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Checkpoint: Day 5 Wk 2

Skills Assessment Activity

Tamera Mackson

February 10 th 2011

I think that employers could find tests like this useful at work to help identify employee’s skills, abilities,
and their overall drive to succeed. I think that employers could use tests such as this when they are
hiring, In order to get a better idea of what kind of employee a person might be and how beneficial they
could be to the company. I do not think that this should be the only criteria used for anything, but it
could prove to be useful. I think that this test could be useful for current employees as well. When I took
the test, I answered the questions honestly and I had a result of 100 on a 3-150 scale. This isn’t a bad
score, but it could be higher for me. This was actually a bit motivating, because it brought a few things to
my attention regarding my desire to be a success. I think I have been at my current job for too long and I
have lost the desire to better myself in furthering my career.

Tests such as this could help employers to motivate their employees, simply by bringing things to their
attention. I think that employers often feel that when employees grow lazy at work, the only way to
motivate them is to give them a raise. This could save companies money by causing employees to try
harder to succeed. As I already mentioned, the benefit of this test is that it can motivate people to want
to do better and increase their drive for success. A potential drawback could be that people can be
dishonest when answering questions, giving inaccurate results. I can especially see this happening if a
person is taking this test as part of a hiring process, because they want to look good and want to get the
job. This is the main reason that I don’t think this test could be 100% reliable. I think the test would be a
valid test, because it does seem to measure self-efficacy as it is intended to do.


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