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Green Hills Engineering College

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Rules and Regulations

• Lack of courtesy and decorum; unbecoming conduct within the Institute and
Breach of rules and regulations of the Institute is not allowed.
• Any form of discrimination or harassment as well as physical or verbal abuse
at the workplace or in connection with work, is prohibited.
• Attendance register should be maintained throughout the semester and
same should be submitted to the coordinator at the end of each semester.
• Faculty members should be regular and punctual for engaging the classes.
• Any absenteeism from the institute should be informed properly to the Class
Incharge with Advance leave. A copy of sanctioned leave should be
submitted to class incharge.
• Proper arrangement of duties should be ensured in case of absenteeism.
• Any absenteeism due to unforeseen contingency should be informed
• Sessional marks should be compiled on the prescribed Himachal Pradesh
University format.
• Lecturer and Lab Technician both should present while conducting Practical
• On 30th of every month all concerned faculty members should submit
attendance to the class incharge.
• Class incharge should submit attendance cum fine record to the principal
office on 2nd of every month.
• Faculty member should be seated in allotted cabins.
• Tutors are responsible for compiling, updating and maintaining the
performance record of respective allotted students.
• Every Departmental and Inter Office Notice (I.O.N) should be treated
• Any query regarding any aspect should be resolved through proper hierarchy
• Lab Incharges and Lab Technicians are responsible for proper running and
maintenance of their respective labs.
• No Staff member is allowed to remain absent during Inspection, sessional
examination and Internal/External Theory and Practical Examination.
Green Hills Engineering College
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


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