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On the Cross, the nation and its strenuous glory march to the field: if we deny the laurel of victory, reach the palm of martyrdom.
2. Our country must be free and independent from any foreign power or sink the island.
3. Living without country, is the same as living without Honor.
4. We work for the motherland, which is working for our children and ourselves.
5. The enemies of the nation, therefore ours, are all very consistent in these ideas, to destroy the nationality although this is necessary to annihilate
the entire nation.
6. There are words that reveal the ideas that attract our attention and our sympathy to the people in that pronounced.
7. Be just the first, if you want to be happy. This is the first duty of man, and be united, and thus quench the torch of discord and will conquer your
enemies, and the country will be free and saved. I will get the greatest reward, the only one to which I aspire, to see you free, happy,
independent and peaceful.
8. The nation is bound to preserve and protect by wise and just laws personal freedom and individual civil and property and other legitimate rights
of all individuals who compose it.
9. The Government should be fair and strong ... and we have no country and therefore no freedom and national independence.
10. Every law is an authority which emanates, and the efficient cause of this radical is, inherent, essential and inalienable to the people of their
11. God is giving me enough strength not to descend into the grave without leaving my country free, independent and successful.
12. Politics is not speculation, is pure science and the most worthy, after Fllosofía to occupy the minds nobles.

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