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Adjectives and adverbs


1. To use appropriate adjectives and adverbs to

describe and advertise a product.

National Curriculum

Key Stage 2, English, En3, 7a.


• Online activity: Adjectives and adverbs

(English/Spelling and grammar)

• An advert for a product that includes an

adverb or an adjective

• Individual whiteboards or jotters

Teaching activities

Show an advert for a product (could be real or
invented). Can children identify the adverbs and
adjectives? Revise the meanings of adverb (a word that
describes a verb) and adjective (a word that describes a
noun). Look at the Bitesize revision bite together on the
whiteboard to emphasise the meanings. Write a
sentence on the board that includes a verb, and has a
space for an adverb, e.g. 'She floated …………… down the
road'. Ask the children to think of an adverb that could
fill the space, and jot it down on their whiteboard or
jotter. Ask them to show their answers and pick up any
clever or unusual words. Write up another sentence,
this time with a missing adjective, e.g. 'He had ……………
hair'. Repeat the activity. To differentiate, ban some
groups from using 'easy' adjectives or adverbs (eg,
quickly, nice) to encourage thinking.

Work through and demonstrate the first advert from the
online activity on the class whiteboard. Let pairs take it
in turns to work through an advert of their choice. While
waiting to use the online activity, the rest of the class
can try to extend sentences by adding in appropriate
adjectives or adverbs. Write up 5 to 10 simple
sentences (e.g., 'The cat sat on the mat') on the
whiteboard. The children write down extended
sentences by adding in as many unusual but
appropriate adjectives or adverbs as they can (e.g.,
'The silky, smooth Persian cat sat dutifully on the harsh,
woollen mat').

Share children's sentences and copy a selection of them
onto a poster to display in class as a reminder.


Children can work through the online quiz.


Certain adjectives can change into adverbs by adding

'ly'. If an adjective ends in 'y', the 'y' has to be swapped
for an 'i' before adding the 'ly', e.g., funny changes to
funnily. Can the children make a list of any other 'y'
ending adjectives that can be turned into adverbs?

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