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 Introduction
 Overview of Case Study
 Relevance to Change Management

 Diagnosing the Need

 Conceptual Approach & Process Models
 Change Processes

 People Issues
 Organizational Culture and Change of SIA
 Personal Change
 Leadership to Change

 Conclusion
 References
 Singapore Airlines is one of the best airline service providers in the World
 The steady improvement of services, market research, training and
development of employees, management strategy, consistent quality
maintenance, continuous competitors’ market research are the key factors
behind the success of Singapore Airlines
 Management always brings new strategies to improve the existing procedure to
stay away from the market competitions by providing best quality services to
the customers than other competitors.
 Management always respects suggestions of all levels employees to improve the
existing process
 All the employees are rewarded by extra perks and are recognized by
management due to their special works at the workplace.
 Management never compromises with the culture of the organization increase
the profitability of the organization
 Organization is facing issues related to internal and external pressures which
sometimes force the management to go beyond the way defined by the
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 SIA is having a strong management with innovative ideas

and strategies.
 Management always encourages the low group resources
to come up with their ideas.
 A rotation policy is there inside SIA management where
each manager used to rotate from one place to another
and also from one department to another in every five
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 Video conferencing, email, telephones etc. basically reduce the

rate of travel of business people from one place to another.
 SIA started giving offers like Frequent Fly Passenger in which
regularly flying passengers used to get points and after certain
points they used to get one free fly.
 Increased number of competitors
 Labor shortage in Singapore has become a major problem for
 Cosmopolitan culture.
 Changed Lifestyle of young Singaporeans
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 Singapore Airlines recruit Singaporean girls as airhostess with their charming

face and good hospitality ability.
 Airhostesses give a warm welcome to the customers by remembering customers’
name and show them their seats.
 They serve a welcome drink to them and also provide very good lunch like main
courses (vegetable or non-vegetable), delicious desserts, fresh fruits, alcoholic or
non-alcoholic drinks etc.
 The kids used to get toys, lozenges etc.
 Passengers of Singapore Airlines are allowed to do phone calls from the flight.
 Passengers get the facility of faxing documents, Dolby digital surround headsets
for enjoying songs, individual gets the facility of watching videos, playing video
games etc.
 The business passengers can access share market information and can do
transactions on board.
 SIA is also planning to provide the facility of email to the passengers while
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 Outstanding service on the ground is meant for the services provided by the ground
 SIA management focuses on the ground staffs performances and attitudes with special
attention because they are the first representative of the SIA facing customers.
 Most of these employees are from different agencies like from SIA’s direct
 SIA management defines standards and provides special trainings to the ground staffs
like OSG campaign, baggage handling, punctuality, attitudes, seat arrangement etc
 According to OSG management ground staffs are free to take right decisions at right
 Management also encourages them to go way out of the normal procedure to help
 OSG has its own policies to motivate employees all the time to give their best for the
Conceptual Approach & Process Models
 Quality service provided by the Singapore Airlines lead this organization to the leader of
financial performance and growth.
 Good business strategies, excellent policies and procedures defined by the management were
the key success of the organization.
 At the beginning of the business this organization has not got any kind of financial help from
Singapore government.
 By the excellent financial performances the organization’s profit becomes to $615 million by
the year of 1997.
 By the year of 2000 the profit becomes $1 billion with the total revenue of $5.2 billion.
 At the time of recession in Asia in 1998 the organization’s profit was much better than its
competitors with the cash in hand of amount $1.5 to $2 billion.
 The quality of services and customer satisfaction leads Singapore Airlines to fly over 90 cities
in 40 countries.
 In terms of employment also this organization reaches at a high number. The total number of
people recruited was 24700.
 Steady growth, diversified route network and consistent valuable quality services are the
pillars behind the financial growth of SIA than major competitors in the market.
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 SIA maintains the consistency in its quality of service by analyzing

the complaints launched by the customers and also by seeing the
Performance Service Index.
 Feedbacks of customers are discussed among management and
staffs by means of meetings and discussions.
 The index is the indicator of the success rate of the SIA service
which is measured by taking 1800 customers’ feedback in 30
factors like quality of food, check in procedure, attitude of staff
Conceptual Approach & Process Models

 S-I-A staff action award which is given for good ideas put forward
by the employees.
 Managing Director’s award is given to the front line employees
for their very good excellent performance.
 Health of wealth award is of amount $3000 is given to look after
the health of employees.
 Annually deputy director’s award is given to the employees for
their exceptionally well decisions taken at the time of critical
situations and better customer services.
 OSG feedback question answer sessions are carried out to solve
the problems launched by the passengers. First 20 successful
employees used to get $1000 from SIA for correct answers.
Change Processes

 Necessary to meet the changing needs and

requirements of the customers.
 Prepare some dynamic strategy for increasing the
satisfaction level of the employees.
 The Singapore Airlines build and maintain trust with
the customers.
 The continuous improvement process should be
followed to increase the quality standards.
 Increase the efficiency of the operations to improve the
satisfaction level of the customers.
Organizational Culture and Change

 Management of SIA gives greater importance to maintain a good and healthy work culture
inside the organization.
 They believe Singapore’s culture is a mixed culture of western and eastern.
 Due to western touch Singaporean girls are not lack in speaking fluent English.
 Also due to eastern culture they are shy and have good hospitality capability.
 This is the reason management always recruit Singaporean people inside the organization.
 Also the culture has an effect on China that in turn adds values in terms of hospitality and
 Management believes end of the day quality of services to the passenger matters for the
organizational growth.
 This is the reason SIA do not believe in acquiring other airlines.
 But in the year of 1999 SIA acquired 49 percent of Virgin airlines. Due to the bad effect of
cross culture management don’t believe in acquiring other organization which may
degrade the quality of services to the customers.
Personal Change
 SIA is very much selective in recruiting people from the market. For ground staff
recruitment management defined certain procedures which help to recruit right people.
 For cabin crew staff recruitment candidates should be below 25 years age and should
have positive attitude, good communication skills and right postures.
 Personality Profile System (PPS) is carried out by the recruitment team to remove
 Trainings are generally related to supervisory skills development, product related
training, customer handling, positive attitude building etc.
 In the year of 1999 SIA has developed $80 million training center in Singapore to
accommodate 240 trainees at a time.
 All the cabin crew staff is bound to attain four months training which is much better
than other competitors.
 New employees are used to attain orientation programs from Singapore as well as from
different regional offices of SIA.
 Different campaigns and trainings programs include role playing, practical solution
practice programs etc.
Leadership to Change

 Management always motivates ground staffs and cabin

crew members not to depend on the senior staffs.

 Various leadership quality development training programs

are organized by the management to build leadership
quality among the employees.

 Management of SIA thinks existing employees need to take

initiatives to motivate subordinates to serve passengers
better with excellent quality services.
 Singapore Airlines is one of the best airlines in the world. Solid
management base and strategic planning are the key success behind
consistent growth of the airlines.

 SIA has already built a strong position in the airlines business but still it
has to maintain the existing position along with the continuous
improvement of the processes.
 (Web source: “How Does
Singapore Airlines Fly so High?”)
 “Fierce Battle for Hearts and Wallets,” Financial Times, April 19, 1993.

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