Introduction To The Study: These Opportunities Through An E-Business Strategy That Is Simple, Workable and

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In the emerging global economy, e-business have increasingly become a necessary

component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. The
integration of information and communications technology (ICT) in business has
revolutionized relationships within organizations and those between and among
organizations and individuals. Specifically, the use of ICT in business has enhanced
productivity, encouraged greater customer participation, and enabled mass
customization, besides reducing costs. With developments in the Internet and Web-
based technologies, distinctions between
traditional markets and the global electronic marketplace such as business capital size,
among others-are gradually being narrowed down. The name of the game is strategic
positioning, the ability of a company to determine emerging opportunities and utilize
the necessary human capital skills (such as intellectual resources) to make the most of
these opportunities through an e-business strategy that is simple, workable and
practicable within the context of global information and new economic environment.
With its effect of leveling the playing field, e-commerce coupled with the appropriate
strategy and policy approach enables
Small and medium scale enterprises to compete with large and capital-rich businesses.
On another plane, developing countries are given increased access to the global
Marketplace, where they compete with and complement the more developed
economies. Most, if not all, developing countries are already participating in
ecommerce, either as sellers or buyers. However, to facilitate e-commerce growth in
these countries, the relatively underdeveloped information infrastructure must be

The development of different E-business models is being adopted by KSFE to start,

conduct, promote, manage and carry on the business of chitties in India or elsewhere


• To understand about e-banking

• To study the Present Scenario of E-Business at KSFE.

• To study how E-Business is applicable in the Real Business Transactions.

• To study the multi dimensions of e –business.

• To check whether it is a cheaper and faster mode of transaction.

• To study on problems associated with e-business.

• To understand how intranets are working at KSFE

• To discuss the advantage of implementing an effective e-business in the organization.


In this project both types of data where used, that is

1. Primary data

2. Secondary data

Primary data

Primary data are those data which are collected by the investigator himself. There are
different methods for collecting such data. The methods adopted for the study are

• Interviews with the authorized personnel in the organization such as branch Manager,
Assistant General Manager.

• Through Direct observations such as browsing the different websites.

Secondary data

Secondary data are those data which are collected by others which is reused by the
researcher. Of the many sources of the secondary data the ones which are used here are


• Articles

• Business Magazines


Today’s Business world becomes more competent and technology dependant. S o the
business world faces various challenges and opportunities. E-business increases the
business performance. It allows enterprises to improve customer service, productivity
and to reduce the overall costs. As E-business leads to global accessibility, sales reach,
closer relationship, reduced costs, and reduced time delayed, it is very necessary to
know about E business and its applications


• The study was conducted within a limited time frame.

• The staff there was in a busy schedule so the information available is limited.
• Lack of knowledgeable persons in the subject.
• No service of experts available in the subject.
• The data received from the company were not perfect, only some assumptions were


This project report is mainly divided into five chapters and each of them deals with the


It deals with the objectives, research methodology, scope of study, limitations and


It deals with the Company Profile.


It deals with the theory of E-Business.


deals E-Banking at KSFE and Comparative Study


It deals with the findings & suggestions made after the study.




The Kerala State Financial Enterprises Limited , popularly known as KSFE, is a

Miscellaneous Non-Banking Financial Company(MNBFC).It is fully owned by the
Government of Kerala. KSFE is the one of the most profit making public sector
undertaking of the State.

KSFE was created by the Government of Kerala with the objective of providing
alternative to the private chit promoters in order to bring in social control over the chit
fund business, so as to save the public from the clutches of unscrupulous fly-by-night
chit fund operators.

The KSFE Ltd is fully owned by the Government of Kerala. It was incorporated
on 6th November 1969.It has a paid up capital of Rs.2 Lakhs. Total number of
employees at the start was 45.The number of branches KSFE began with was 10.The
head Office KSFE is placed in Trichur, the chitty business in Kerala.

A striking point is that all the funds mobilized by KSFE through its various
deposit schemes and chitties are advanced wholly to the public in Kerala itself; where
as other financial institutions and banks channel their deposits collected in Kerala for


The objectives of the company are listed in the Memorandum of Association of the
company. The important objects are as follows:
(a) To start, conduct, promote, manage and carry on the business of chitties in
India or elsewhere.
(b) To promote, undertake, organize, conduct, manage and carry on the business
of general and miscellaneous insurance of any kind in India or elsewhere.
To start, promote, conduct, operate, carry on and manage the business of
dealers,agents and traders under hire purchase system of articles, vehicles,
machinery,materials goods and tools, of all capital goods and consumer goods and
property of all nature and description for personal, domestic, office, commercial,

industrial and community use and consumption as a business of the Company or as
agents of the Government, State or Central or any body or organization there under or
of any other Company. Besides these objects, there are many other objects, which is
incidental or ancillary to the main objects such as to advance, deposit with or lend
money, securities, property or to receive loans or grants or concession of any
nature or deposits from Banks, Government or Governmental organizations or others.


The vision of Kerala State Financial Enterprises is to become a significant player in
the financial services sector by:-
• Providing a whole range of quality services and products.

• Adopting technology and benchmark standards in customer service and


• Spreading our wings beyond the borders of Kerala, on a global level.

• Retaining the pre-eminent role in Chitty business.

• Continuing focus on extending resources to the Govt. of Kerala.

• Sustaining commitment to the weaker sections of society, as the

neighbourhood institution for support, trust and security.


The government is taking appreciable steps to widen the business activity of KSFE and
to reach every category of people. The future plans of the company include the
• Making KSFE a fully computerized Company

• Opening more and more new branches, including chitty units to establish its

presence in all major centres and backward areas, aiming at effective rural


• Introducing value additions in chitty schemes - for coping with the fierce

competition in the financial market, for more popularity and widening our

customer base.

