transcend delusion and
move to the state oif Godhood.

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