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Interview Questions

Gus’s Interview

1. What do you think of Rap?

2. What age did you Start your Music career?

3. Did you get support from family and friends?

4. Where do you see yourself in the future?

5. Do you think Rapping causes young people hurt or getting young people in trouble?

6. What kind of Rappers do you like listening too? E.g. Eminem

7. Are you trying to get a message across to young people in your lyrics?

8. Does your music come from life experiences?

9. Who is your favourite Rapper?

Interview with young people

1. What do you think about Rap?

2. Do you think Rap music can be a bad influences on young people?

3. What do you think of some of the lyrics used in Rap music for e.g. swearing

4. How does Rap make your feel?

5. When you are angry do you listen to Rap to calm yourself down?

6. Have you been you any Rap concerts?

Interview with DJ Preeak

1. How did you first get into DJing?

2. Was there a particular artist who inspired you?

3. Do you think Rap music is for all ethnicities?

4. Do you think Rapping keeps young people out of trouble? Why

5. Do you think Rap music could be a bad influence on young people? For e.g. sometimes the are
lyrics disrespectful.

6. Who is your favourite Rap artist

Interview with Miss Edwards

Do you think young people can be influenced by the type of music they listen too?

Do you think there are too many violets in the game they play and the music they listen to?

Do you think expressing yourself through music can get aggression out of your system?

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