• Acting as the collection agent for KSEB, KWA, etc., throughout the state.

• To construct a multi-storied building in KSFE's own premises in

Kakkanad,Cochin and to house among others a Staff Training College for itself.

• Introduction of new schemes like, Educational Loan, Agricultural Overdraft

and Cumulative Deposit Scheme.

• Expanding its door collection facility to loan accounts and deposit schemes

suitably, this is expected to create considerable employment opportunities as part

of its social objective.

• Introduction of chitties with simultaneous draw and auction which can be

offered as an incentive to regular customers for whom it will be a great attraction,

particularly for those with saving attitude.

• Introduction of Daily/Weekly draw/auction chitties, which is expected to have

a wide scope among traders, will raise the Company's market share considerably

• Enter the arena of Credit/Debit Card business - immediately after branch

networking the Company plans to launch the 'Debit Card' business.

• Starting of Virtual Branch through net worked computer systems for the

benefit of NRIs particularly Malayalees in the Gulf & other countries is on the

anvil. This will obviate the need for "brick and mortar branches" and will enable

customers who have internet access, to transact with the Company through virtual




E-business is the application of information and telecommunication

technologies to conduct business. E-business can be defined as the conduct of
automated business transactions by means of electronic communications networks end-
to-end. The end-to-end business transaction signifies that a succession of automated
business processes and information systems of different companies, which are involved
in an inter-company business transaction, are successfully integrated. It promotes inter-
enterprise business relationships-business is a more generic term because it refers not
only to information exchanges related to buying and selling but also to servicing
customers and collaborating with business partners, distributors and suppliers. E-
business encompasses sophisticated business to business interactions and collaboration
activities at a level of enterprise application and business processes, enabling business
partners to share in-depth business intelligence, which leads, in turn to the management
and optimization of inter-enterprise processes such as supply chain management.

The main objective of e-business is to provide seamless connectivity and

integration between business processes and applications external to an enterprise and
the enterprise’s back office applications such as billing, order processing accounting
inventory, receivables, and services focused on total supply chain management and
partnership including product development, fulfillment and distribution.

To succeed in e-business it is crucial to combine technological developments

with corporate strategy that redefines a company’s role in the digital economy while
taking into account its various stake holders. It is important to understand the issues,
evaluate the options and develop technology orientation plans.

An e-business strategy helps the organization to identify e-business concerns, assess

their information needs, analyze to what degree existing systems serve these objectives,
pinpoint specific improvements, determine the development stages of e-business
solutions and attain concrete and measurable results.

E-business solution supports interactivity and transport rich information content,
helping customers and businesses redefine concepts such as value, competitiveness and
the very nature of transactions. Moreover they affect all areas of an organization,
fundamentally changing how it buys and sells products; collaborates with customers,
suppliers and distributors; manages its supply chain and how it designs and launches
new product. E-Business is the use of Internet technologies to inter network and
empower business processes, electronic commerce and enterprise communication and
collaboration with in a company and with its customers, suppliers and other business

An e-Business enterprise depends on Internet, intranet, extranet and other

networks to implement such systems. Business has become intranet work e-Business
enterprise (intranets) between an enterprise and its trading partners (extranets) and other
type of networks are now the primary information technology infrastructure in many


The world’s largest and most widely used network is the Internet. The Internet
is an international network of networks that are both commercial and publicly owned.
The Internet connects hundreds of thousands of different networks from more than 200
countries around the world. More than 400 million people working in science,
education, government and business use the Internet to exchange information or
perform business transactions with other organizations around the globe. The Internet is
extremely elastic. If networks are added or removed or failures occur in parts of the
system, the rest of the Internet continues to operate. Through special communication
and technology standards, any computer can communicate with virtually any other
computer linked to the Internet using ordinary telephone lines. Companies and private
individuals can use the Internet to exchange business transactions, text messages,
graphic images and even video and sound, whether they are located the next door or on
the other side of the globe. Thus the Internet is a global network of networks provides a
highly flexible platform for information sharing. Digital information can be distributed
at almost no cost to millions of people throughout the world.

• On-line communication

• Software sharing

• Exchange of views on topics of common interest

• Posting of information of general interest

• Product information

• Feed back about product

• Customer support service

• Online journals and magazines

• On line shopping

• Worldwide video conferencing


Internet security is the practice of protecting and preserving private resources
and information on the internet. E-businesses using online transactions should make
sure that they have a state-of-the-art security system installed on their web pages before
they embark on online transactions. Some of the security issues can be handled using:-

 Firewalls
 Cookies
Firewall is used to monitor all traffic in the network or computer and only
allow authorized packets of data to pass through them. They sit at the forefront of a
network or computer and all the traffic passes through them. They come in two flavors-
hardware and software. A hardware firewall is the most secure version and would be
used by large companies.

A software firewall is more suited to a Personal Computer or Small to
Medium sized Enterprises and is much cheaper. They both perform exactly the same

Cookies are small text files that are created when we visit a website that uses
them. The website uses the cookies to remember who you are and what you have
visited or purchased from their site. A security hole has been discovered that allows
websites to read cookies set by other websites. A better option is to go for additional
software to block cookies and delete one cookie file after we finish browsing.

Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

An intrusion is somebody attempting to break into or misuse our,
stealing confidential data to something minor such as misusing our e-mail system for
spam. An Intrusion Detection System is a system for detecting such intrusions. A NIDS
monitors packets in the network wire and attempts to discover if a hacker or cracker is
attempting to break into a system. A NIDS may run either on the target machine or on
an independent machine watching all network traffic.

Web security Issues

As the web becomes more popular and e-commerce transactions amount to
billions of dollars, security has become a key issue on the internet. Throughout history,
most private messages were kept secret with single Key Cryptography. In this, there is
a unique code for both coding and decoding messages.

