Feb 13

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Saint Paal Catholic Charch Father Gerard Hurley, Pastor 5971 Highway 25 Flowood, MS 39232-7101 CHURCH OFFICE: 601.992.9547 Deacon Frank Agosta (Thursday) deacon@saintpaulcatholicchurch.com {cathy Port (IM, T, W, F) i¢e@saintpaulcatholicchurch.com ears a : 7:30AM except on Wednesdays Wednesday Ma Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-4; Wednesday evenings, 7:00PM-9: Sacrament of Reconciliation GREAT LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES! 1) Adults and Youth Pray the Rosary before the Mass on Wednesdays — for Vocations! 2) Take time each day to read the Daily Bible Readings. atl your Bible out on a table; visible! 3) Have Rice Bowls for every family—not just those in the Religious Education classes. }) | decided to make an effort to_attend Stations of the ross every Friday during Lent. There is NUT a better way to remind us of what Lent is really all about! | am made aware of what He really went through. (1 have been disappointed in the attendance in our Parish.) Once | made a decision ta REALLY work on myself during Lent, | specifically chose to work on my anger. | went to see a Counselor once a week for the six weeks of Lent—It made a huge improvement in my life! It was a Resurrection Experience. 8) | keep running a list of what I've done annually to cel- ebrate Tent, adding a positive Eien edC am ay Service activity each year to Prayer and Sacrifice. | oo! forward to making my annual choice of Charitable/ Coma Service; ce to DO for someone else. This year | am focusing on quilting for the Reihle family. 7) | know that |, myself, tend to prey for stuff that in- volves me, family members, and friends. Wouldn't it be neat though if everyone at St. Paul took an the task for Lent of praying for something important that doesn't directly involve them—intercessory prayer. We as a community could make a difference in the world if we all focused some intercessory prayer on important issues. For example, for Lent | am thinking of praying an extra Rosary every day so that more families might offer more support in pouring priestly vocations in their children, Someone else could pray one evenytiay for an end to abortion. It could be a simple aE ‘osary, no- vena, chaplet or whatever. There are a lot of situations that need God's grace in the world, like poverty, peace in the Middle East, people who struggle with addictions, mental illness, domestic violence, and so on. We each could take on the task of interceding for our brothers and sisters who suffer from such things. This Lent could be a great opportunity for the people of St. Paul Parish to make a big difference in the world. After all, St. Paul himself seid in Ga/atians that we are to "bear one an- other's burdens”. | hope this might give someone an idea of what to do or we could do this as a Parish pro- ject. February 13, 2011—Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 13th, 2011 “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him, this God has revealed to us through the Spirit". ~1 Corinthians 2:9-10 Readings for the Week Feb 14—Feb 20 Mass Intentions of the Week Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mk 8:11-13 7:30AM Healing for Lucrecia Coolen uesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Mk 8:14-21 7:30AM Special Intention Wednesday: Gn 8:6-13, 20-22; Mk 8:22-26 6:00PM Special Intention ‘Thursday: Gn 9:1-13; Mk 8:27-33 7:30AM Special Intention Friday: Gn 11:1-9; Mk 8:34—9: 7:30AM Special Intention Saturday: Heb 11:1-7; Mk 9:2-13 5:30PM Dr. W. H. Merrell Sunday: Ly 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103; 1 Cor 3:16-23; 8:00AM ‘Anna Mau Nguyen Mt5:38-48 10:30AM Richard Franklin Prayer List of Parishioners Dennis Antici; C.£. (Gene) Phillips, husband of Teresa Phillips; John Oltremari, husband of Barbara Oltremari; Joan Goodman; Helga Morris; Carol Ann Mullen; Gary Harkins; Elsie Berryhill; Mary Ann Galle; Mary Doris Reihle; John Bonelli; Mary Ellen Haslob; Wilma Pickett; Kayleigh Hall; Alice Mitchell; Lloyd (Hot) Long;, Deryl Guillory; Tommy Jordan; Rose Morris; Jack & Judi Wood; Tommy Autrey; Brynn Cullom; Joan Galloway; Karen Simmons; JoAnn Guillot; Frank Buras; LaVerne Finley; Patty Butz; Michael Vaughan; Donovan Flaherty; Jayanne Barrett; Norma Brewer; Antonietta Smith; Holly Wallace; Brian Kirby; Teresa Spain; Judy Westerfield; Mary Young; Andrew Beadle; ‘Alma Bossen; Frank Graham; Wayde Plauche; Bryce Spony Kathleen Hawkins; Chris Dixon; Mary Jacq Easley; Ann Benandi; Maria Strani; Kathy