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To develop Prevention/Intervention strategies that can be used in helping families.

Children and Violence

The New Epidemic: Featuring:

Not all children enjoy the "carefree" days of childhood. Joye M. Carter, MD
Unfortunately, when things start to go wrong, people often
become overwhelmed with feelings of despair and make
Dr. Carter is a triple board
bad choices. This is a time of high concern about violent
certified physician who has
behavior by and against young people. Unfortunately,
specialized in the field of
when the economy declines violence increases often
Forensic Pathology. She became
resulting in the death of young people. Children that grow
the first graduate of Howard
up in a violent or abusive situation can sometimes mimic
University to achieve board
that behavior toward others. As a nation, we are in a period
certification in Forensic
of reflection as to what can be done to stem this tide.
Pathology. In 1992 she became
Helping people avoid or overcome emotional problems in
the first African-American in the
the wake of violence or disaster is one of the most
United States to be appointed as
important challenges. Let’s develop a blue print to solve the
a Chief Medical Examiner.

Learning Objectives:
To identify the warning signs of abuse.

To identify the factors that lead to aversive mental

health/health outcomes in children and adolescents.
February 28, 2011
To identify the role that children/adolescents play in University of St. Thomas
relation to violence as victims, perpetrators, witnesses, Crooker Center
colluders, and peacemakers. Ahern Room
3800 Montrose Blvd.
To develop an understanding of how issues of race, class, Houston, Texas 77006
sexual identity, religion, immigration status and other
factors are interwoven. Communication strategies for Time:
working 9:00 am -12:00
Cost: $35.00
2.5 hours
Beal Counseling Associates
NAACF National Association 2600 South Loop West Ste. 562
on Counseling African
American Families Houston, Texas 77054

Ph 713 337-2457 fax 713 337-2458 |

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