Large organizations would need to have thousands of secret keys for

maintaining the proper security of a large number of messages. This limitation of SKC
has led to the development of Public Key Cryptography. PKC does not involve the
sharing of secret keys.


Intranet is an internal network based on Internet and World Wide Web
technology and standards. It can provide access to data across the enterprise. It uses the
existing company infrastructure along with Internet connectivity standards and software
developed for the World Wide Web. Intranets can create networked applications that
can run on many different kinds of computers throughout the organization, including
mobile handheld computers and wireless remote access devices.


Intranets are inexpensive, scalable to expand or contract as needs change, and

accessible from most computing platforms. Whereas most companies, particularly the
large ones, must support a multiplicity of computer platforms that cannot communicate
with each other, intranets provide instant connectivity, uniting all computers into a
single, virtually seamless network system. Web software presents a uniform interface,
which can be used to integrate many different processes and system throughout the
company. Companies can connect their Internet to internal company transaction
system, enabling employees to take actions central to a company’s operation. For
instance, customer representatives for U.S. West can access the firm’s main computer
system through the intranet to turn on services such as call waiting or to check
installation for new phone lines.

An Extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public
telecommunication system to securely share of business information or operations with
suppliers, vendors, partners, customers and other businesses. An extranet and be viewed
as part of a company’s intranet that is extended to users outside the company. It has
also bean described as a “state of mind” in which the Internet as perceived as a way to
do business with other companies as well as to sell products to customers. Business -to-
Business deals are done entirely over the Extranet. The extranet consists of two
Intranets connected via the Internet, whereby two organizations are lacked to see
confidential data of together. An Extranet requires security and privacy.
An Extranet could be described as two or more intranets with network connectivity.
Generally, and as with intranets, an extranet will be based on Internet Protocols. The
underlying network technology does not really matter or instance it may be that

organization use the Internet for carrying data but restrict access to resources from the
general public via firewalls. A virtual private network could be set up over the Internet
to achieve the same result.


 Collaborative product development

 Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
 Procurement and order management
 Operations and logistics


(Fig No.2.1)


The vision of e-business is that enterprises will have access to a much broader
range of trading partners to interact and collaborate with and not only to buy and sell
more efficiently. An e-business solution should embrace Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Supply
Chain Management (SCM) and vertical product offerings.

Forward thinking organizations automate, organize, standardize and stabilize

the processes and services in order to create and maintain sustainable computer

mediated relationship through out an e-business lifecycle. Basic elements in e-business
topology include:-
• Customer Relationship Management
• Enterprise Resource Planning System
• Supply Chain Management
• Knowledge management
• E-markets


Enterprises which desire to conduct business-to-business transactions over the

internet look to e-business solutions to improve communications and provide a fast and
error free method of transacting with one another to address their procurement and
supply chain processes.

1. Identify or measure quantifiable business objectives.

Companies must accurately measure the impact and e-business
initiative has on their business processes to ensure that this initiative is worth pursuing
and has sustainable long term effects.

2. Ensure organizational or operational flexibility

However well organized the enterprise was before the deployment of
e-business solutions, the situation will necessarily change because of e-business
initiatives. Business transaction growth, expanded markets and increased information
accessibility constitute major change factors for an enterprise. Enterprises must
reposition themselves in their mission, structure and execution to prosper in
substantially more dynamic environment.

3. Rethink entire company supply chains

Each company in a supply chain must clearly understand the value of
propositions of other participants. Companies must rethink their entire supply chain to
optimize performance and value.

4. Transform the company to process centric one

It should be possible for companies to be conceptualized as a set of
business processes. Process centric companies place their primary emphasis on
maximizing the efficiency of processes, not on maximizing the efficiency of
departmental or functional units.

5. Define business processes

Companies must create models of existing processes and interactions,
determining the relevant events, time frames, resources and costs associated with
business processes. Business processes should be well defined and measurable.

6. Understand security requirements

The breadth of access and interaction representative of e-business
solutions requires the ability to provide controlled and focused access by customers,
employees, suppliers etc.

7. Align business organization with a flexible IT architecture

E-business includes automating business processes that encompass a
diverse range of packaged applications and systems within enterprises. The grand
challenge is forcing the creation and adoption of new infrastructures and enabling
technologies that will be used to facilitate e-business integration.

8. Establish ubiquity within standards

IT vendors have created many integration technologies that bring
value to the customers. A no: of business and technology driven requirements are
compelling forces that enable successful development and deployment of integrated
end-to-end e-business application


The emergence of e-business impacts organizations in various ways.

Some of the key characteristics of e-business are the speed at which transactions can
occur, the ability to connect multiple parties at the same time, the ability to gather and
manipulate information in new ways, and the absence of traditional business tools such
as paper forms and face to face retail contact. Following are the wide range of potential
benefits motivating today’s enterprises to undertake e- business initiatives:-

 Improved operational efficiency and productivity

 Reduction in operating costs and costs of goods and services.
 Improved competitive position.
 Penetration into new markets through new channels.
 Improved communication, information and knowledge sharing.
 Harmonization and standardization of processes.
 Improved internal information access.
 Improved relationships with suppliers and improved customer service.


New business models will be based on new views on inter company

relationships and networking: new technologies make network business models
possible and it is the current competitive market that makes it necessary to adopt them.
Many companies are now adopting customer focused business models, becoming more
responsive to their customers and developing deeper relations with them.
Business models can be categorized into five as follows:-
1.Internet enabled business models
Internet based models are classified according to the degree of innovation
and functional integration involved. The first dimension of innovation ranges from

basically applying the internet to replace a traditional way of doing business to more
innovative business models. The second dimension of functional integration ranges
from business models that encompasses one function, such as an e-shop to a business
model that fully integrate multiple functions.
2.Value Web business models
Selz proposed a framework for business model which is known as value web.
This framework…. “Is assuredly not a recipe for success, but a preliminary conception
of an emerging form of a fluid and flexible Organization”. The value web model
consists of several key building blocks: markets, networks hierarchies, information
technology and new-old business models. The value web model looks like a specific
case of the value chain integrator model, which is part of the internet enabled family of
business models.
3.E- business enabled business models

The e-business enabled business model is a classification scheme of business model

that is especially valid for business to business context. These are typically seen in most
common modern IT – based business organizations engaging in e-business.