Davis; Logan and Bessle Duncan; Jeanne Butler; Zenovia Wendel; Joe Frede; Gula Guillory; Judy Wag- goner. Prayer List of Family Members and Others Cooper Antic; Jerry & Barbara Patrick, father & stepmother of C.t Bennett; Molly Elizabeth Boyd & family; Diane Jaufre, friend of Loui Piptone; Blaine Knight; Ann Burs; Mark Meluso; Connie Smith Jen- jer Martin; Clarence Heintzelman; Paul Farmer; Bobby Pace; Patricia Rehm; PFC Derrick Wilks; Kenneth Iitchll, James Bounds; Selena Ratliff; Stephen Ray; Joy Bryant; Linda Cooper; Bob Latham; Joe Mecreary; Bo Collendar; Chris Marble; Milicent Painter; Keanna ;, Anna Grace Dennis; Bessie Murray; Tommy Massey; SuSu McRoiney, tls House; Geoft sinning: Coyleigh Durr famiy; Michele Wilson & family; Bobbie Hickman; Mai Danny Janet; Wile liam Lee; Don Shearer; Ron Grissom; Bobbie Galloway; Carlo Martello; Paul & Anne Galle family; Christie Mclendon family; Martha Grant; ‘Wayne Ray; 806 Murphy; Polly Walton; Kathy Cutrer; Lindy Castle; Milton Semanek; Shaw Family; Carol Campbell; Harold Brown; Jon Pickett; Blanche Stauss; Sandy & familly; Don Gohman; Pete Watson; Verlin Murphy; lan Martin family; Bob Lunceford; Chad St. Pe; Todd Nick; Steven Mullen; Wesley Philips; Jeffrey Simon; Eileen O'Carrall; Sam’ Williams; Bill Olexe; John Munn family; Martha Smith; Sal Var- isco; Linda Burke; Donnie Skermetta family; Gene Wilson; Travis Levit; Sharon Watson; Amelia West; Beverly Burnside; Ava Julian; Kurt Har- fis; Mary Helen McGraw; Seth Miller; Linda Bond; Willis Brumfield; Jesse Carr; Mrs. Fritz Morgan, Jr; Bob & Janet. Roiey; Debbie Rigby; Gary Cralger; limmy Soper; Betty Gollot; Anna Mullen; Ellen Sobotich; Charlie Underwood; Kolby Martin; Rita McDonald, Sidney Smith; Marty Bisek; Blake Hall; Kathy Wilson; Lilfian Hall; Elizabeth & Amy Catherwood; Mark Edwards; Bernice Hall; Miriam Brown; Fairley fam- ily; Bobby Rhodes; Kay Migues; tynn Roberts; Kim Saxton; Jacob Dan- fels; Carole Netherland; Carrie Manlscalco; Bob Hole, Virginia & Alex; Patten Lane; Kanely Lemke; Ashley Evans & family; Jordan Gaughf; Son Gooch; Burley Smith; Mary Jansen; Imelda Jiminez; Michelle Saenz. St. Dominic Hospital Ministry Hospital Mini On Tuesday, February 22nd we will be tak- inistry ing lunch to the families of the patients in the ICU at St. Dominic Hospital. There are sign-up sheets in the vestibule for your donations of sandwiches, cookies, brown- ies, fresh fruit, assorted chips and assort- ed beverages. Please call Ro Agosta or Jane Hipp with any questions about pack- aging requirements. Thank you in advance for your generosity! CALLING ALL STAY-AT-HOME MOMS! Would you be interested in having your own “Young Moms” group, somewhere you could ‘come with your children and get to know one another while receiving some Spiritual nourishment? We want to establish an interest in such a ministry! Call 601.829.3397. TAKE NOTE OF THESE UPCOMING EVENTS... February 15....Women’s Guild February 22...St. Dominic Ministry February 26....st. Joe Draw Down March 4....Healing Mass and Brunch March 9....Ash Wednesday th Annual Italian Festival in Cleveland, MS e Stations of the Cross w/ supper to follow -7:00PM Holy Thursday Mass April 22...7:00PM Good Friday Service April 23.”-8:00PM The Great Easter Vigil May i... First Holy Communion May 12....Sacrament of Confirmation May 27....Learning Center Graduation Stewardship involves more than the gift we bring to the altar. Today's readings say clearly that it is fidelity to God’s law that makes our offering acceptable. a) Ta lhy Tkew ean onttiarausr Ls = Faith, Formation News If you have questions or concerns about religious education classes or upcoming events, call the Faith Formation Office at 601.919.3962 or contact Sarah O'Donnell through her office email, rel.edu@saintpaulcatholicchurch.com. ‘Our Parish Religious Education (P.R.E.) classes take place on Sunday mornings at 9:15AM for K-6th graders and on Wednes- day evening from 6:00PM-8:00PM for 7th-12th graders. If you need a calendar of classes, please stop by the Faith Formation Office in the Family Life Center. Faith Formation Classes for Adults Sunday mornings—9:15AM in the Adult Lounge Wednesday mornings—10:00AM in Adult Lounge Wednesday evening RCIA—7:00PM in Room 1 ‘Thursday evenings—6:00PM in Room 101 ‘Thursday evenings—6:00PM in Room 109 Thursday evenings—6:30PM in Adult Lounge All classes are held in the Family Life Center. Call the Church Office for contact information and exact dates of the gatherings. 