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1. General

The vessel is made of steel, as are most equipment in refinery and petro-chemical industries, and may be up to 10 metres (33 feet) in length and 4 metres (13 feet) in diameter.

Vessels referred to most of the process equipment, example the vertical vessels like Fractionating towers, ReactorE or Separators; horizontal vessels like overhead accUMulators, separators or heat exchanges. In OUr discussion here we will only refer to a horizontal vessel, like accumulator, which is usually used to store liquid, it is therefore,

a very simple vessel a~d contain practically no internal part. .

There are various nozzles for inlets, outlets, instrument connections and other requirement.


A ladder and platform may be required depending on the height of the vessel above ground.

And also they have ,many types of "HEAD". :".< .·ElliDsdldai Head ' .

. ~- ~: '." ' . . ,. . ~

';~ ~:' c .~ _.f.


. ,


':' ". -' .

: ~

• '. ,T

, .

. ,

. '.

', ..

. .

• ~·.I~·:;

. - • I . L •

< •• "~ •


, "

. :,'.' :.

•. .', I.:. ~ i ,

, r


. ' .... '.,

. .,.' .

.'" "

, .":-;



~ .. I '.' _. .


•. ,1 '

.. "

.. f'

'''_ _. \.

I.:,' ._,

, ,'_ ~~

I ,. " :

. r .. ~.~; ,:! ~.:~~. \.;: : .~~ i~

.... ~ .. '

. . _. ~.


;: ,.

~ .

. ,.,

" "

-oj" -4 ." • ~ .. __

", /~ .: ~

~ .'

Fig. 8.1 Vessel Heads

PP-08 ~

2. How to draw 2:1 Semi-elliptical head (Ellipsoidal head)

Ellipsoidal head is the most widely used pressure vessel head.



2" TO 3"± or 2xshell thk.












3. Choice of heads


The choice between head types is a question of economics.

For cylindrical vessel, at high pressure (above about 200 psig) it proves to be more economical to employ the ellipsoidal (elliptical dished) head

with 2:1 ratio of major to minor axis. Flat heads can be employed economically only on small vessels (3 ft.L or ~ess) or on veasels operating at low pressures. Flat heads may be welded to the vessel or installed as blind flanges. Conical head, would be used for the bottom head of a settling drum. Spherical vessel

is ideal for withstands very high pressure, thus it is used to store volatile liquids and gases, but it is expensive in construction.

'4. Terminology of Vessels

(1) Reflux accumulator - A horizontal vessel without internal part used to accumulate the overhead product from the fractionator. The ov~rhead leaves the fractionating tower as a vapour, is cooled and condensed in an exchanger and flows as a liql,lid to the or , Fro. accumUlator~- the liquid pumped back to the tow~r's top tray as reflux liquid.

(2) Reactor - A vertical vessel where changes occur .In it. It contains a reactive catalyst used to rearrange the moleCUlar structure of the stream being fed to it.

(3) Separator - Either horizontal or vertical, used to separate vapor from liquid. Or used to separate two liquids_ which have different specific gravities.

PP-08 %

5. Theory of pressure vessel design - wall thickness calculation

Bas~d on Theor~ of Thin-walled vessel, here is the deriyation of basic formula for calculating the thickness of' vessel due to internal pressure.


'l_ .

The figure on the right sho~s a cylinder with Mean diameter D,

Length L,

Internal Pressure P. (same in all directions) Thickness t.


Consider cross-section "X-X" ; Sectional area of cylinder wall is

Area of full cross-section is

Ax = 1r'Dt,

1'1" D2 -e :-:=-~-===--=-~---".:=t t


)( =~" ~.ru1 7rP

7/J;" H.J/J4:I ·4


(The tensiJestress on wall fibre are not equal,therefore Ax 'based on mean



Take Fx as Force along longitudinal axis. Assumed A~ is the area of a flat end COYer.

The· ayerage pressure act on A~ is

P _ Fx Fx 2 _ A~ - 7rD


Hence, the mean longitudinal 2

7fD. P

Fx 4

s, = Ax = --7r""":;D::-:t--

t~sile stress on cylinder wall is

PD =~

\ t

Consider section ny_YIt,

Sectional area of' cylinder wall is Ay = 2tL Area of full cross-section is A~ = DL

Take Fy as Force along diametrical axis.

I • ..-.,

The average pr-easur-e act on Ay 1s -, ,'

P -..!L -XL

_ A' - DL y

Fy = PDL

Hence, the mean circumferential tensile stress on cylinder wall is

_lL. _ PDL _ PD· Sy - A - 2tL - 2t Y


- - - - - - - -

(Circumferential stress also called hoop stress)

Comparing the two equations (1) & (2), we obtained

Sy = 2Sx Assumed pressure constant and .seamless.



pp-tJ8 1(2

The circumferential stress is twice the amount of longitudinal stress, therefore wall thickness calculation of thin cylindrical vessel due to

internal pressure should base on the circumferential stress which become ,-: :~_'_- .. -,'_,-.::;-~'" the basic formula.

