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1. Constitutional Law of India

(1) Preamble.
(2) Fundamental Rights.
(3) Protection of Human Rights.
(4) Directive Principles.
(5) Fundamental Duties.
(6) President and the Union Council of Ministers.
(7) Governor and the State Council of Ministers.
(8) Indian Judiciary.
(9) Emergency Provisions.
(10) Amendment of the Constitution.
(11) Union and State Public Service Commissions.
2. Administrative Law
(1) Definition, Nature and Scope.
(2) Delegated legislation including Judicial & Parliamentary
(3) Principles of Natural Justice.
(4) Administrative adjudication including Administrative
(5) Writs - Mandamus, Certiorari, Prohibition, Habeas Corpus
and Quo warranto.
(6) Ombudsman (Lokpal, Lokayukt and Central Vigilance
3. Law of Contract
(1) General Principles of Law of contract (Sections : 1 to 75 of
the Indian Contract Act, 1872).
(2) Formation of Contract.
(3) Factors vitiating a contract.
(4) Void, voidable, Illegal & unenforceable contracts.
(5) Performance of contracts.
(6) Discharge of contractual obligations.
(7) Quasi - Contracts.
(8) Remedies for Breach of Contract.
4. Land Law of Madhya Pradesh -( M.P.Land Revenue Code,1959)
(1) Revenue Officers and their powers.
(2) Survey & Settlement.
(3) Assessment of Land Revenue.
(4) Record of Rights.
(5) Tenure holders - their Rights & Obligations.

5. Law of Torts
(1) Deferences and remedies for Torts.
(2) Negligence and Contributory Negligence.
(3) Nuisance
(4) Defamation
(5) Vicarious liability including State liability.
(6) Consumer Protection Act, 1986
(7) Consumer Disputes redressal agencies - their powers and
6. Law of Crimes - ( Indian Penal Code,1860 )
(1) General Exceptions.
(2) Unlawful Assembly.
(3) Murder and Culpable Homicide.
(4) Grevious hurt and simple hurt.
(5) Kidnapping and Abduction
(6) Attempt and Abetment and Criminal Conspiracy
(7) Theft, Robbery and Dacoity.
(8) Mischief & cheating.

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