4.0 AppendixFrontpage v1

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R W A N D A N A T I O N A L L A N D U S E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T M A S T E R P L A N - A P P E N D I X 5

The National Land Use and Development Master Plan is referred to as the Plan in the text. STUDA is an abbreviation for the Plan
being used in some cases.

1 DRAFT LAW RELATING TO THE English, French and Kinyarwanda versions. To be adopted by the Parliament
2 ASSESSMENT INDICATORS FOR Current version needs to be updated and adjusted in time for Plan’s revision 2015
3 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR Working document. This is a first attempt to present guidelines for Integrated
DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLANNING District Development Planning. It is proposed that a working group with
participants from responsible authorities (MINALOC, NLC, etc.) jointly will be
working with the task and finalize the guidelines.
4 IMIDUGUDU RURAL SETTLEMENT Working document. This is a first attempt to present guidelines for Imidugudu
GUIDELINES village planning Planning. It is proposed that a working group with participants
from responsible authorities (MINALOC, NLC, etc.) jointly will be working with the
task and finalize the guidelines.
5 DISTRICT CENTRE DELINEATION Separate volume in printing format (A3)
6 URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN Working document. This is a first attempt to present guidelines for comprehensive
GUIDELINES urban development planning. It is proposed that a working group with
participants from responsible authorities (MININFRA, NLC, etc.) jointly will be
working with the task and finalize the guidelines.
7 INFORMAL SETTLEMENT Working document. Present ideas on contemporary informal settlement
VITALIZATION upgrading. It is proposed that a working group with participants from responsible
authorities (MININFRA, NLC, etc.) jointly will be working with the task and work out
corporate implementation strategies.

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R W A N D A N A T I O N A L L A N D U S E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T M A S T E R P L A N - A P P E N D I X

8 LIST OF PROJECT DOCUMENTATION Working document. The documents will be filed in the Plan’s portal at the web
9 MAP PORTFOLIO Working document. The documents will be filed in the Plan’s portal at the web
10 METADATA SPECIFICATION FOR Working document. The documents will be filed in the Plan’s portal at the web

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