PD S = 2t


PD t = 2S

The theorectical formulae derived for thin-walled vessels were based on

the assumption that the circumferential stress is uniformly distributed across the wall. This assumption is not true; especially if the vessel

wall is thick. Accurate calculation is· still not possible, however, since all the formulae developed so far are based on some erroneous assumption. Experimental stUdies on thick cylinders are still being conducted by several large chemical companies engaged in high pressure operations. Verification of calculation procedUres or developmditof new equations should result

from this work, and methods used by individual company will thus varied.

At present it is necessary to use existing data and employ sizable safety factors to allow for the limited knowledge of thick-walled vessel design •.

The code pUblished by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AS~:E) and that published jointly by the ASME and the American Petroleum Institute (API) are the most widely used rules for vessel design and construction.

The definitions of thin-walled vessels given by

ASHE - Wall thickness is less than one-half of the inside radius. API-ASME - Wall thickness is less than 1/10 of inside diameter.

Working Formulae

The theorectical formulae for thin-walled pressure vessels have proved-_ .,:~. ~. reliable by actual test, and are used in both the ASHE and API-ASME codes •. The codes simply adds a corrosion allowance and includes an efficient

joint factor, the longitudinal-joint vessel formula become


t = 2SE + C

The use. of a mean diameter(D) instead of an inside diameter is an attempt to more nearly estimate the mean stress value across the thickness of the shell. A more convenient equation in terms of an inside diameter can be developed by calling

D D.+ (D. + 2t) = 2

(where D. = inside diameter)


t = PD. + Pt 2SE

Pt PDt

t - 2SE = 2SE

2SEt - Pt = PD • . PD,

t =-:.,-~-= 2SE - P

After consideration of compensation factor by API-ASHE code - Unfired Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids and ~~~~.. Thickness of thin cylinder shell become


t = --;;:-::=-___:_=- + C 2SE - P

PP-08 %

But ASME code - Boiler Code Section VIII; Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, further modified in order to obtain more accurate mean stress value for shell:

t - PR + C

- SE - O.6P

(Note; o.6p ~ O.5P )

(R is inside radius i.e. DI = 2R.)

For thickness of elliptical head, ASME given as PDI

t:·: 2SE _ O.2P + C

P =
DI =
R =
S =
E =
C =
t ::: Max. working pressure, or design pressure)Psig. Inside diameter of shell) inch.

Inside radius of shell course before corrosion allowance is added, inch. Allowable working stress at specific temperature,psig.

(values maybe obtainable from ANSI B31.3 Appendix A Table 1~or ASME/API codes)

Joint efficiency.

(Depend on type'of join~ values varied from 50 to 90%, obtainable from API or ASME codes)

Corrosion and mill allowance, inch. Thickness of shell or head, inch.

The most common manufactul!ed thickness being from 3/16" to 1" in increments of 1/1611; 1" to 1~" in increments of 1/8", and 1}?" to 411 in increments of "".


It should be recognised that shell thickness formulae are based on the thickness required for the stresses created by internal pressure. Loading such as dead loads (due to weight of vessel and contents), wind loads, temperature stresses, and other loads which may occur ~ust be considered separately.Often the wind load on a high tower will govern the thickness of the lower courses of the tower. tlalculations·.of additional thickness due to these loads will not be considered in our scope here.

ASME Extraction

Table 8.1

M""imvm Allowable Eff;d~;e. rot A,e and Gas Welded Joinh

. - B...,f.joiDt ltll.ximum
limitalions Radio- Therm&lIy joint
Type 01 joint effi-ciecc.yl .tnss-
per cent graphed reli.ved' efficiency.
per cent
Double-welded butt joint None ... . .. 80
8in~Ie-""lded butt joint ~ngitudinal joint. not over ll{ in. thick. No 80 • 85
wiUl baeklng .trip' thickness lbnlt.&tioll on c:ireumfe:rentlfLl Joint.8. . 00
. · 95
Single-welded butt joint . Circumlerential ioint. omy. nat over % le, thick. 70 ... 70
without backing etrip ... · 75
Double full-fillet lap Longitooinal joint. DOt over ,.. in. thick. Ctrcum .. 65 ... 6.';
rerentialloint. not 0 ..... % in. thick. ... · 70
Single full-fillet lap ioint! Ctumlerentiallointo only Dot ave' % in. thick i 60 _ .. GO
with plug welds nd ror attachment of head. not OVer 24 in. out- ._. • 65
side diameter 10 shells not D,"Or % in. thick.
Single full-fillet Inp ioint.. For thn attachment of heade eenvex to pressure, 50 ... 50
without plug welds to .bell. not over % in. ;..quired thlokneea only .. - • 55
with use 01 fillet ... Id on i .. i,le of shell; and for
att.achment of b ... do ha"ing P''''U'" on either
side, with SlIet ... eld on outside of head flange
only, to sheUs Dot over 24 in, inside diAmeter
and hot Over J{ In. required thicknc ss, I'Spot exareinaticma ,,1 RU veseela requited by .P1t~ UW...s2. except where IIpcei:ficftll.)· C3:(.'1npted tb-ef1!'Ut.