4.Market participants business model

Market participants business model is a more generic classification of internet

based business models. In this framework, networked business models are defined for
companies doing business on the internet as well as for network infrastructure

5.Cybermediaries business models

Cybermediaries are organizations which operate in electronic market to

facilitate exchange between producers and consumers by meeting their needs. This

model examines the nature of intermediation in electronic markets and its implication
for the structure of electronic business.


E-business presents opportunities and benefits to companies of any size
and purpose:-


There is a range of e-business opportunities that depend on the nature of the business
and the customers it serves.
• Retail sellers on the internet can sell high quality, specialized products that
appeal to an audience of well educated and well informed people.
• Wholesalers, distributors or service provided can sell to business that have
embraced e-business and that demand the convenience and efficiencies of buying
from a website
• Businesses selling products that are subject to frequent changes (for e.g.:-
Airline tickets, financial instruments) can reduce production and obsolescence costs
because they offer only current products on the site.
• Business is selling products that can be sampled on the web (for e.g.:- books,
magazines etc. can promote them economically.
• Companies that already have a corporate website and an efficient network
operation can establish subsidiary sites for related ancillary or consumable products.

The primary benefits of E-business are:-
1. Global accessibility and sales reach

2. The prospect of increased profits from new market and electronic channels

3. . Improved customer service and loyalty

4. Shorter time to market and supply chain integration.

Thus, e-business encompasses all forms of on-line electronic trading, taking in
the more narrowly defined concept of consumer based “e-commerce, plus B2B
electronic trading and process integration, as well as the internal use of related
technologies for process integration inside organizations E-business relates to an
enterprise that conducts many of its business functions through electronic means. The
term also refers to businesses that operate on the internet and offer goods, services and
information for sale via the web.

Roughly dividing the world into providers/producers and consumers/clients one can

classify e-businesses into the following categories:

• Business-to-business (B2B)

• Business-to-consumer (B2C)

• Business-to-employee (B2E)

• Business-to-government (B2G)

• Government-to-business (G2B)

• Government-to-government (G2G)

• Government-to-citizen (G2C)

• Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)

• Consumer-to-business (C2B)


Business-to-business (B2B) is a term commonly used to describe electronic

commerce transactions between businesses, as opposed to those between businesses
and other groups, such as business and individual consumers (B2C) or business and
government (B2G).

B2B is also commonly used as an adjective to describe any activity, be it
B2Bmarketing, sales, or e-commerce, that occurs between businesses and other
businesses rather than between businesses and consumers.


Business-to-consumer (B2C, sometimes also called Business-to-Customer) describes

activities of E-businesses serving end consumers with products and/or services. It is
often associated with electronic commerce but also encompasses financial institutions
and other types of businesses. B2C relationships are often established and cultivated
through some form of Internet marketing.


Business-to-employee (B2E) electronic commerce uses an intra business network

which allows companies to provide products and/or services to their employees.
Typically, companies use B2E networks to automate employee-related corporate
processes. Examples of B2E applications include : Online insurance policy

• Corporate announcement dissemination

• Online supply requests


Business to Government (B2G) is a derivative of B2B marketing and referred to

as a market definition of "Public Sector Marketing" which encompasses marketing
products and services to the U.S. Government through Integrated Marketing
Communications techniques such as strategic public relations, branding, marcom,
advertising, web-based communications.


Government-to-Government (G2G) is the online non-commercial interaction
between Government organisations, departments, and authorities and other Government
organisations, departments, and authorities. It's use is common in the UK, along with
G2C, the online non-commercial interaction of local and central Government and
private individuals, and G2B the online non-commercial interaction of local and central
Government and the commercial business sector.


Government-to-Citizen (G2C) is the online non-commercial interaction between

local and central Government and private individuals, rather than the commercial
business sector G2B.

For example Government sectors become visibly open to the public domain via
a Web Portal. Thus making public services and information accessible to all.


Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) electronic commerce involves the electronically-

facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party. A common
example is the online auction, in which a consumer posts an item for sale and other
consumers bid to purchase it; the third party generally charges a flat fee or commission.
The sites are only intermediaries, just there to match consumers. They do not have to
check quality of the products being offered.

Examples of C2C

• eBay

• Craig list



Consumer-to-business (C2B) is an electronic commerce business model in
which consumers (individuals) offer products and services to companies and the
companies pay them. This business model is a complete reversal of traditional business
model where companies offer goods and services to consumers (business-to-consumer
= B2C).


1. Customer relationship management

2. Enterprise resource planning

3. Document management systems

4. Human resources management

5. content management system

6. e-mail

7. voice mail

1. Customer relationship management (CRM) is a multifaceted process, mediated by

a set of information technologies that focuses on creating two-way exchanges with
customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their needs, wants, and buying
patterns. In this way, CRM is intended to help companies understand, as well as
anticipate, the needs of current and potential customers. Functions that support this
business purpose include sales, marketing, customer service, training, professional
development, performance management, human resource development, and
compensation. Many CRM initiatives have failed because implementation was limited
to software installation without alignment to a customer-centric strategy.

2. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is the planning of how business resources

(materials, employees, customers etc.) are acquired and moved from one state to
another. An ERP system is a business support system that maintains in a single

database the data needed for a variety of business functions such as Manufacturing,
Supply Chain Management, Financials, Projects, Human Resources and Customer
Relationship Management.

