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Your name: ____ Date: ___25 January 2011______

Primary Mode of Presentation: _X_ Demonstration _____ Information _____ Persuasion

PRESENTATION TITLE:” How to properly tie a necktie “____________________________________


Know how to properly tie a necktie.

Thesis Statement: Once you have mastered the use of a necktie, it will make future job interviews much


June 19, 2011 most of you will celebrate that day in some way because it is Father’s Day or in my
case, my birthday. Time Magazine posted an article in 2008 stating that on Father’s Day nearly 4.5 million
dads will be getting a tie as a gift. I honestly feel bad for them! Who wants a tie?
Today I am going to teach you what Men’s Wearhouse off of 38street in Tacoma, told me is their
number one knot for a tie and what my number one knot for a tie is. The first knot is what I call the MAN’S
MAN tie. It’s quick, simple, and stylish. (Demonstration)

(I will then give the real name of the tie.) “They Clip on Tie”

I. Pop collar
II. Open metal clip
III. Clip on shirt, over top button
IV. Put collar down

The next knot I will teach you is The Four-in-Hand. I learned how to do this knot a few years back
when I was in the military and I still use it to this day. The Four-in-Hand tie is also a very easy tie. I broke it
down into seven easy steps but once you learn how to do it, it will feel much less. (Demonstration)


I. First you need to decide what type of tie and style of knot you want.
A. Color and style of your tie.
B. Interview, business meeting, wedding,
Transition: Make sure your tie matches your shirt
II. Pop your collar and lay the wide end of your tie on the right around your neck.
A. Extend the wide end of your tie about 12” below the narrow end.
B. Cross the wide end over the narrow end, then bring the wide end around and behind the
narrow end.
C. Now bring the wide end back across the narrow end.
Transition: Once you have gotten that far, bring the wide end up and through the loop
III. Keep the tie, tight.
A. Bring the wide end down through the knot in front.
B. Using both hands tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to the collar.
One apparel company executive told the Beaumont Enterprise that he thinks "the current economic
downturn is actually good for his company's tie business. His reasoning: Laid-off workers will need new ties
for job interviews." I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for your time.

Citations in APA format of NON-web sources I consulted in preparing the speech.

Mcfeatters, D (2008) The Necktie been Hung out to dry? Beaumont Enterprise, A.11

Wolf, T (1989) A Hangdog Looks for Dad with the Ties that Bind. Smithsonian Magazine, 20(2) 122

A brief History Of: The Necktie (2008) Time: Special Health Issue, 171(25), 24

This material is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. Contact: Phil Venditti (253.589.5595) /

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