's.. Par, UW-ll. •

.• See r ... UW-IO. •

... ML'LY be considered, th~ equh'llient ot .. doobte--nldetl butt joint ", e Ithle the ]imi(s ,ken. (SH PST. UW-35(b) and Par. lJA--6.) • !ndit'I\~~ that th.H<l: .'CIpemti-OM have beee pcrionned.

~- / .... .- "'="'. -_:. \. -~ . _ , .

Extractions: -


AS~~ SECTION VIII Code for Boiler Ahd Unfired Pressure Vessels.

(1) Cylinder shell - CirculI1ferential stress (Burst along longitudinal sea!ls)

.... hen t <)ffi

P..:: 0.385 SEt t == PR

SEt - o.6P


P _ SE,lt

- R + O.6t

Note: E; ; efficiency of the longitudinal joint.

(2) Cylinder shell - Longitudinal stress (Burst along circumferential seams)

.... hen t <)ffi P-c::1.25 SEc


t == 2SE+ 0.4p. or c

2SE t P == R - 8.4t


Note: Ec: efficiency of the circumferential joint.

The minimum t or max. allo .... able .... orking pressure of cylindrical shells shall be greater t or lesser P as given by (1) or (2)

(3) Spherical Vessel PR

t '" 2SE _ O.2P

(4) Zllipsoidal Head t '" PDf

2SE - O.2P c


2SE t

P '" _-"""'--_

DJ + O~2t

(5) Hemispherical Head t _ PD.

- 4SE O.4P


(6) Conical Head PDci

t == 2COB 0.: (BE - o.6P)

.' c

Dci '" inside dia!leter of a cone at the point of consideration. inch.

tX == one-hal! of the included angle of a cone at the centerline of the conical head.


API-ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Petroleum Liquids and Gases.


(1) Cylinder shell- Hoop stress

.... hen t <1/10DI P<0.385SE.t:

t == PD.

2S~- P

(2) Spherical Vessel PD,

t "'4SB _ P

(3) Ellipsoidal Head PDII1.

t '" 2SE


mean diameter of shell. inch.

(4) Hemispherical Head t _ PDm

- liSE


(5) Conical Head t = PDc

2SB co s oe c


m~Lln diameter of a cone at the point of consideration. inch.

(when using any above formula. C - corrsion allowance & etc. must be added to I'P.t <'lin. t)


6. Parts of Horizontal Vessel

PP .. 08 ~

Refer to Fig. 8.2.

<D Shell (Shell Plate)

Nominal length is from Tangent Line to Tangent Line (T.L. to T.L.) and Nominal diameter is Inside diameter.

G[) Head (End Plate)

All dimensions are given from Tangent Lines •

. Q) Support Saddles

They have many types depend on shell types and sizes; however, most types are bottom flat and two saddles.

® Manhole

Perspnal acess way for the cleaning, inspection, and lIlS.intenance.

The diameter is 18" to 24". Depend on diameter of vessel and elevation of vessel, it may locate at the head side or side of body.

Inlet Nozzle

Fluid inlet connection which is better if more separated rather than when near· to the outlet nozzle.

® Outlet Nozzel

Fluid outlet or'pump draw-off connection which is projected a little to inside to prevent dust from going out.

(2) Prain Connection Nozzle

Fluid draw-off connection which is installed for testing, cleaning and maintenance.

Size ,is l*" to 4".

(§) PSV Connection NOZzle

Pressure Safety Valve connection shall be installed depending the requirement by law.

@ @ @ Instrument Connection Nozzles

Installed for process requirement such as Level Controller, Lever Gauge, Temperature Indicator and.Pressure Indicator ect.

Fig. 8.2 lIorb:ontnl VMS.,!


~. Vessel Location


Usually anchored saddle of the vessel locates towards the rack or the

'Pump side. .

Because usually pumps are located under the rack and take. suction from vessel bo t t oa , Sinc..;~: piping to pump should be as short as possible therefore the suction line is also at the pumps or rack side. Anchore end located near rack side will haTe a lesser thermal expansion thus seTerity of suction line disruption will be minimized.

'J.J~;X;~'7~ ....

!af -93-

. .;. ~. .~

4 • .'

Fixed Saddle


+---1-. i


!Pipe Rack

Fig. 8.3 Anchore end locates near rack.

8. Staie and ladder

(1) ProTision of stagesor plat{9Tms shall be considered where Ilanways, handholes, LC, line blinds~! and Tal Tes and nozzles larger than 2" are located 2.211 aboTe grade or floor. PlatforllSEshould be Ilade from 14" checkered plate.

