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Human economic activities:

The activities performed by Human. The human activities involives production,

Exchange and Consumption of goods and services in economy. An economic sector is a
certain type of business activity within an economy. The type of goods and services
produced and consumed in a society depend on geography and social customs.
The major categories of economic activities/sectors are:

1: Primary Activities
2: Secondary Activities
3: Tertairy activites
4: Quaternary activites
5: Quinary activities

Primary economic activities are those involved with the extraction of natural resources or
raw materials from environment such as minerals, wood, plants, fish, crops , grains etc.
Primary economic sector workers include farmer, loggers, steelworkers, fisherman and
coalminers. They are know as Real Coller workers

All types of primary economic industries such as:

Animal keeping and
Collection of forest products (timber,bark,leaves etc.)

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