An ERP system is based on a common database and a modular software design. The
common database can allow every department of a business to store and retrieve
information in real-time. The information should be reliable, accessible, and easily
shared. The modular software design should mean a business can select the modules
they need, mix and match modules from different vendors, and add new modules of
their own to improve business performance.

3. A document management system (DMS) is a computer system (or set of computer

programs) used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper
documents. The term has some overlap with the concepts of Content Management
Systems and is often viewed as a component of Enterprise Content Management
Systems and related to Digital Asset Management, Document imaging, Workflow
systems and Records Management systems. Contract Management and Contract
Lifecycle Management (CLM) can be viewed as either components or implementations
of ECM.

4.Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the
management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who
individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the
business.The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have
largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes
involved in managing people in organizations. Human Resource management is
evolving rapidly. Human resource management is both an academic theory and a
business practice that addresses the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a

5. A content management system (CMS) is computer software used to create, edit,

manage, and publish content in a consistently organized fashion. CMSs are frequently
used for storing, controlling, versioning, and publishing industry-specific

documentation such as news articles, operators' manuals, technical manuals, sales
guides, and marketing brochures. The content managed may include computer files,
image media, audio files, electronic documents, and Web content.

6. Electronic mail, often abbreviated to e-mail, email, or simply mail, is a store-and-

forward method of writing, sending, receiving and saving messages over electronic
communication systems. The term "e-mail" (as a noun or verb) applies to the Internet e-
mail system based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, to network systems based on
other protocols and to various mainframe, minicomputer or intranet systems allowing
users within one organization to send messages to each other in support of workgroup
collaboration. Intranet systems may be based on proprietary protocols supported by a
particular systems vendor, or on the same protocols used on public networks. E-mail is
often used to deliver bulk unsolicited messages, or "spam", but filter programs exist
which can automatically block, quarantine or delete some or most of these, depending
on the situation.

7.Voicemail (or voice mail, voice-mail, vmail or VMS, sometimes called message
bank) is a centralized system of managing telephone messages for a large group of
people. In its simplest form it mimics the functions of an answering machine, uses a
standard telephone handset for the user interface, and uses a centralized, computerized
system rather than equipment at the individual telephone. Voicemail systems are much
more sophisticated than answering machines in that they can:

• answer many phones at the same time

• store incoming voice messages in personalized mailboxes associated with the

user’s phone number

• enable users to forward received messages to another voice mailbox

• send messages to one or more other user voice mailboxes

• add a voice introduction to a forwarded message

• store voice messages for future delivery

• Make calls to a telephone or paging service to notify the user a message has

arrived in.


“Electronic Commerce is the paperless exchange of goods or services through

the use of electronic data”. It is related to technologies which are questionably the
current leading edge business and finance delivery systems for the 21st century. The
explosion in the application of technologies and the delivery of these technologies into
the hands of consumers has made the vision, the dream, and the fantasy of conducting
business electronically, anywhere in the global community a reality. Electronic
commerce is the process of doing business electronically, it involves the automation of
a variety of business to business and business to consumer transactions through reliable
and secure connections.

Today, the more typical definition of e-commerce is “To sell goods or

services on the web.” The ease of placing an order online has brought the buying public
to Internet sales. The technology may change but the market will remain same. It is not
a single technology, but rather a sophisticated combination of technologies and
consumer based services integrated to form a new paradigm in business transaction

The web allows instant change to your entire business structure,

merchandise, pricing, marketing, promotions and sales process. In fact, the Internet will
allow us to change all of this from customer to customer. Unfortunately this is only
useful if we have a web site that will allow it to occur.

E-commerce actually helps flatten the playing field between large and
small businesses. In fact, many customers would rather do business with a small
company rather than a large one because the customer service is more personal and

Some of the components of e-commerce include:

• Electronic presentation of goods and services

• On-line ordering and payment processing

• Automated customer account inquiries

• On-line bill presentation

A few ways to implement e-commerce include:

• Develop an interactive database-driven online catalog

• Add secure on-line ordering capabilities with electronic payment, real-time

shipping quotes and electronic receipts

• Web-enable billing statements for real-time presentation

The benefits of e-commerce include:

• Increased margins by streamlining processes

• Reduced float through the use of real-time electronic transactional processing

• Providing customers "What they want, when they want it"

Electronic commerce impacts a broad number of business activities such as:-

• Marketing, sales &sales promotion

• Financing and insurance

• Product service and maintenance

• Transport and logistics

• Accounting

• Co-operative product development

• Commercial transactions.

• Cisco systems.
• Ariba.
• Amazon.


 Lower transaction costs - If an e-commerce site is implemented well, the web can
significantly lower both order-taking costs up front and customer service costs after
the sale by automating processes.
 Larger purchases per transaction - Amazon offers a feature that no normal store
offers. When we read the description of a book, we also can see "what other people
who ordered this book also purchased". That is, we can see the related books that
people are actually buying. Because of features like these it is common for people to
buy more books that they might buy at a normal bookstore.
 Integration into the business cycle - A Web site that is well-integrated into the
business cycle can offer customers more information than previously available. For
example, if Dell tracks each computer through the manufacturing and shipping
process, customers can see exactly where their order is at any time. This is what
FedEx did when they introduced on-line package tracking - FedEx made far more
information available to the customer.
 People can shop in different ways. Traditional mail order companies introduced the
concept of shopping from home in our pajamas, and e-commerce offers this same
luxury. New features that web sites offer include:
 The ability to build an order over several days

 The ability to configure products and see actual prices

 The ability to easily build complicated custom orders

 The ability to compare prices between multiple vendors easily

 The ability to search large catalogs easily

 Larger catalogs - A company can build a catalog on the web that would never
fit in an ordinary mailbox.
 Improved customer relations- With automated tools it is possible to interact
with a customer in richer ways at virtually no cost. For example, the customer might
get an email when the order is confirmed, when the order is shipped and after the
order arrives. A happy customer is more likely to purchase something else from the
 The Business Model- E-commerce allows people to create completely new
business models. In a mail order company there is a high cost to printing and mailing
catalogs that often end up in the trash. There is also a high cost in staffing the order-
taking department that answers the phone. In e-commerce both the catalog
distribution cost and the order taking cost fall toward zero. That means it may be
possible to offer products at a lower price, or to offer products that could not be
offered before because of the change in cost dynamics.