(2) Locate ladder near La and 10 for the ease of IlsDntenance and operation.

Fig. 8.4 Example stage and ladder.

,..~ _ 0 c ,.,__ ~ - - ... ...... ... _, _ ..

PP-{)8 %

9. Ves5el EleTation

The eleTation for installing the T45sel shall not be lower than that stipulated on the P &I diagrams. The height from the ground to bottom

of Tessel shall be adequate for the required pump NPSH. Structure may be ~1~~~:~~~> required for eleTating the Tessel.

The eleTation shall be finalised after the pump Tendor data has been issued. ' Since piping drawing always work to centreline, therefore add the raditlS-.'

of Tessel to bottom height to obtain the centreline eleTation of the Tessel.

10. Saddles

Horizontal Tessels are supported by saddles welded to the Tessel shell. Except for special design cases, these saddles should be located abo~t

15% of the vessel length in froll each end, or about 70% of the vessel length (\., apart.

~e saddle near the rack will haTe round holes drilled in it to receiTe .

tlie anchor bolts. this end will be bolted down tightly and this is designated as ~8nchor' end, causing the Tessel to grow away~~troll the rack and the PUllpS..., The other saddle is proTided with slotted holes for the anchor bolts and is no;f bolted down tightly, which enables the saddle to slide on the foundation as expansion or contraction occur. This is called the 'sliding' end. Sometimes a~" slidmg plate is embedded in the concrete grout for the'sliding saddle to rest on it. This is to prevent the extensive sliding which would chip away the concrete.

11. Nozzle Orientation

(1) Pullp Suction

Outlet nozzle at vessel bottom must be located on the same side that the pumps are located to keep the pump suction line a minimum length so that pressure drop will be at the minimum.


:;~ki NOZ7.I..E ;~:-'.' <OUTL£T

' .. ~ <. -",:,~:~,~,,~. c"~_~:~';:~:;-- ~". ~:·fL' .-...~._

Fig. 8.6


It is recommended that pump suction connection from the bottom of vessel shall be extended inside the vessel a minimum of 15Omm. In this case a separate drain line shall be installed in the vessel.

This drain line shall be connected into the pump suction line downstream of the vessel block valve and also to the sewer drain hub.

.; .'... ..

-, - : I •• , ;-:~::

---------1- .... ',."

Fig. 8 ~~~ r M''''~,,,' " ..

-, . ~ .....

vapour outlets,' but- on'1y p.·.py·t-· ... ' .. lt1le·· far endo! the vessel' . vauo·ur:..C'ol.l" (on top of vessel) and be located at the extreme

. quid and vapour. In the vapour phase, ,.called t entrained liquid t. Gravity -tsif the vapour is kept in the 'culated and is called 'retention

vessel length. If the inlet and this length determination would

et must be located at the. opposite

. time for the vapour

usually maintained at the vessel . controller (LC). A level gauge &.LGnozzles should be located

, in the place where easy for

:; 'operator to adju"st . theLG during adjustment.

LC& LG is not\: suitable 'to'loca .: e,at .the inlet side, because the incoming '<:fluid has very).l.igh:' turbulence whicll',would move the float of 10 and

render it. noi'functionpr9pe:tly~'j)i;(2:;:.. . .:

.. If.bridle· is i . not .. , used, .... fout;:i.nozzles.~e .needed ,

'+,',If'bridle isjJ.s~d.;t()rilY·tw6~noizles·are··required on the vessel; see that - .. ·_.,the 'lower·locatecl150inmfromveS6el bottom.

, ", • " -. c -, , . , ' . ~ _ .~.. • , •

. . _, ; .;" ::/\}::_~~ ~~ -)-.- -.,-.-: .:-,~ .::.> ;:~:·~-:·::,~;·:i··i.:'·'"

( 4 ) . ,,:'::i:' .:.:;) ':':.'>: ';""~~;J:{;<;}:.::

A manhole is generall;rlocat'ed.:atthe 'side of the horizontal vessel with the exception.that~lrIliere.the:vessel is less than 700mm in diameter, the manhole 'is located. at the head for accessibility.

The manhole maybe located 'on top of the vessel when a stage is provided. Fig. 8.8 shows the.different possible locations for the manhole. The

most desirable location is noted by. 1.5. Also shown dottedt the manwa;r could be located below the'centreline,lIIaking it a "hillside" connection and the welding is inuchmore expensive. Use this only where dropping

the. manhole is specified by the custom8I'or where doing so would eliminate the need for ,platforming. ",'

(5) ·Vent and Drain.

Vent nozzle on top anddrai~~ozzle . which must be accessible. "; '.' Drain' line connection'Sef;lFig~" 8.7 •. ,. .'

