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The aim of this paper is to attempt and to demonstrate the use of radiation in the

new generation of telescopes that that will allow us to better observe the galaxy.
First of all, this paper will introduce a definition of electromagnetic waves; within
the range of the spectrum relating to radio waves that will be discussed in details.
The concept of radio radiation and its natural sources will be listed, leading to
outline of its practical applications. This will serve as the groundwork for a study
of recent developments in the usage of radiotelescope as a significant tool for
mapping the galaxy.

Electromagnetic waves:
In general waves are incident disturbance that occur in space and time periodically
over a distance called the wave length, transferring energy to or through a
spacetime region. Electromagnetic waves are type of waves that consist of
periodic oscillations in electrical and magnetic fields. According to Maxwell’s
equations, this type of distribution trigger by a time-varying electric field, this in
turn generates a time-varying magnetic field. Therefore, oscillation electric field
generates an oscillation magnetic field, likewise the magnetic field generates an
oscillation electric field, and these oscillation fields together form propagating
electromagnetic wave.
Electromagnetic waves include visible light, ultraviolet radiation, infrared
radiation, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays and radio waves. The differences in
their names refer to different wave lengths. These all together define scientifically
the electromagnetic spectrum, every range part of the spectrum is produced in very
different way, whereby detected them indifferent ways. Notwithstanding, all parts
of the electromagnetic spectrum are fundamentally the same, they are all
electromagnetic radiation. The radiation denotes energy that travels and spread out
as it goes. One of the facts of electromagnetic emissions that hotter, the more
energetic objects and events create higher energy radiation than cool objects.
Thereby only extremely hot objects or particles moving at very high velocities can
generate high-energy radiation like gamma rays and X-rays. Electromagnetic
radiation is described in terms of a stream of photons, which are massless particles
moving at the velocity of speed light in a wave like pattern, each photon represent
certain amount, or bundle, of energy, all the electromagnetic radiation consists of
these photons thereby the various types of electromagnetic radiation differs in the
amount of energy found in these photons. In fact, radio waves have photons with
low energy; microwaves have a little more energy than radio has, the most
energetic of all are the gamma rays. Indeed, the electromagnetic radiation is
expressed in terms of energy, wavelength, or frequency.

The following are the different types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum,
in order from lowest energy to highest:
Radio: radio waves are emitted by stars and gases in space; they are used by
astronomers to learn what they are made from. These radio waves are the same
kind that is emitted in certain frequencies by radio stations to broadcast media. It is
in the range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, these frequencies are divided by bands and
most of it is ranging from about 1cm to1km. The radio is very broad part of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
Microwaves: its frequencies falls in the range of 1GHz to 300 GHz they are
usually ranging from long as 1 m to short as 1mm. They are used in radio
astronomy to learn about the distance and structures of nearby galaxies, and our
milky way, and it has a wide application use in the radar system. At frequency
nearby 2.45 GHz it is used through food causing dielectric heating.
Infrared light: their wavelength is ranging from 0.7micron and 300 micron, micron
is millions of meters and the frequency range is between 1 THZ and 430THz. In
fact, our skin emits infrared light, which it opened the term of night vision
detection. In space, it is used as a tool to map the dust between stars.
Visible: it is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by
human eyes, it falls in the range from 4oo nm to 700 nm it is the narrow part of the
spectrum. Visible radiation is emitted by everything from fireflies to light bulbs to
Ultraviolet: the sun, stars and other hot objects in space emits ultraviolet radiation,
which it has the ability to burn human skin. It is in the wavelength range from 400
nm to 10 nm and its energy ranging between 3.1 ev to 124 ev
X-rays: they are emitted by hot gases in space, and are emanated from high energy
electrons struck a metal target. In the range from 124 ev and upward. X-rays are
widely used in medical in terms to image bones.
Gamma-rays: denotes to the electromagnetic radiation from nucleus as radioactive
process in some natural and manmade materials, where the universe is the biggest
gamma rays generator it makes gamma rays in all kinds of way. The energy of
nuclear radiation is extremely high because it is the intense interaction conflict
between the strongest forces nuclear and the electromagnetic forces in the nucleus.
Gamma rays energies greater than 1 Mev.
Electromagnetic radiation from space reach the surface of earth at a very few
length such as the visible light, radio frequencies and some ultraviolet
wavelengths, that is due to the earth atmosphere interact with radiation in which it
reduces the range of the received radiation on earth.

Radio waves: naturally occurring radio waves made by stars and other
astronomical objects, or by sparks and lightning. Over the wavelength range from
one centimeter to ten meters the earth atmosphere is practically transparent to
electromagnetic radiation, the long wavelengths of radio window from space is
imposed by ionosphere while the short wavelength end encounters a selective
absorption by oxygen and water vapor, though bands of partial transparency might
be found wavelengths down to a millimeter or less. Most of radio energy that
reaches earth from the sun or more remote sources, is distributed continuously over
the spectrum, like white light, but since the intensity increases strongly toward
long wavelength, it is convenient to describe radiation at a particular wavelength in
terms of intensity by giving the temperature of cavity within that would be able to
found the same flux of radiation at that particular wave length.

Artificially, radio is the accumulation of the results of the experiments, thoughts

and practices of a large numbers of individuals, each stimulated to make
contribution to a sum total of this knowledge. Among these workers were some
who are representing the outstanding physics of their time, including Ampere, Volt
and Faraday. The fundamental of their work led Maxwell in 1873, to the
conclusion high-frequency alternating currents, flowing in a circuit would give rise
to electric waves in the surrounding space. These waves are the waves now used in
radio communication and their first existence had been detected by Hertz, in
1887.From that time on extended studies were made an effort to develop a more
sensitive transmitting and receiving devices in order to reduce the occurrence
interference in radio transmission. Ever since radio waves are generated by various
types of transmitter, depending on the wave length. Different frequencies of radio
waves have different propagation characteristic in the earth atmosphere; long
waves may cover a part of the earth consistently, shorter waves reflects off the
ionosphere and travel across the world, and much shorter wavelengths bend or
reflect very little and travel on a line of sight. Radio waves are the lowest
frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum and they are mainly used for fixed and
mobile communication, broadcasting, radar and other navigation systems, satellite
communication, computer network and innumerable others applications. they are
divided into bands:
Long wave, it is around 1 to 2 km in wavelength. For example the radio station
“Atlantic 252” broadcast here.
Medium wave, it is around 100m in wavelength. Used by “AM” stations to
VHF stands for “very high frequency” and it has around of 2m wavelength. This is
where stereo “FM” radio station broadcast.
UHF, stands for “ultra high frequency”, has a wavelength less than metre. It is used
for police communication and television transmissions.
Uses of radio waves: the prime purpose of radio is to convey information from one
place to another through the intervening media, air, space, and non-conducting
materials, without wires. Though they are widely used for communication
transmitting sound and television signals, additionally they used in a coded form to
transmit data. In the radar form they for sending signals and picking up the
reflection from objects in their path. The radio range, radio compass and radio time
signals are widely used for ships and aircraft navigation. Global positioning
satellites sending radio signals used special receives to indicate precise positions.
Long range signals enables astronauts to communicate with earth from moon and
helpful tool to transfer information from space probes as they travel to distant
planets. Celestial bodies and interstellar gases emits relatively strong radio waves,
that radio astronomy used to observe it by radio telescope, which composed of
very sensitive receivers and large antennas. Notwithstanding, the fact of
atmospheric absorption radio astronomy goes for more advance observation,
whereby to conceive more advance techniques and find exploration transparent
window through which to look out from.
Radio astronomy and radio telescope:

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