Online commerce provides an additional method for buying or selling.

Traditional sales

In traditional sales, the buyer and/or the salesman is the active party. In one
case, the buyer initiates the purchase by either going to the store to buy or calling on the
phone and making an order. In another situation, the salesman goes to the home or
place of business to make the sale, or he calls on the phone to make the sale.

The business' sales department mails a catalog or other material, and the
customer then makes a purchase from the catalog. These methods all apply to business-
to-person as well as business-to-business sales.

Online commerce

Online commerce adds a new method, similar to a mail order catalog. The
business' sales department posts a Web site with an online catalog. The buyer then
selects items from the online catalog and makes the purchase, either online or by
phoning or mail order.

Although the buyer is really using an online catalog, the metaphor of

browsing a store with a shopping cart of most often used in e-Commerce. This allows
the customer to put items in the shopping cart to hold until checkout or when the
purchase is finally made.


• Web is becoming increasingly international.

• E-commerce growth is not the same as internet growth.

• Brand is invaluable on the internet and trust is the key to brand building.

• Customer acquisition is crucial but there is a limit to online freebies.

• Old practices will not change overnight, but will evolve overtime.

• The potential of the web has to be utilized imaginatively and creatively.


Sellers are finding tremendous advantages in doing e-business. They can

increase sales volumes from local to worldwide, improve internet efficiency
productivity enhance customer service and increase communication with both suppliers
and customers. Buyers are enjoying great access to markets.


Increased sales opportunities. Wide product availability.

Decreased transactions Customized and personalized

information and buying options.

Operate 24 hours a day, seven days a Shop 24 hours a day, seven days

week from one virtual market place. a week.

Each narrow market segmentations that Easy comparison shopping and

maybe widely distributed geographically. on stop shopping for business

Access to global market. buyers

Increased speed and accuracy of Access to global market.

information exchange. Quick delivery of digital

Bring multiple buyers and sellers together products and quick delivery of

in the virtual market place credit information.

Participation in auctions, reverse

auctions, knowledge exchanges.


E-business is not free from its own limitations. The limitations of Electronic business
to sellers and buyers are as follows…



Rapidly changing technology Concern over transactions security and
Insufficient telecommunicating capacity or privacy.
brand width. Lack of trust when dealing with unfamiliar
Difficulty in integrating existing systems sellers.
with e-business software. Desire to touch and fed products before
Problems maintaining system security and purchase.
reliability. Resistance to unfamiliar buying process,
paperless transactions and electronic
Global market issues, language, political money.
environment, currency conversions
Confected legal environment.


Electronic banking is one of the most successful online businesses. E-Banking allows
customers to access their accounts and execute orders through a website. There is no
special software to install rather than a web browser and many banks do not charge for
this service. Some banks even lower cost for online transactions. Electronic banking
saves individuals and company’s time and money.

E-banking is defined as “the automated delivery of new and traditional banking

products and services directly to customers through electronic, interactive
communication channels”.

E-banking includes the systems that enable financial institution customers, individuals
or businesses, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial
products and services through a public or private network, including the Internet.
Customers access e-banking services using an intelligent electronic device, such as a

personal computer (PC), personal digital assistant (PDA), automated teller machine
(ATM), kiosk, or Touch Tone telephone. While the risks and controls are similar for the
various e-banking access channels

The followings are services in E-Banking



For convenience of Non Residential Indians, the bank can make arrangements with
banks/exchange companies in various Gulf countries for facilitating speedy remittance
of funds in Indian Rupees.


SWIFT (Society for World-Wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunications)

connectivity to send and receive funds/messages in a prompt, error free and accurate
manner with financial institutions the world over.

• The facility provides fastest delivery of funds to beneficiaries in India from the
bank in Saudi Arabia and the Exchange Company in Kuwait.
• Beneficiary’s account with any of our branches will credit online, providing
the 11 digits Core Banking account number will be mentioned. Demand Drafts are
issued and couriered under this facility.
• To ensure smooth transmission of funds, provide the following particulars to
the Exchange Company/Bank. (Name and Address of beneficiary, 11 digit account
number in case of TDCB customers, Name and Address of bank and the branch
where account is maintained, Purpose of remittance)


• An Internet based facility to provide fast and easy delivery of funds to beneficiaries in
India from some Gulf countries.
• To develop Foreign Exchange Department for remitting messages in encrypted form
are received through Internet at TDCB’s Foreign Exchange Department.
• The messages are automatically decrypted and beneficiary’s account with any of
branches is credited online, provided the 11 digits Core Banking account number is


This is a product of UAE Exchange Center LLC, UAE can made available through
selected branches of TDCB’s bank in Kerala.

• Money Remittance facility in which money transfer is effected in minutes using the

web/internet based technology.

• Only personal remittance towards family maintenance.

• Remittance favoring foreign tourists visiting India permitted.

• To implement Maximum 12 remittances to a single recipient through the principal in

a year.

• Nominal charges.


Customers can also remit funds in Indian Rupees by Demand Draft drawn on TDCB’s
Bank from the authorized Exchange Companies.