Vent line may g07toatlllosplier"e or connects to !lare h~aders,the P & ID willaefine ,the routirig~ .' ..

at the bottom, both required valves

If it is no1:: 'requiredb;rlaw, . try t()'~·:ayoid.installation of RV.

;.:;. It is more chea.per to'locate RV on the piping going to vessel if' the

t'Ui!),:,;(~~'::~::~i;l;~~ifi~~l~f, I . . "," ~:\ .

'. ,:"'-:i"'-' ~;,?;~i~:.{\,};':Thermowell',,,n.iJ.~¢:ate::,~ear the pumpsuction;:1ine,or in the pump dis- ~ . ;- ':: '.-}:':~,~., .. ' '>;t,~ .. ;: charge _ piping ~j,:;Ne~ero!!~~~te iIi .. thesuc:Hoij 'f;piping, "~his will cause

. ' .. «i';;:.'·.\X:;/;::~":ipreasure drop.:I( the dischllrge::,p~pingt . try'. to locate after. .. ·'(:\:;::-·":i;\'~·iy~;the. combined _diec::b!\rg~:~':~~PIll the operaUng;aad.6pare pUll~ neyer locate' :--.,> .... : '.. .,. ',,::?,;;: \':;~,i/ thermowell i,n.'~ it,lo.nnow,~ortion, because :~h~i·tellpera ture readill.g .... Hl -. -- .

(l~l~i(t,;'W/i;,,~e faise "'~; - .',l'~i }~!) ·'~Y~~1f"¥< ,. '.

. - ~: ~

", .. "

~; .

•• I


Normal '·0"'. B + InsuL+ 9ft: Min.. .fAf- 'IS R~ Max. ··A"zL

. 2 . 2 . 5


Fig. 8.8 General arrangement of a horizontal vessel.

on floor

'.- ~

";': r: ~


:tf~·~/.~;;-·:: .;~

+i -. ., -""~. "--(:*1. ~_· .• ·_.i",;~~


I ;


- .. ,


,Fig. 8.9 Boo,tlegs

12. Bootleg

Bootlet may be needed under the vessel to separate and drwa off water. Since water is heavier than hydrocarbonsi t ,will drop out in the boot and can be

seen in the boot'sLG. It will then:be·drawn off through theLG,:valve. See

Fig. 8.8. Sometimes a globe valve will replace the LC forll.anuallyoperation. When more water is accumulated intheboottbeoperator would slightly open the globe valve and draw off the water until itwsZ below the viewing area of the

LG. The gauge glass is visible while the draw-off valve is operating~See Fig.8.9. Bootlegs are located as close to the calll end of the vessel as possible, away !l?,?111 the inlet end. This gives ample time. for the water to settle to the bottom part of the vessel and drop into the boot.

- 13.


I f



Iv'On::5' :


aUIRED. . .' .' .



O.ARO ORAW/;t.'65. ... ....


·OR Pt.ATFORM. .. . '. . .


FP-08 EX. 0



(1) A cylindrical compressed air drum is 2 ft 3 in. in outside diameter with plates WI thick. The efficiencies of the longitudinal and circumferential joints are respectively 95% and 45%.l'f under certain working temperature, the tensile stress in the plate is to be limited to 10 ksi, find the maximum safe air pressure for this drum using ASME code.

(2) An elliptical head cylindrical vessel 7 ft. inside diameter is sub jecte.ot to an internalt;.pressure of 200 psi •.. Aif the mat 'lis madeofAP15L Gr. A ERW pipe, metal temperature is 750 OF, what is,the requiredthi<:kness

of shell and liead plates by ASME code? Assumed 'corrosion and machining allowance to be O.125" , welded joint quality factor for head is 0.95.

(Ans. Shedil Thk 11/B·'''(1.0604~, Head Thk 111(0.953"»)

( )

R. - 27- I /3 "
2 -
~= 0·95 Ec.. ::= 0.45 t = 0.$"

(- \

s ~ /~OOO ~ Pc :: . Skt t

-e of tJ.6 t

/0,0(0)( 0·95 ~ o.S" /.$ r (J'G ,l(O,S -


/.3 . .3

:= 357'/4 f/~

11 ::: 2S'.Ec. t

.,e ., o.4.t

_ 2x/qooo~O.1§""K~.£"· /.3 ... (),4 J( o-s

. 4S'oO


- 35/. S-~ pd-(' .

? = 200 ;u-<- ,

S,E;:::; 9. / "£..e'

D/ == 7x /.2 = cf4"


t:::: PR := .::(00 x 42

S"E - O.6P . 7/00- t7'b )(2po -

thl =:: 0·9354 r" tJ, 1.2 5' :::;

= 0.9354 I;


_/ I "_t. It' , I, [;1>1 = /8




'PP-I.3 EX. Vi


("1) CalcuJ\ate the NPSH available for the pUlllp installed as shewn below.




..&-----! ... If..tJt.