4 The next gathering will begin at 7:00PM on Wednesday, February 16th in room 107 of the Family Life Center. Rod- @ ney is the Presenter for this session, Eucharist, Signs & 3 Symbols, which is Chapter9 in your “We Believe” book. ‘Stewpot Food Pantry welcomes all non-perishable food family-size packages. The greatest need is for high-protein items, such as canned meat and fish, dry beans and peanut butter. During February, we suggest donations of rice and rice dinners, dry potatoes and potato or noodle dinners, complete pancake mix, maple syrup, fruit juice in plastic containers, and tea bags. Thank you for your consistent generosity! Anyone 7th-12th grade is welcome to join! Ragan-601.829.0995 Chad-601.829.9522 SAINT PAUL YOUTH BAND J Practice takes place on oS bin Ors Sundays, 5:00PM-7:00PM Soul Food for Catholic Young Adults in Jackson will meet: March 3rd, speaker-Ms. Sara Burrow April 7th, speaker-Fr. Scott Thomas May 5th, speaker-Susan Doolittle The gatherings take place at 6:00PM, Scrooge's Restaurant, 5829 Ridgewood Road, near Atkins ‘Blvd. If you have any questions, contact Sara Weisenberger, 601.317.5979. We acknowledge and appreciate the beautiful arrangement of flowers placed in our Church this weekend, donated by Ryan and Jarrett McHenry in loving memory of their father, Thomas McHenry. Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of Terrence Wray, husband of Rita Wray; John Castelot, brother of Mary Haslob; Gail Murray, mother of Barbara Bisson; and Carl D. Blatt, husband of Ginger Blatt. Our KCs will have their monthly meeting, this Sunday evening, (today) February 13th. Please make every effort to attend. See you there! FYI—Our Knights will not be hosting a Ps Family Breakfast during February. Women in HGnisry ‘Woments Guild Our_next meeting will begin at 7:00PM ‘on Tuesday, February 15 in ou Family Sos Life Center.’We will be playing Bingo. I you have a “white elephant to bring for a prize that would be great, however, it is not required. Come enjoy the evening! VISITATION OF THE SICK—Please keep our Church Office informed so we may minister to those who are ill or injured, at home, in the hospital or in a nursing facil ty. Also, please let us know when to add names or re- move names from either of our Prayer Lists id you get a new cell phone for Christmas? Our Learn- ing Center still collects old cell phones as a fundraiser. Please drop them off at the Church Office or their Office. FYI—The St. Joe Draw Down will be held on Saturday evening, February 26. For ticket information call Becky Adkins at this number, 601.898.4803. F¥I—Contributions by automatic withdrawal are not in place yet. We will send information at a later time. Relevant Radio is the largest Catholic talk radio network in the U.S. with 30 stations and affiliates in 12 states. Rele- vant Radio broadcasts “Talk Radio for Catholic Life” mostly in a listener-interactive format, and also offers free live streaming audio, and free podcasts of favorite show seg- ments from its website, www.relevantradio.com. Baptism Preparation Class Sunday, February 20th 2:00PM-3:30PM. In the Adult Lounge of our Family Life Center, for anyone planning to participate in a baptism in the next few months. Thank you for contributing to the Catholic Home Mission Appeal. $1752.00 was collected! PO%209 % v ¢ @ February 13th Teiags % 3.4 BV ee Children’s COLLECTION UPDATE: Collection Last week's collection: $21,935.95 ae Building Campaign Update Total st Soa 80.05 Total Loan $1,903/028.00 Loan Balance $635,437.20 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS, THEY HELP PROVIDE THE BULLETIN FOR YOU. IP Dee aes ae Prep Cennin, Owe JMC 9%o We ‘17 Lad De, Se Jonn M. Couerre PAT BROWN § duspams ta re e ee =] ital com moe: ee cee Parhbioces a wor cys (601) 497-3275 “i=: | Karen Arender opmaiceme | OR te ce snastecee PaaS” pat hinzetcntn sn Nis 39 Paw BYRIE, FICE rmce [yw rrone-sus: ery senaesscxugeon oessst [Email paul byme@keiC oy DAN L. HAMMOND {6o1)982-4700 Mississippi's Best Nurses om, Hop Nuvng Home Tce “het aiipenden Lig ‘Gol, Home Maer Tacurance Honored - Workers Compensation ne cuaeeeti SOUICE [Pirin “Fenn erase HMMA seamesg. ate | TMOT STHY T.CARNEY, D.MLD. worncprofessionalursingeare com sate ( mnie Siiwateee ees J : Eas pees SGpéates Fer wesgs, Baby Sows ct oe Cah Rheson rer “0 Meco Line Fwoa, i 5232 r |Call Us For All Your Hom Sr 185 Pas eres RESERVOIR LOC-N-STOR ew ni Across From The Sleep nn MINLSTORAGE Motel At Airport Rood Roofing (601). 932-8880 ey Ae e€SOUTCeS Aa. Deis etna at a A ee 0 Bax Drandn MS HTH HOMELAND etsipy 30157 Porshione? 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