Measurement of Field Compaction

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Measurement of Field


The required test to determine at any spot of the compaction area wheather the
density value is reached or not.

Nuclear method

Use radioactive isotope which is Cesium 137 at the soil surface

(backscatter) or from a probe placed into the soil (direct transmission). The
isotop give off photons usually gamma rays which radiate back to the meter’s
detectors on the bottom of the unit.

Dense soil absorb more radiation than loose soil and the readings reflect
overall density.

Advantages of this method are fast, easy to redo, and more test can be
conduct and increasce the accuracy of the value obtain by statistical. The
disadvantages of this method are the radiation, high in cost to handle, and
profesional workers handle. Errors than can occour in this test are miscalibrated,
and rocks in path of testing cause problem.
Sand Cone Method

A small hole is dug in the compacted material to be tested. The soil is

removed and weighed, then dried and weighed again to determine its moisture
content. A soil’s moisture is figured as a percentage. The specific volume of the
hole is determined by filling it with calibrated dry sand from a jar and cone
device. The dry weight of the soil removed is divided by the volume of sand
needed to fill the hole. This give the density of the compacted soils.

Advantages of this method are cheaper, large sample, and more accurate.
The disadvantages of this method are the many steps need to remember, large
area required, and slow. Errors than can occour in this test are void under plate,
sand bulking, sand compacted and soil pumping.
Rubber Balloon Method

This method determine the density in-place of compacted soil using

rubber baloon apparatus. This method is not suitable for very soft soil which will
deform under slight pressure or in which the volume of the hole cannot be
maintained at a constant value.

An annular device is seated on the prepared ground surface, and the

balloon apparatus is placed and held down firmly on the ring. Than water is
forced into the balloon under pressure of 2 to 3 psi to obtain an initial volume
measurement to correct for ground surface irregularities. The apparatus is
removed, a small holl is dug, and the apparatus is replace. Water is again
pumped into the balloon and cause the balloon to confrom to the boundry of the
hole. The volume is measured.

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