, ' '

Standard steel pipe ~f 3" nominal size is used in the suction liDe ot le.a.gth ;OJ. Flow rate 30tt~lIIin.

The fittings to be co.sidered are: one La elbow, one gate valve,' one straiaer (10 ·xGTV) aad olte reducer.

Frictional losses should also considered'entrance loss from

tank. .

The water is under standard ai:r: condition at sea level, :~:j.~_;" .. ~ .

. te.perature of. \later is 20°C. (!=O.03) (AIls . .31.2'7 f:·~t,.)

(2) Process department required aD. inline pump capable to deliver 132 gplll ~ub.~, .

. ' Gi·l.· ... troll an .~ell header to a vented vessel both iocated at the level -

-higher tha:a. the pump. The lowest liquid level of header to grade is EL +100' ~he highest liquid level ot vessel to grade is EL +365J•

Use the cataloques provided by BIron JacksOR Pump,select the cheaper and suitable pump set which can do the job. (Neglect trictioa losses but consider.?Q% extra tor total head).

State (i) Estimated total head (,AM' . .1/2 jt:~~)

(ii) Pump type selected

(iii) Impeller casing·size

(iv) Pum, working' etticienc;r CAN. 42·89.)

(v) .:~lcula ted Bhp '.:':' :,." ":'. ,:" :~':;i;-'~' GAMs,' 2.1·,) .IIP)

(vi) ~~s" power .. 9'f lIo1;qrJ.o_pe_l'urchased if moto't!ie ~C%. _S"'''$· 2S HPJ

(vii) HPSB required. . (~s. 9 ~~,.,


c ;

(3) A pump is to transfer water at 15°C to a etorage taAk at a rate of 29 L/s.

The total trictio.a. loss tor the system at design tlow bas been calculated to be 4m. The driver is to'be a 1450 rpm electric motor sized tor nOAoverloading operation. Select a suitable pumpset tor the s~stem as shown below. Using AJAX PUMP cataloques for selectioA.

~~_I-_-_I (}'_~_N_SX.;._<!T._;_;lA -t __ ~

S ta t& (i) Pump head genera ted in III. . ",""z. /1,.,.,) .

(ii) Pump model selected, interpret the suction,discharge nozzle sizes,

a.a.d impeller nOllinal size in mil.

(iii) Impeller diameter in 11111

(iv) Estimated operating power in !W.

(v) Estimated power at 1IIlX. tlow rate in KW. (vi) Power of electric motor jur.ehasea in ltV. (vii) Calculated NPSRA in m/and check with NPSBR it this pump is


ta:lsumed '8uction 10s8 is 1 :5m)

(-4ns. 'o¥.< I:::W) (A~. 4.~ kw)

~"..s~ 27·'tJ-4S 2~·7~7¢


..5= /5-3;::: /2



SrRAINi"R ,ReD E-vr

(YEs.sel. Oq'TUr')


1- ~4. = I tV'h7 . = .3 3 . 9 / H; 0 ' ;,: !£!;: 0.02.337 6(1/· = 0.02337 x 33·46 :: O. 7R 2

Ij> ,.-;/

( / &.u-;::::- 33. ro ::: 33.4' .u #;0 )

/. 0/325 I'

I L;l L (Q / f go I

~/s =J D 2~ =.f'D- ;;-= (0.03) - J.?~l x

if d /2

= 9.399 X /.47.3.

= 13;844

_. S'-1f:r -f. (~-Pv~)(/-t-4) =/2-13:g441-(33,9~o'7t'2)

cI = 3/.27 /1 ","'t1to ,

( '2)

Tor,._( H~"d H = ~" _"}aI ,t Iys f (Pq _~) (/;4.)

fist = 36;S -. /00 - 2 ae ' ("""'~ vo./.p t ~j~'~ """.4,) ~d == 0

-:V,S' :::; 0

Pa' =Ps

~: Totet/ )./~di.()/ 1-1:::: 26S + 265 x 20 fl, = 311 jt:wder.

/.n ,/ r r /"", ·W rrak"-<',4 /.3 ~"o-J • rrs. J',//"" 0":1 fi~ ,d r.: r:.'i, ~nJ07 \l' e4 C/''''' v'o ~t' //3. f 71"" vs ,hJ I' "';',j d,

(II) Pf-<h,.,P 5'/e's~de4' ~ 1.&)( 2 x lo~ II

(Iii) Jh'_/v4r ~ _4.j~ ,:.r /O,f['" «(4. ,

(/') Ib»p. N>7Yl:-/';j 7ru~7 ,j- -;',7.8.% (~,h,~LdT"'" eo ..... , _)

(V) .80/':::; 1..32. )<0-2 X-...3IS

. 3760-xO,4.28

"ev,) Mdt"oY H.P = .. 2;2.3 0·9 (vii) NPJ'f-j'1w,'!