Online banking puts the power of banking into the hands of the customer and allows the
customers to self services themselves with all their banking needs, just as customers
have become used to getting money from an automated taller machine instead of
walking upto the cash desk in the bank, with this online services, customers can view
their account details, review their accounts histories, transfer funds, order checks pay
bills, re order checks and gets in touch with the customer care department of the bank.
The only transaction currently can’t be done is the withdrawals of cash but banks are
working on resolving this problem. Online banking solutions have many features and
capabilities in common, but traditionally also have some that are application specific.

The common features fall broadly into several categories

• Transactional (e.g., performing a financial transaction such as an account to account

transfer, paying a bill, wire transfer... and applications... apply for a loan, new account,

 Electronic bill presentment and payment - EBPP

 Funds transfer between a customer's own checking and savings accounts, or to
another customer's account
 Investment purchase or sale
 Loan applications and transactions, such as repayments

• Non-transactional (e.g., online statements, check links, co browsing, chat)

 Bank statements
• Financial Institution Administration - features allowing the financial institution to
manage the online experience of their end users
• ASP/Hosting Administration - features allowing the hosting company to administer
the solution across financial institutions

Features commonly unique to business banking include

• Support of multiple users having varying levels of authority

• Transaction approval process
• Wire transfer


Mobile banking (also known as M-Banking, mbanking, SMS Banking etc.) is a term
used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments etc. via a mobile
device such as a mobile phone. Mobile banking today is most often performed via SMS
or the Mobile Internet but can also use special programs called clients downloaded to
the mobile device.

Mobile Banking Services

Mobile banking can offer services such as the following:

• Account Information

• Mini-statements and checking of account history

• Alerts on account activity or passing of set thresholds

• Monitoring of term deposits

• Access to loan statements

• Access to card statements

• Mutual funds / equity statements


Security of financial transactions, being executed from some remote location

and transmission of financial information over the air, are the most complicated
challenges that need to be addressed jointly by mobile application developers, wireless
network service providers and the banks' IT departments.

The following aspects need to be addressed to offer a secure infrastructure for financial
transaction over wireless network:

• Physical part of the hand-held device. If the bank is offering smart-card based
security, the physical security of the device is more important.

• Security of any thick-client application running on the device. In case the
device is stolen, the hacker should require at least an ID/Password to access the

• Authentication of the device with service provider before initiating a

transaction. This would ensure that unauthorized devices are not connected to
perform financial transactions.

• User ID / Password authentication of bank’s customer.

• Encryption of the data being transmitted over the air.


The Kerala State Financial Enterprises Ltd. has its own website with the name Having a website is an added advantage to enter into e-business. But
the present website didn’t have the provision of e-business. The present website of
KSFE consists of pages that include company profile, services offered, branch list, ksfe
News, latest relating to the company.

The study is designed for creating an e-business website for Kerala State
Financial Enterprises Ltd. The present system of business in the company is without
using electronic transactions but the company has to add some new web pages to
implement the e-business in KSFE.. It is better to the company to add some more pages
to the present website to allow the dealers to make long term investments and deposits.
The design of the study is that the new technology makes the company to go online and
do business thereby increasing customer relationship. In this project the design of the
study is to make a good e-business website and thereby influence the customers and to
make KSFE a competitive firm in the global market.

The tools used for system analysis are interviewing the people in the
Organization, studying the Organization chart to realize the organizational relationships
and direct observation of the system.

System Concept.

A system is a collection of resources working together to convert input into useful

output. Generally a system is a group of related parts that work together as a unit.

A business information system is a system that uses resources to convert

data into information needed to accomplish the purpose of business. The system
development life cycle involves following phases.

 System analysis
 System design
 System development
 System implementation


System analysis is an orderly and systematic process of identifying

and solving problems. It is a formal enquiring into the problems of the system. It identifies
objectives, constraints, alternative solution to problems. System analysis includes analysis of
organizational environment, present system, problems of present system and analysis of
system requirement.

` We call the system analysis process the life cycle methodology since it relates
to four important phases in the life cycle of all business information system.

 Study
 Design
 Development
 Operation
The definition of system analysis includes not only the process of
analysis but also of synthesis which is the process of putting part together to form a new

Existing system

Existing system of KSFE is manual one. It will cause problems to the customers from
withdrawal of cash and other facilities. When a transaction is placed of it must be recorded in
the book and it is a very tedious process in each transaction and at the same in the case of
correction of data. It is very difficult to follow the manual mechanism.

Marketing is a very important subject in business area which is very much in

need of an information website satisfying all kind of people for their shopping needs. Taking
this point into account the existing system is less informative to attract the attention of the
people in the present global village. Today’s life is completely realized on online activities
including online education, online business, online shopping etc. So the existing system is
unable to satisfy these essentials now.

Limitations of the Existing System.

 Time consuming process.

 Lack of data security.
 Inefficiency of services of busy time.
 Tedious manual work.
 Poor service.
 Delay in supplying finished products and spare parts.
 Absence of core banking facility

Proposed System.

The objectives of proposed system are to make some addition to the present
website of the company .The proposed system reduces human intervention and it
increases the user satisfaction. It avoids data redundancy to an extend. The proposed
computer based system is very speedily on comparing with the existing manual system
that can provides the facility of

• Customer service.

• Customer Relationship Management

There are several important decisions ksfe must make in the development of
e- banking services.;
• Top of its priority is to address the companies’ privacy policy and procedures
– which will be scrutinised by the related governmental regulatory bodies.

• Second on the priority list is about e-banking disclosure policies to fully define
the companies’ responsibilities and liabilities and also those of its customers
regarding the e-banking service.

