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, i
SectionX: General

1.01 Tl'rssecioa > co1'erneowrlh'nF generalnrormdliol
,LouL tre 6oo cocrpanres selelled fo' suruF\and w:lh
Informalion usually disclosed r' n' esac' 2001 2006
companying the basicfinanclal statements
Aercsoace.......,...........,........... 17
1.02 A.t600 comoanie.irc,udaoIn rhe sLley are regis- 13
relo witntre Sec.rrt,esand t'c1 SeComm(ss:or|SECI aeveraoes..... .. 10 10
Maiv ol lhe gurveycompa.eshavesecur'ha Liestra'1pd on ore Burdrgmale.ials glass...... - - - - 8
on New vor{ drd -f 29
lr rne maiorstoti ercianges-8o% Chemicdls. .. .. ... . . ... 29
2% on the Ameican.The remaining18% weretradedon Como-ter oeriol^e.a|s....
NASDAQorihe "over-thecounter"exchanges Conbrersofrware... 12 11
Com;uiers, office equipmenl... 10 9
1.03 Eachyear,companiesare selectedfrom ihe laiesl Diversaed outsourcing sewices 11 12
Fortune1000 ,slingto replacetl'osecornoan:es lhal were 41
Electronics.el€clrical ;quipmenl 39
deleteofiom ll'e survey(see tneAppendi ot 600 Conpanies Engineedng;conslruetion.... . 12 13
,or a comp,ehensive lsting ol lhe 600.ompaniFsas wellas 11 11
fo"t Co-- Enlerlainment...... .,,.....,... ..
.hoserhdi ,vFrsaodedand '".ouuO '. t"it 24 26
oanjes are deleted from the survey when "O
they haveeither F00d.............................
'been no Food anddruq sio€s.........,. .., .. .: ,,. 14 13
acquired,becomeprivatelyheld(andare'therefore, ...-
......... 10 10
withlheSEC), failedio timelyissue a report, Food servicei............
lonqerregisiered prcducls . 13
or ceasedoperalpns. Fore$ andpaper
Fumiture.......,...,.........,...- S I
cenelal rnerchandisers..... ... 11 11
Heallh ,,........---
care.......,,,. . . .--- 11 I
Holnebuilders........................... 10 10
Hotels,casin6s, €sprts..... ... 6 E
Household and0e6onalpoducts ...... .. 8
lndlsldalandlam equipmefl.. 37 39
lnfomation technology se ices 17 17
i/ail,packag€ andfpightdelivery'' -- ''.,.' - 2 1
Medlialoroiucts and;quipment . .. ..... . 12 12
MetalDi.ducts................ 13 13
Niebd................. ....--- 14 17
lvininq, 14 13
Miscelbneoos....-.........-.. 3 3
Motorvehiclesandparis........ 16 15
Network communicalions ........ 7 6
Packaging, @nlalners....,......... 8
Peb6fi refinino..... ............. 13 .' 1. 10 2
Phalmaceuiicals-....,.......,...-.... 10
Publishing,printing ............. 18 19
Rubbera;ddasue ptoducts....... .. :...... 5 5
Scient(ic,pholog6phic, aidconlolequipmenl. . 19 1E
Semiconducto|s...,........ .....,.... 12 12
Soaps,cosmelics,,............,....... 6
Soecialty ........' -- -.-
......... .24 17
Telecommunic?tions . ............ 1l 10
........,.. 5
TernpoGry help-........ ! ,
Texliles...... 4
Tobacco........... 5 5
Toys,sporUnggoods................ 3 3
Tdnsddaton equipnent... .. 4
Trucking,tuckleasing.... 4 5
Waste managemerl.,........ .. 3 3
Wholesale$......................'.- 15

TotalConpanies........... 600 600

'fterds & Techniques AtfT-sEC 1.04

AICPA Acountitg

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