.= 22.3 liP

.:= 2Sl,p. 9 If. p.)"'/o-

(fO?t.) Cql-V~" ba..J-.rd' t-i'/ //tP- J cl/~) CY /32 tf'pk7 w..-ic.<,.i 10 / ~tZ/.f'I- X ().9 )

( 3 ) !-Ist'::o 12 - 5' ::= 7 h?

29 L,/s 1/S II m


( \

r/; j PUA,?ve t h?t7dd 125 x 100 - 200 MS.5 uvcft'(il) d/CI/nett"r /25 I'n/YJ

..!:J.tSCA4?e ~~h7pt('"r /oo )?'rr) J7t'..,(/; .... J? CJ?n (~lo/ dlc~ hN: t?' r

(I'V) £sl/~;Icu'".rc/ rpertV'";-;; rou~r /~ 4,2 kW. (r?) jJ(rr~'·JCeCUlI/f) (v) -f sd/h,4,..( ('/ =:: ctT m,t1.x. /htV ~--~ 4. (; kW.

(./;t;{"' ~cr.J~ fl?tJ.K. ;l7Q1v I--ri..f .... ~OC/ucf'cI 7 I.1e .a/ect?/

/(fl-'1x.//t r / j 43 Lh, 7tJ"h' c,u,r've ) . .

<VI) 11:XNf'r of e/Rcfr,'C 1nt:7-tcr rrc.l,4r.ff'd,:S S'.$ kJ'l (f~"T~'~o/)

(VIi) /-or .std,:rjAv/rn-; ~e;-a.ho-n.. Cj /tfn-.;;, NPSHA > NP,J'IfR


'. -

;:::r()711;::wz.,jrrvnA/?Ce ~V('3, N?sflR.. == /.42 m

NPs If /t ~ ~(a_f;-c -soc rrf:,?,. /;Utt:l ~ Frr~f,~'7 ../C$.r /"1 c{.f c tt~;; -:fL0;'~~ -I- AC;nr~r~c ~ ,'~~4""" V~r~. 7'fe~u(

• '. N,PSJlA :::: 5/17 - /..5 M + 10·.33 m - (a,)' .Ptei.' Cd"'(/.)

. 10·3.3 X 0. 0/701 .

I. 01325

(-fi-v--.t't"ecu.., ra.6.& 4/5 ~ c )

- /.3~6$ m SVtce 13'65 > /·42



I ..

. '.. i. . .

1. C~lc~late the nominal iite of a storage!tank construct~d' b~ -,

steel plates of specific jizeI829x9144~6 ..

It has 8 courses and 10 plates per bourse.


Check with cal eu I at i on the min i.mum shell ith i c k n e s s i ninches in each different course of i c~nerooffank~ in accbrdanc$. with the Docie API-G50, para. 3.3.3. The··1;ank was hydrostatic, tested, corrosion al lowancei~ 1/16~. st6~a~e capacit~ i., . 67,000 oil barrels. The soil be!:i,ring al lowa the height of,th~ tank to be 48 feet; maximum tansi Ie stress is 21,000 psi and welded-jointefficienc~ is 0.85"~Check the suitable nom,inal diameter . of the, tank 'and d e be rm i n e 'th~' approxi matestee I

plate size .and quantity per c~0rsefor fabrication~

Note: 1 oil barrel = 5.6154 cubic feet •

I .'



, \


. ".

~oSE/1-9-&7 ij>



Hc = /0 Nn = ~
ip 9144 At ;::: ~J29 }HI71
- h7m
1/ - 0 mlr)
.D =- Nc '. I.e> -4
- 10 x '1.144 -{,
= 29, /00 rn rr: 0-1 29 I h';
( H ~ 'W
- J .>( t<f29
;:::; 14, 632 m"Y) M /4, ,
hi -- _._._._._--

--.------L-~- _ _......_~_·_·, _......,+__~~.L ... __ _._ __ ~ __ ~.




c ::: J1'~ ::;:- o.06:::.s ,- I

D == J 4- x V ~ fix 67000.J( 5. 6 154_ = 99.9 J :-12.

?r H 4-c9 7)- ~q__q jt_

C/rC«ffJ/e--u~!;J 9f /~hk. /.Y ?r D.= .3 /4.2 '

.£ ded rt'''-''' s:i~ r,. ..3 0' M ,&4~..; ,// 1'1:1'(.-; /"'-- coc,-(Vf' .."Kf ~J£(/~~. ( o/Apl- __pkr'f. 1)1'" a/.u; qccf"t'~~) .

le-ra:..(' Ctrt..c.-f4.<'-6 ~ = 6 ~ . . .

t- = (2,6. ) (D) {If ":" /.J (6_J. -I- c

(0, as.) ( 21000)


H z: 4/ jI'.

(2·6) (100) (17;" I) + o. Ob.2 S O . .?s >( 2/000


- 0.014-57 (N-I) 1- 0-0625

... t

~"":;'. .."

