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The Beauty of Fairytale Crater

Tangkuban perahu is an active volcano; it is located 25 - 30 kilometers north of Bandung direction of Lembang. The
stunning panorama of the crater is mixed with a tea plantation area which appears like a huge green carpet covering those
hills around the mountain. Mt. Tangkuban Perahu is fond to visit. The name translates roughly to "overturning of a boat"
or "overturned boat" in Sundanese, referring to the local legend of its creation.

The story tells, Sangkuriang, a son of Dayang Sumbi, was back from his adventure. Clueless, he found his beautiful
mother and fell in love with her. Dayang Sumbi recognized the adventurer as her long lost kid. Sangkuriang forced her to
marry him. Did not want to hurt him, she told Sangkuriang to build a vast boat for their honeymoon, just in one night.

All night long, Sangkuriang built the boat and the dam with a help from his friends, ghosts and forest fairies. Feared the
boat to complete, Dayang Sumbi asked other women in the nearby forest to help her. So the women punched the grains
with grains puncher to make noise which disturbed the ghosts and fairies.

Morning came before they completed the boat, and the ghosts and the fairies ran away, chickens woke up and welcoming the dawn.
Sangkuriang was left. Enraged, Sangkuriang kicked away the boat to the downside, and it turned into a mountain.

Now after an explosion long ago, the huge crater in the mountain offers an
astonishing view. We could explore the beauty of the crater around two
hours. The sulphur fumes still emit from the crater though it is not
particularly active.

P l a c e t o s t a y There are numerous hotels covering every budget case around Bandung city.
But if you have the intensity to stay longer near Tangkuban Perahu, there
are numerous hotels in Lembang (North of Bandung) and experience the
ambience of country side whilst breathing a clear air which is hard to pursue
in the city. Don’t worry there are available also some of restaurants and
warungs are scattered around Tangkuban Perahu. But if you want to
experience a different vibe there are various eating places around Lembang

1. Who Sangkuriang mother's name?

2. How far is Mount Tangkuban boat to Lembang Bandung?

3. How many nights Sangkuriang must build a boat?

4. With whom Sangkuriang build a boat?
5. what happens after the chicken bark?

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