• Next decision is related to the design of the package of e-banking services

offered to its customers. Those e-banking services could be ranging from a standard

package, or a more complex service offerings (including bond purchases, wire
transfers, and e-payments), and even a whole package (including tax payments, cash
orders, bill payment, direct payment, new account enrolments, and commercial cash

• Finally, the development of e-banking service has encouraged the adoption of

decentralised approach to give company more needed flexibility to distribute
online access to a much larger number of employees and potential customers. The
decentralisation approach is motivated by the fact that a decentralised system could
respond to customers’ e-requests in a more timely fashion. In fact, the most
criticised aspect of the current e-banking service is the slow response to customers’
e-requests. Customers do not like to be ignored. Under today’s highly competitive
market, banks must respond to customers’ requests in their e-banking services more
promptly and forcefully

Advantages of proposed system.

• Increase sales.

• Customer purchase goods online.

• Good decision can make.

• Better communication.

• Better Return On investment.

• Enhance efficiency.

• Reduction in manpower cost.

• Increased margins by streamlining processes.

• Enhance the customer satisfaction by timely delivery of vehicles and spare


E-banking connectivity

Branch server
KSFE connect


Branch server

client client


KSFE can offer some of these basic e-banking services to customers:

• Service information online – the bank placed the information and rates about all of
their services online.

• Online account access – the bank allows both business and personal customers to
access their accounts online. Also, customers are able to download account information
directly to their Quicken (or other Microsoft Money financial) software so that they can
incorporate the information in their budgeting and money-management processes –
which has been credited by many of its business customers for more efficient and cost-
effective services.

• E-payment service – for a small monthly fee, allows customers to set-up automatic
payments to be drafted out of their accounts at agreed upon days of the month. Using it

as a competitive edge, this service is should be offered free to employees, senior
customers, and customers with the VIP Golden Web account.

• Other online banking services – such as online application for credit cards, loans, and
online transactions for buying CDs or dealing with IRA accounts.





Manappuram Group has emerged as a force to reckon with, under the

stewardship of Mr. V.P. Nandakumar, the Chairman of the company. Today with 7
companies under its fold, having more than 1,200 branches spread over 15 States of
India and a total business over Rs. 43 Billion, a workforce of over 8,000 and a customer
base of over 2.2 Million

The company was founded in 1949 by late Mr. V.C. Padmanabhan, a great
visionary of his times. The company commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with
money lending activity on a very modest scale. The principal asset of the company was
the impeccable integrity devotion and foresight of its founder. The company soon
established itself as a safe haven for investments of the people of the area providing
absolute safety and assured returns




User friendly Excellent Very Good

FAQ absent present Present

Website Design average Very Attractive Average in Design

Complaint Form absent Present Present

Language options nil nil Nil

Number of Links Average number Many Limited

Site map No NO NO


KSFE web site is User friendly as we can easily move from one link to
another link

Website Design

KSFE Website design is average when compared to other banks. Some

advertisement Pictures should be added.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ facility is provided by TDCB Website.FAQ to clear the customers


Language Options

ksfe Website in not Providing Language Options.

Complaint Form

TDCB Website is providing complaint form for better customer services.

Core Banking

KSFE do not provides core banking. Core banking is a general term used to
describe the services provided by a group of networked bank branches. Bank customers
may access their funds and other simple transactions from any of the member branch
offices. Core banking is all about knowing customers' needs. Provide them with the
right products at the right time through the right channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
using technology aspects like Internet, Mobile ATM. So KSFE should provide Core
Banking for better customer services.


• The company has excellent websites for Services, Infrastructure viz.,

• Has a detailed report and details about the company.

• Detail about services offered

• Site for public grievances

• Customer services link for the help of the customer

• Website contains sites for,


Board of directors

Top officials

Branch list

Ksfe news



Services offered


• Not enclosing financial information of the company.

• Website design is rather ordinary. It has to be improved

• The layout of the website is also not good but average.

• Fonts are also not good. Some fonts in the website are very small.

• There is no site map.

• Not mentioned about Marketing channels





• The Co-operative group, the widening banking group in India..

• KSFE follows traditional banking

• Core banking facility is not available.

• Social Banking.

• The number of customers having e-banking awareness is less.

• KSFE can’t provide ATM facility .

• Language Option is not present.


The study helped me in identifying the modern technologies in banking. The

applications of e-business in the NBFCs are found to be inevitable. In KSFE, the
application of E-business is widely practiced.

Internet technology has led to efficiencies and cost savings in employee

communication and training as well as the processing of basic human resource transactions.
Many companies are installing self service HR systems on intranets to deliver HR – related
services such as enrolling in insurance and medical plans, maintaining employee savings
plans and applying for company jobs. Companies are used web technology to deliver
interactive employee training and HR policy manuals and company directories. Moreover
instant technology has an important role in Finance and Accounting, manufacturing and
production and sales and marketing. Thus e-business in an organization helps to improve its
activities in a better way. Only those organizations, that adopt changes can survive and helps
to retain its valuable customers forever. Thus e-business in an organization helps to improve
its activities in a better way. Only those organizations, that adopt changes can survive and
helps to retain its valuable customers forever.


• The bank should give awareness programs to the customers on e-banking, through

which the rush during office hours can be reduced.

• Mobile alerts and other technology based added features should be provided to the


• Concentrate on improved customer service with an emphasis on information

collection and management.

• Give more training to the employees to use the software’s.

• Introduce Language Option in the Website.

• To implement the proposed system, company must develop software either internally or

through external vendors.

• Awareness must be created with in the employees of the organization about the new software,

its functions and the benefits it is supposed to bring to the organization as well as the employees.

• The company should keep its site updated. The website must be rich, relevant and latest. The

customers should find some fresh news each time they visit the site.

• The site should be maintained user friendly. The graphic content must not be excessive: only

the key elements need be presented graphically. Users like a site that facilitates speedy loading.

• Training must be provided to the employees to work with that software.


 Kotler Philip,2003, Marketing Management, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd

 Chen Stephen(2004),strategic management of E-business, Singapore: John Wiley
&sons publishers

Website referred







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