.,: '

1st COtrl?.J'€ t,.= o·O/4s7 <4R-1) +CJ.06.2S == o. 7473 ~

21?c¥Cuv-N"c . t:;J. = 0.0/4S7 (40-1) +0,06.25 _ 0.6307" 3rc:l CottRS'E t3;:::: 1)·0/4$7 (32-1) f-O.C'6.25 - 0.5112 (, 4-1-4 C(Ju.{\l'c ~ = O.(J/4-S7 {2¢-I)_rO.o625 = 0."S77611

~:: ::::' ~ ;:. ~~; r;: --:~ : ~: :~;: = .~i{g~i;,)ji- _<i:f.~~~~ .+~~~~~~-~


~c _ - __ .. ~ __ ~_--.--

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!<',. ',.

• • ' •• ". • ~ 1

':/ :

. /.

".,' .

. ',:


Nc' LD

" I~ .

_ lOX 9144

.". "... - b

. ", .. ?r .

. . -,;.

"._ '.. . '.'.

= ,29./00\'Inn? .

. -. 1, ' ',"

-,,".,.>~.,,~-.~. '."_ ._.- .

J-f - ..... A1t .. w P' - J X {<f2.9

- . I~ 632. 1nJf?

------:-----:=---- .. -_. __ ._--

. __ ---- ----'-_ ... _-_ ..


G :: I


H z: 41 r

D .. =J 4x V. ~/~x670(0)(S.61.54 LJI') 9 J....Il .

. = 7-7. . - /00 //.

?r H. 4-.;? ,/). . If' "

C/rc(.(o/€-u;vt,(J Ltyt.{ r;f hUlA.- /s: trb ~ .3/4:2 I

.J dee/ ~de" Sje t")(-!~i~ .... ae/.tc/f~// e1R-'!r.r--C~r~

A4.~!u'reol '. (O_/..{p.~ /,kc;1> 1;Ij<' t:t.Lcu; C/.cc7rA6<~). .

Tortt/ c¢-t~-<5 ~ = / C/Ju--...{C1 •.

. 8 it? '-V~.

r;::;:.· (2.6) (D) (1-1 -I) c01 .;- c

." (q.J>$.J ( 2{ 000)

t-.;= .(2.6) (100) (h'-I) + 0.06.25 = 0.0/4-.57 (H-!)f 0.0625

, .'. O. J>5)( :2~OOO ..

1st C()er/M'e .i/=O.OI4S7 (-7FR-I)+CJ.o((.25 == O~7473'1 2nc/ Cou-tV'e .t-j..;;: 0.0 1 .• IS7 (40-1) + 0.06.2$ _ 0.63074- 3rc/Cotll?S'E· t3 x: t>·OI4£7 (32-1) -I-o.tJ6.2,5 - 0:5/12 ~ .

. . <1-t/; CfJtI~£·t4~ O,()I4-S7 (2¢-/) rO.0625 := 0 . .377£,'1 _:sr./; CC:fr1.'Fh/~s/; 0·,014$7 (Ir; .. /) f 0.06;;,$ =: ;O,2JlII v';

6 r-7 iYO-;/isi--·· t6=·o. O/¢~7 (ef - /) -f 0·06:25" ~ (). 1645 " /, .

. ...h acc.OrcAr/Jce.~;--.1 ·A,PI,,£50 Au?:? 2.3 .. J h,: t6· sAa.// .6~. 14. "./)1/1'). M O.'2S;li1In: .


" ....

i ~ ~ :';;.~~ "'-

: ,>- - '0,_

, -; l

L ~ A ',' ••

. "'L~'M·"~··;:'~"Oi;lI· jII;-'.,. •• O':;""';"~.<L~~ .,;..,.;:.~:..~"';l~_._ • ,----=...~.

· J' • 2.. :) the hydrostatic tested thickness in

, inches, in each different course of cone roof t.ank, in accor-dance .

with the code API65Q, para. 3.3.3. Assume the tank nominal .

diameter is 160'~' height of tank shell is 40', standard width of plate is 8', where the maximum tensile stress shall be 21,000 psi',

joint effiCiency factor is 0.85, corrosion allowance 1/16". ~ . "

.._, ,~q.;.:r ';f' .J..j



.t ;.1

r , .. r


i..1 .


I 1 .j. (

i I.

r .~ ,

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· 1 .

1 .. ; '.' ,

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l '

... ,

2~6 x /60 (#-1..) O. rflS X 2 ~ (;(7 0

(p, (}t?33 (/1-/) -f- 0.0625


"' I


O.OR.33 (¢o-/) + (),062S = 0.'1772'1

: "111· .... ,_,1,- •••



~, "

4T#€ t4 = 0.0233 (/6-/) + 0.0625 := 0.4120" TOP C£)ttRSc is' = 0. :Cl233 ( 6'-1..) + s. 0625= 0·22 S6"

" . ,

J' I

f •

" ,



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